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  1. I'm enjoying myself immensely with this, and am loving the responsiveness and involvement with the community. At some point, when the game's out or before that I'd be interested in arranging a meeting and buying as many staff that can make it to the pub a drink. Virtual drinks perhaps for Matthew and Sathra? Edit: This is wildly off topic, sorry 'bout that. I opened the wrong tab >_>.
  2. i saw this trailer today and i instantly thought of Xenonauts could pull this off as a mod and even use movie footage and voices for it i think it would be an amazing fit the retro ships have an X-Com feel to them im going to have to learn to mod to work on this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLPlpk6APQA&feature=related
  3. Wild boredom + reading WH 40K fiction = oh, I should try writing a fic about the iceland incident! So...yeah. Enjoy. ------------------- Transcript of interview with PFC James Smith, 15th August 1958. Transcript comment: For this transcript, [REDACTED] will be referred to as 'I' and PFC Smith will be referred to as 'A' I: Your name? A: Uh, my official- I: Yes, your current name. A: Oh, um. Private James..uh..Smith. First Class. That is, uh, Private First Class James Smith. I: Okay PFC Smith, is it alright if I call you James? A: Yeah, okay I guess. Sure. I: Okay James, why don't you start? A: From the beginning? I: From the beginning. A: Uhm, so. Uh. Well, about 6 or 7 in the morning we were told to get kitted up. Some kind of alert. We weren’t told anything, just “get ready right now!” Some of the guys thought it was a drill. I: What did you think it was? A: Dunno. Drill sounded about right. Or maybe the Russians were invading or something. I didn’t really care. It was cold. I: What happened next? A: Well...about a hour or so later, we got some orders about some plane crashing. Or a nuke. Aliens. Lots of rumours. Official orders said it was a B-52. Search and Rescue op. Either way, we were all rushing about. Getting gear loaded on the transports, cold-weather gear. I don’t think anyone on the ground knew what was really going on. They’d even gotten some of the Cav guys with their tanks readying themselves. It was crazy. Why bring tanks to a search and rescue? I: So the orders didn’t really make sense? A: Not really. But it is, well...was, the Army. You hear about crazy stuff all the time. Russian spy bears in the forests photographing stuff, things like that. I: I...don’t believe I’ve ever heard that one. But continue with your report. A: Uh, yeah. So...we were getting on the transports. Sergeant said we were going to Iceland, so we were all in cold weather kit. It was kind of uncomfortable after a while. Better than getting your nuts frozen though. Some of the guys were talking, apparently someone said nukes got used. I didn’t believe them. I mean, if something did get nuked, why would we be going there? Wouldn’t be much left. I: Hmm. That’s understandable. Continue. A: Uhm. Yeah. So...we were on the transports for a long time. Everyone went quiet after a while. It happens, y’know? Long trip, run out of stuff to talk about. We eventually arrived. Lots of trees and snow and stuff. I: So you couldn’t see the crash site? A: Uh..kinda. In the distance, some big plume of smoke or something. Everyone was crashing around though. Snow and shit everywhere. All running around, setting up tents and those...tent things without walls? I: Pavilions? A: Yeah, something like that. For the brass. So, normal army stuff. Hurry up, hurry up. Then wait. Set up a perimeter, to keep the locals out. Weren’t many locals though. Or much else. Brass kept looking over at the smoke plume thing though, they looked worried. I: Worried? A: Yeah...like...it was something bad. Scared maybe. I remember thinking, maybe there were nukes on board, and that’s why we weren’t moving in. I: Nukes? A: Well, orders said it was a crashed bomber or something. And we were just hanging around a couple miles away. Not much of a search and rescue. Made sense, nukes and all. Classified, didn’t want no-one to know too much. Then the Russians arrived after midday or so. I: Russians? A: Yeah. Big guys, with the red star on their uniforms? Some of them weren’t wearing jackets. Hard-asses. Like you see in the comic books. I: Comic books? A: Heh, yeah. Some of the guys in the barracks tease me about it. Well, used to. Reading comic books. But I like the stories. Super-powers, aliens, all the sciency stuff. Robots. Russians are always these big, tough guys. Gruff and serious. I: So, the Russian soldiers looked like professionals? A: Like veterans. I mean, we had some on our side too. Paratroopers. These guys looked like them. I was pretty nervous, some of the other guys too. The Russian guys, I don’t think they cared. I: So what did you think was going on? A: By that point? I had no idea. If it were nukes, why would the Russkies be there? Without us fighting them I mean. They brought tanks too. Little ones, compared to ours. Shorter too. Bigger guns though. I: Ah, T-54’s? A: I dunno. I’m not Cav. All tanks to me. Anyways, we all got on trucks. Well, not the tank guys of course. The Russians went with us, in our trucks. That was...really strange. They didn’t talk to us, not sure if any of them spoke English really. I was sitting across from one of them. He looked over at me, and he kind of...shrugged or something. With his eyes. Kept fiddling with his rifle too. I guess he was nervous? I: About being in the truck with you? A: *Laughing* Nah. I don’t think so. Maybe their brass told them more? I’d be nervous too if I knew what was coming up. I didn’t though, so I’m watching this big hard Russkie paratrooper fiddling with his gun and thinking “What’s he so nervous about?” *Serious* Didn’t see him again after we got to the site.
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