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About alien AI

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I just had this happen in my game. My guy moves as the red arrow shows to tile A. Alien reaction fires from the green tile. My guy shoots at the alien and then runs for cover to tile C. After that my other guys come from cover to tiles marked with B. Then I end my turn. On the alien turn the alien behind the container does not show himself (my other guy probably would have reaction fired him). Instead a grenade flies from the green tile to my wounded guy at C and kills him. So my question is how does the cleverness of AI explain this? In addition to the exact spot, it seems that it knew that there are more than one guy since the alien threw a grenade, but we can't be sure of that. Also, I didn't see any other aliens who could have seen me there.


Curious thing is that I have had this happened once before and then it was again on this same map. I didn't understand how the alien knew I was behind a wall and threw a grenade there, and it was an alien that was spawned around that same location too. It threw the grenade over the long wall which is southeast from the location on the screenshot.

EDIT: Do aliens throw grenades at lonely soldiers?



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I`m not sure what you`re saying here. Are you saying that the Alien should only ever chuck a nade when two people are together and it cheated? Like it magically knew there were two? As far as I can tell it made a smart move, one you could do as well.

I`ve done that to the Alien when I saw it run behind a wall. Blew it up and gave it the shock of its Alieny life.

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No I'm not saying that it's cheating to throw grenade at only one guy. But in 191 hours of playing I have not seen a grenade thrown at a soldier who is alone.

But the real question was that how it threw it to the right tile. Only stopped to that tile since he ran out of TUs. So I'm wondering what kind of experiences others have from these kinds of situations. I have seen people complainin before that it is almost as if the alien AI knew how much TUs soldiers have left.

I have yet to see a grenade thrown to a wrong tile by alien soldier...

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There are apparently two criteria that cause an alien to throw a grenade: a shield-bearing soldier and a group of clustered soldiers. So if they had a shield, that's probably why.

Given what other people have said about grenades being thrown at unseen soldiers, it wouldn't surprise me if there's a bug in the code which forgets to check whether the alien actually knows the unit is there, just using the above criteria instead.

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