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Posts posted by MacGyverDTH

  1. Are there any news about the development of Xenonauts2? I was searching for an approx. release date or an date when we can preorder the game (or when kickstarter starts). Maybe i just did not found it, but i thought in one video or thread it says that release was planned for 2017. Is this still the plan or will it be 2018 or later?

  2. I can not wait to play this game. But because i have not so much time to play i will start playing it when i am sure there will be no more changes which makes my savegames not working. So as soon as i read that there will be no more changes which makes the older savegames corrupt i will start playing. I played for about one hour today and it feels great so far. I hope for an release very soon.

  3. I bought the game, but am unable to get on Desura for some reason so I can not wait for it to be out on steam!!! I've been waiting so long to play this!! It's come along way and amazing development!

    And where is my fancy badge? lol

    Read this: How to claim your Pre-Order forum badge!

    I also can not wait for the steam release. And when this game gets final and is translated to german i will have to do one week holiday to play this game ;-)

  4. I hope all the missing text in the research tree will be added soon. There are still many with "####" in it. I played all the new releases for about 1-2 hours. But i dont want to play longer when there is still some text i can not read (because ####). Thats why i wait till there is a version (beta ?) where all the text is implemented and then i will play longer. But for me it is very important to read all text to get the full story of the game while playing. (I know this is a alpha/beta...)

  5. When there is no german language in the game when it will be release i will also be a little disappointed. That was one of the points that made me preorder the game. I can read some english, but the research and xenopedia stuff is really hard to read for me because of the technical terms. Maybe Chris can clear this point and say if there will definitly be an german language at the release or if they will do this after the game is released (or he waits till the community will do this for him...)

  6. uhm, xenonauts sollte komplett in deutsch von selber spielbar sein zu release.

    Was er jetzt macht ist für uns während der beta, da diese english only ist.

    Oh, dann hatte ich das falsch verstanden, ich dachte das das dann sozusagen für den Release verwendet wird und hier für Chris quasi die Vorarbeit geleistet wird. Danke für die Info.

  7. Wird es den (ich nenn es jetzt mal "Deutsch Patch") dann erst beim Release des final Xenonauts geben ? Also wenn es sozusagen offiziell released wurde oder ab wann kann man den Deutsch Patch nutzen ? (Also ich meine jetzt eine Version die komplett oder nahezu komplett alles übersetzt wurde)

    Falls du vor Release schon einen Patch zur verfügung stellst solltest du dann aber immer unbedingt dazuschreiben für welche Version (zb. v18.3) des Spiels die Dateien sind. Oder spielt das keine Rolle ?

  8. You should be able to freely aim grenades wherever you want the same way you can with normal guns.

    I started a new game and now it was working. But it was not possible to destroy the bushes with a grenade, i had to wald around them. I think it should be possible to destroy bushes with grenades.

  9. I played a few minutes this release (i did not played much before, i am waiting for beta) and there is a thing i am really missing for tactical ground combat: Why can i not throw a grenade where i want ? I want to throw one into a bush / shrubbery to destroy it and move through it (so i have not to move all the way around). But i just can throw it where someone is standing. Or i want to throw a grenade on a place nearby a alien (when i can not see the alien, but suppose one). But this seems also not to be possible. Will this feature be added in the final mission ? It would be really annoying if not (for me...) Or is there a chance to throw it where i want and i just did something wrong ?

  10. I have the problem that the ground combat missions look every time the same (don't know if this is a bug or just not implemented yet). All houses are on the same place, just sometimes the ufo is on another place. Will there be in the release version of the game some more alternation ? In the original UFO there were different types of houses (big, small) and in every mission they were on another place, sometimes just one house, sometimes 4 or 5 of them. So every mission looked different from the other. I miss this alternation in this build of the game. After some missions you exactly know where you can walk along and there is no real exploring of the map...

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