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[v27.6 base defense] crash to desktop

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I'm not entirely sure what I did (I may have been rotating the soldier, not sure where I clicked), but suddenly my screen filled with red debug text, and about 10 seconds later the game went away.

edit: I've confirmed it's reproducible, just move the mouse somewhere near the cyberdrone and crash.


auto_groundcombat_turn_3_end-599.json Logs.zip

Edited by SoftwareSimian
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On 6/14/2023 at 5:39 AM, SoftwareSimian said:

I'm not entirely sure what I did (I may have been rotating the soldier, not sure where I clicked), but suddenly my screen filled with red debug text, and about 10 seconds later the game went away.

edit: I've confirmed it's reproducible, just move the mouse somewhere near the cyberdrone and crash.


auto_groundcombat_turn_3_end-599.json 2.71 MB · 0 downloads Logs.zip 333.98 kB · 0 downloads

Thanks. This is a really weird crash. A few questions:

  • The game is crashing because the floor of the blast door area doesn't have a door script on it. Which is weird because it doesn't need one, because it's a floor rather than a door.
  • It looks like something has gone very wrong in your map. All the actual blast doors are invisible in that screenshot? They're not invisible for me if I load the save. Are they for you?
  • What happened to all those rotated floor tiles around the Cyberdrone? They don't look that way for me either.

Did anything strange happen during or before the mission that might have caused all this weird behaviour?

EDIT - no, this is super strange. Sometimes when I load that save the blast doors are present, and other times they're not. The game doesn't crash if the blast doors are present, and it does if you hover the mouse over where they should be if they're not present.

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I'm not sure how I broke it :-)

I lined up my (woefully unprepared new-recruit) soldiers along the wall for some reaction fire, they fired at stuff in the first turn, and what you see is the second turn. I don't have the autosaves any more (other than the one attached above). I didn't notice the rotated tiles at the time but yeah, that's weird. The tiles don't appear rotated for me when I load the savegame, all looks well except all the blast doors are missing. And when you mouse over a missing blast door it crashes.

completely foolproof.jpg

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