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  1. Sorry but I have say it, all people who said that sending 2 teams would make the game easy probably didn't understand my post So I did say "" I think that the introduction of a second transport helicopter will not disturb the game if it is done wisely. The way I see it, when large or huge alien ships appear with 30-60 creatures on board, a team of 12 soldiers may not be enough. So we invent technologies, advanced tactics and advanced support, which will allow the player to equalize the odds by introducing an additional transport helicopter. However, if this is not enough, we also call on the army for help and pay them dearly for their help."" What is important "when large or huge alien ships appear with 30-60 creatures on board, a team of 12 soldiers may not be enough". Additionally I do agree that at the very beginning of the game player should be winning mission only by outnumber the aliens. After thinking about it, I change my mind and I'm going to say something controversial at the very biginning of the game player should NOT be able to win any mission because allien has better weapon, armor. If player will able to kill one enemy and take him and his stuff to his base it would be a success. In order to show the difference in technology, which means that even with the support of the army, the player is helpless and powerless in the fight against aliens. Aliens are able to withstand fire from all weapons except the heaviest ones, such as anti-tank missiles fired from tank guns and RPGs. I do not agree with Komandos statement "And a slow transport with 20 (24) soldiers will not be able to arrive in time ...." Even now we can postpone mission to choose play in day condition because at night you are screwed, so you can postpone mission until second transport arrive. 18) suggestion - this game has specific weapons that can be used in the game like pistol and shotgun. My proposal is that the player who effectively uses a weapon in missions (i.e. shot and hit/missed the enemy) receives experience in this type of weapon and, for example, a successful shot is 3 experience points if it misses 1. Experience accumulates with each mission and after collecting the appropriate amount of number, the player gains a level of proficiency in that weapon. How many proficiency levels there were and what they would give is something to consider, I suggest that for pistols or rifles... it would be -2% Time unit per shot per level. Similar levels of proficiency could be generalized for kinetic or energy weapons. Of course, there would be proficiencies for grenades or melee weapons.
    2 points
  2. Your opinion is based on the current state of the game, which is only its initial stage. Imagine that at some point ships with 50 aliens on board will enter the fight, do you think that 6 or even 10 of your soldiers will be able to deal with them? Such a scenario is probably possible on a very easy and easy difficulty level, however, not all players believe that the game is supposed to be easy and pleasant and will choose the normal or higher difficulty level. You say that at the beginning you only need 6 soldiers to win the missions, as you will notice, now alliens do not they use grenades or heavy weapons that destroy everything in area, in this case 6 of your men die very quickly. Additionally, as I wrote earlier, the initial missions should be unwinnable due to the technological gap between humanity and aliens. Let's assume that you are the general commander of aliens and you have to conquer a new planet. You have the element of surprise on your side, you know what weapons your opponent is using and then you do not send women and children to fight, but battle-hardenedwell-trained warriors to whom you give the best weapons, armor and equipment so that they do not die like ducks. I see that our approaches are different, mine is based on x-com from the 90s, yours is based on its clone from 2012. I'm not saying that a difference of opinion is a bad thing, but the question should be asked whether this game is supposed to be a successful heir to X-Com from the 1990s or from its clone from 2012. I believe that the first option is true, but ... Maybe you're right, and every action that causes you to use a weapon increases your experience with it. Perhaps actions such as accurate shots during combat should increase the morale of the soldier who fired the shot, and a shot causing the death of an alien increases the morale of our soldiers who saw it, what do you think about this way of increasing morale?
    1 point
  3. Thanks for the bug report. Yeah this was indeed a reported issue and is now fixed on the experimental version of the game. However the save isn't compatible due to the massive changes and additional content that were added in 2.07 (experimental version).
    1 point
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