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Everything posted by vidboi

  1. Nope, but you don't need to go searching the entire map for the last alien. If you clear the UFO and hold it for 5 turns you win the GC mission, even if there are some aliens left alive. Means you don't have to go searching all over the map for the last one!
  2. Ah, but this is xenonauts, nothing should work The thing is, what makes this game so infuriating is what makes it so great - the whole thing is completely unfair. It does asymmetric combat like nothing else - the only advantage you have is, well, you. You've got to be tactically smart enough to overcome the odds, which means if you make a mistake you will get punished, especially on the harder difficulty levels. Watching tutorials will never teach you as well as your mistakes. Everyone develops their own slightly different play style that works for them - I don't even use shields any more, let alone vehicles. Jumping in at veteran is definitely not recommended, learn the game a bit on normal first so you're starting GC with some knowledge of the pain that's about to come your way and it'll help a lot. Oh, and take a night mission some time, they take the GC intensity and turn it up to 11
  3. Hi all, encountered a very strange bug earlier today. Started an air combat mission and the message to engage in ground combat appeared immediately (maybe contact in both cases at exactly the same time?). GC then began with AC screen showing in the background off-map as shown: after finishing GC the game returned to the world map, but was stuck paused and crashed when quitting the game. Also another minor bug with air combat: if an interceptor has to abort due to low fuel mid way through an evasive roll it stops the roll, which can (and did) result in the interceptor being shot down.
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