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Everything posted by dashtun

  1. can confirm,equiping medipack will make it lost...also shield starts at 0 hp for me - unless i fcked up and it needs that repair thingy to use
  2. no it means you need to get 20 progression points to get 1 strength point while 20 progression points is also a max number for a mission progression points is a point system within skill points system,it just doesnt show up in game btw if you want 20 strength in one battle youd have to change maxPointsInSingleBattle modifier to 400
  3. stats should have a hard cap for balance reasons,but it would be nice if soldiers could have ability to gain special skills to keep rpg element of the game going because stats progression is one of the most satisfying things about your soldiers
  4. noooo,i love light scouts crash sites,nothing better than to speed run a small crashsite after you spend an hour figuring out how to do a landship...id even like more small crashsites in mid/late game just to break a monotony of a mission difficulty progression
  5. is there a way to get weapons only from your mod? ive tried it and i absolutely love the weapons,however if i try to run it with xnt- into darkness,it gets overwritten and im left with vanilla with asymetric weapons mod i know i could run into darkness with xenophobia mod,but i tried that and the amount of micromanagment was insane basicaly im looking for into darkness with asymetric weap. mod and corp weapons mod all together for great gun options + enhanced gameplay
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