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[ V5.4.0 Experimental - Tactical ] CTD during Alien Base Raid end of turn


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Crash occurs during end of turn during tactical combat a few turns into an Alien base mission. It happens pretty consistently, usually after an andron walks through a door and triggers a bunch of reaction fire, but the first time it happened at least one other alien got to move after that. It does sound like something in the fog of war moves just before the crash happens, so that's likely the culprit.

bug_report_2024-12-22-12h39_gc_5.4.0_unhandled_exception.zip bug_report_2024-12-22-12h42_gc_5.4.0_unhandled_exception.zip

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On 12/25/2024 at 6:04 AM, Ubernoob8470 said:

Latest patch fixed it for me, thank you devs. Merry Christmas.

Late reply but glad to hear it sorted things out for you! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :)

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