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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2022 in Posts

  1. We've now pushed out Closed Beta V24.7b onto our standard Steam / GOG branches. This is a major update for the game that contains all of the content from Build V24 and all fixes and additions from the subsequent hotfixes. Please let us know if you encounter any major issues with it - although hopefully its time on the Experimental branches will have made it relatively stable!
    1 point
  2. Been playing some, and while very enjoyable for the most part, I got to say the reaction fire from aliens is going to give me a heart attack. I got absolutely slaughtered in two instances, and both times it just killed all the fun I was having. First was the base of the Cleaners. Opening a door there meant certain death if you try to do anything. Those turrets just cut through everyone and everything, especially in combination with the Cleaner agents. I have no idea how to tackle that, except by bringing lots of armor, I guess? I had to flee. Then the same thing happened when I attacked an alien base. It was a fun fight until I had to teleport up into a small room filled with aliens, standing in all corners. No cover anywhere. Doing anything triggered a reaction fire that would one-shot my guys. It was extremely frustrating and turned into degenerate gameplay trying to avoid the reaction fire. Lots of save scumming. I'm wondering what the rest of you think, is the reaction fire fun? It seems every unit will take a reaction, which means you can't do anything. Also, a funny incident was when I ran into an alien, and thanks to them being tanky as hell suddenly, my guy couldn't kill it with an upgraded shotgun at point blank. So he promptly died after firing. It got me thinking that it wouldn't matter what I did in that situation. He was dead anyway, since running triggers reaction fire as much as shooting. Another thing that happened was that my base was attacked. I kinda expected to be like in Xenonauts 1, but here it was incredibly easy. Just take notice of where you can't spawn, and set up a killing field around it. Is it really supposed to be like that? I was passive throughout the whole defense. The aliens just threw themselves against my defensive line and got murdered, again through reaction fire, but this time working for me. Then we have the doors. Why can't I close them anymore? Was it considered cheesy or something in Xenonauts 1? It just seems weird not to be able to close doors anymore. And last. Grenades being able to be thrown like a baseball. I'm not sure I like that, it looks weird, and seems a bit OP. One alien threw a grenade in a straight line across a whole room right into the face of one of my men. While it looked funny, it sure felt like a bullshit moment. I know you can do it yourself also, and I don't like it here either. Shouldn't grenades be an arc thing? It is what makes them unique. It also put limits on its uses indoors, which I think is a good penalty. Now anyone strong enough can hurl it like a pro baseball player at any target. That was all from me!
    1 point
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