v25.3 Playtest SitRep #4 [Veteran]
'Explosive Death' tooltip, word 'show' should be 'shown'.
Xenopedia entry for 'Skyhawk' lists speed as 7200 KpH which is 4X faster than X-3 listed as 1800 KpH.
'Storeroom' building lists +200 adjacency bonus, yet total items stored/capacity is not shown anywhere.
Soldier weapons in transfer show available quantity in 'Armory' but can't be equipped, confusing.
142 days into campaign. Researched 'Heavy Lasers', 'Vehicle Lasers', and 'Improved Lasers' or thereabouts (can't tell for sure because Xenopedia isn't finished/doesn't reflect research). An aircraft laser weapon hasn't unlocked but base defense laser upgrade did. Large UFOs are starting to appear that I cannot do enough damage to. Are there aircraft laser weapons?
'Vehicle Lasers' project 'Laser Cannon' tooltip speaks of 'high caliber projectiles' inconsistent with coherent beams of light.
'Vehicle Lasers' project didn't seem to do anything.
'Armory | Edit Loadout' - Cursor doesn't align with text in input box.
Save loading dialog requires voodoo and mystic clicking: The game usually won't recognize and load the most recent save-game, frequently hanging on the loading screen. If I exit the loading screen and open it again it will load the save. Seems to depend on how quickly I click on the first save. I've had the first save selected, the load button enabled, but gray thumbnail and it won't load. Unselecting the save and reselecting it resulted in a disabled load button.
Middle section of bottom border of save dialog is missing/not visible.
For Sebillian 'Brute' Autopsy, the tooltip for 'Scaled Skin' is missing bottom border of bounding box.
Xenopedia entry for 'X-55 Phantom Interceptor' lists speed as '2520 Kph' while 'Aircraft Screen' says top speed is '4800 kph'. Is the difference with afterburner? Similar discrepancy exists for 'X-25'.
'Armory' - 'Actuator Module' added to a 87 strength soldier with 116/117 carry weight results in soldier with 128/130 carry weight but with -11 TU penalty. A TU penalty seems to apply regardless of soldier strength. Why penalty if soldier isn't overweight with module added?
'Base stores' - Infinite laser machineguns. [Previously reported bug by other user]
Tactical Combat:
Wraiths appear shimmering light blue. Autopsy says they are cloaked. Not very stealthy?
Soldiers in alien base control room must move each turn to reveal remaining aliens. Rest of map not revealed. Prefer didn't have to move and all map revealed.
Alien base control room floor can be seen and shot through. Is this right? Assaulting this room without getting anyone hurt/killed is...tedious and time consuming. The teleporters are too far from the door to reach upstairs with any TU left to do much. If anyone is left downstairs, the aliens just shoot down through the floor and kill someone. Smoke doesn't help. Even flashbanged, the aliens can still shoot on their turn.
Flashbangs destroy items on ground and captured aliens - Prefer they didn't.
I get flashes of red text in lower left corner of screen occasionally while playing. Looks like some sort of console interface.
'Armory' soldier list was left aligned with soldier portrait/stats (OCD) and did not have to be scrolled with larger capacity dropships. There is available screen space above portrait and below list that could be utilized to extend list.
'Armory' item lists' scroll position wouldn't reset when right-clicking items.
Mousewheel scroll on 'Select Loadout' was much faster.