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Found 5 results

  1. I will be adding clips of gameplay, air fights, ground combat, going to have a few pictures working as a semi slideshow as well. Would like to know opinions about the music choice and if it fits. also update: once I make significant changes I will edit this post and I will post again so you guys can check out the video again.
  2. I didn't see anywhere better to put this, but I created a small play through of Xenonauts V14 on Mac. Check it out at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wgl9PZP6a4
  3. FYI all, I recently posted 2 Xenonauts Game Play videos on Youtube to help get the word out. Following are the links in case anyone is interested:
  4. Note: I'm assuming making a thread like this is allowed, but if it isn't, don't hesitate to tell me and delete this thread if you're a mod. For those who are interested (especially if you haven't preordered yet), I'll be streaming some Xenonauts on Twitch.tv for the next few hours. I'll play on normal difficulty, but with Ironman mode active. Don't hesitate to ask me any question about the game, or about anything, really. My channel: http://www.twitch.tv/spencer_ruler
  5. Like the title says are we allowed to stream our gameplay of this game. I wasn't sure because I didn't see a giant non disclosure agreement during purchase was all.
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