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V21 (Ex 6) Ground Combat - Shotguns cannot suppress

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I have read some questions about aliens taking reaction shots while suppressed, so I decided to run some tests (V21 Experimental 6, normal difficulty):

First, an incidental and mostly negligible observation – a weapon's suppression radius cannot extend beyond the weapon's range. Example:

Shotgun Range = 8

Shotgun Suppression Radius = 2

A shell impacting 8 squares away cannot suppress an alien standing on the 9th or 10th beyond even though the suppression radius extends there.

Now to the main point – I edited basic armor values to max, increased suppression values for all ballistic weapons, increased clip capacities, and decreased AP and reload costs. This allowed for guaranteed suppression of all aliens while my soldiers marched invincibly back and forth in front of them.

The tests haven't yet shown an alien reacting while suppressed, nor have they shown a suppressed alien acting with full TU's during the alien's own turn (I never saw an alien take more than two snap shots after being suppressed), but they do seem to indicate that shotguns cannot suppress.

All weapons except shotguns were able to. Shotguns never did, even after dozens of shots tested with values ranging from normal up to 500 (normal is 50). Since shotguns do not have bursts, the game assigns them no suppression values.

More specifically, the problem is this:

<Ammo name="ammo.ballistic.shotgun" type="kinetic" damage="25" mitigation="0" pelletCount="3">

For any gun to which “pelletCount” has been added, the game references only its suppression values from its “BurstFire” line:

<BurstFire ap="60" accuracy="35" sound="Weapon Assault Rifle Burst" delay="0.6" burstdelay="0.1" shotCount="3" suppressionValue="60" suppressionRadius="3" />

No shotgun has this line (the example above is taken from Assault Rifles), so both variables are seen as zero.

Removing “pelletCount” allows shotguns to suppress (albeit with just a single round).

Adding a “BurstFire” line will also.

After adding this, I set the suppression values for single shots to 5 and 1, and for bursts to 500 and 5. This resulted in 100% suppression for all three shot types. I next reversed these numbers and then all shot types took dozens more to suppress.

Assault Rifles, which do not have “pelletCount,” appropriately reference the differing suppression values for single shots and bursts.

Anyhow, thanks for reading. Many apologies if the science/observations/guesses are incorrect. ;)

**** EDIT

Adding bursts to shotguns does mean that each individual burst shot sends out pellets, though snap and normal shots work as intended. For fun I set the pellet count to 100 and the shot count to 10. The game didn't crash, but it did hang for a while. :P

Edited by mr_pa
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