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Found 2 results

  1. A Storm of Missiles is coming straight for your Two Condors which you thought would be perfect to handle a few Heavy Fighters, an Alien Interceptor downs your last Marauder because you thought it was immune to the full frontal firepower of two Alien Interceptors, and we all know the story of the Corsair Pilot that tried to shoot down all three Interceptors alone for the sake of protecting the Dropship... Today, I present to you an Aircraft like no other! The X-125 "Tranquility" is a mid-to-late-game Electronic Countermeasures Aircraft armed with the "Quin" Plasma Web and a Heavy EMP Delivery System known as the "Serenity" Electronic Countermeasures Missile. Oh, and those alien missiles? Provided you can keep such an expensive aircraft maintained you'll be fine. Download (Version 1.3HF): A Storm of Tranquil Fury Installation Instructions: Step 1 - Install the mod via X:CE's Launcher. Step 2 - Activate the Mod. Manual Installation: Step 1 - Extract File to the game's "Mods" folder. Step 2 - Boot up the launcher and activate the Mod. Balance Notes: -The X-125 "Tranquility" is balanced to be a Support Aircraft so don't be surprised if you 'accidentally' lose it because you were careless or didn't pay attention to where it was. -Alien Interceptors turn roughly 3x faster than the Tranquility itself so don't be careless when engaging. -The Tranquility's Missile Shield blocks one missile per second. -Alien Fighters/Interceptors can fire more missiles than in Vanilla. -The "Serenity" ECM Missile can bypass Missile Shields. Changelog: Screenshots:
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