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Everything posted by Slayerjerman

  1. Anything you can do to make ammo types in weapons.xml act like ammo.rocket? For example, assigning a gun to accept ammo.ballistic would let it use all ballistic ammos like how ammo.rocket lets the rocketlauncher use all rocket types....?
  2. I had a silly idea to make a projectile-based medkit, using the medkit entry in weapons_gc as a template, I took it's properties and combined them with those of a standard assault rifle: <Weapon name="weapon.healrifle" bulletType="normal" emptySound="Empty Click 1"> <props range="22" hands="2" recoil="0" weight="5" isHeavy="0" clipSize="20" reloadAPCost="25" reloadSound="Weapon Ballistic Reload" strengthLimited="0" reactionModifier="1.2" /> <SingleShot sound="Weapon Assault Rifle Single" delay="0.6" suppressionValue="20" suppressionRadius="2"> <Set1 ap="24" accuracy="46" /> <Set2 ap="60" accuracy="105" /> </SingleShot> <BurstFire ap="32" accuracy="32" sound="Weapon Assault Rifle Burst" delay="0.6" burstdelay="0.1" shotCount="3" suppressionValue="30" suppressionRadius="3" /> <GUIImage name="gui/weapons/AssaultRifle.png"/> <GroundImage name="grounditemimages/ballistic_rifle.png"/> <Ammos> <Ammo name="ammo.ballistic.medicammo" type="energy" damage="-50" stunDamage="0" mitigation="0" > <Projectile spectre="projectiles/bullet/bullet" speed="2000" showAfterDistance="60.0" /> <Impact spectre="particles/bulletplume/bulletplume"/> </Ammo> </Ammos> </Weapon> The weapon is based on the medkit's entry, it uses negative damage on a melee hit to heal, so I simply made the damage on the rifle ammo projectile to be negative as well. In combat, when I force-target a friendly unit, I get the heal-cursor as if I were using a medkit, but when I shoot them, the bullet does absolutely nothing (no damage and no healing...nothing!). I see the bullet hitting the target, they get suppressed...etc, but damage isn't registering at all. I'm out of ideas and assume that you cant have negative damage on projectiles? Thoughts?
  3. So I was tinkering and got to thinking why should weapons be limited to a single ammo type. I spent a whole day experimenting with weapons & ammos. Using weapon.rocketlauncher as a template since that's the only weapon I know that can change ammo types, i was able to create a test rifle that allows for switching ammo magazines and shoots bullets with various effects and such. However, it's kind of a sloppy hack as I simply made a copy of the default assault rifle, and created ammos called weapon.rocket.AP. weapon.rocket.HE, weapon.rocket.ZAP.... and edited weapons_gc.xml to fire the various new ammo types. The side effect of this is that the test rifle had to be given the ammo property in weapons.xml as "ammo.rocket" to allow it to accept the multiple ammos and place the new ammo magazines under equipment/Rockets in the GUI. Trying to assign it "ammo.ballistic.rifle" resulted in the gun only accepting the standard magazine as valid ammo even though I have other ammos set up in weapons_gc...so that was no good. While the test rifle cannot load ammo.ballistic.rifle magazines directly, it does work with any rocket ammo (which again, is a sloppy hack), including the new rocket ammos I made. I set up the weapon so that if it loaded any other rocket ammo it'd in effect fire as if it was standard rifle ammo (so that if you loaded weapon.rocket.frag, it would act as a standard rifle magazine), with the exception of the 3 new ammo types. You can load standard assault rifle magazines in combat if you use the quick reload on the UI, but not if you drag standard rifle mags onto the gun in the inventory screen, which is interesting, so its partially working there. The downside is that with this method, weapons accept any rockets as magazine ammo and that new rocket ammo is treated globally, meaning that you would have sniper/MG/assault/shotgun/pistol all sharing the same ammo pool, effectively making ammo universal.... thats no good I tried also creating ammo.ballistic.rifle and ammo.ballistic.rifleHE....both ammos work but only for the specific gun its assigned to be used. If a rifle is assigned ammo.ballistic.rifle, it wont load the other type and vice-versa. So thats no good either! ANYWAY - TLDR; Inside weapons.xml, under the "AMMO" column, is there anyway to allow a gun to accept multiple ammo types and/or somehow make all entries for "ammo.ballistic" act the same as ammo.rocket? I want 1 gun to use 5 ammos, like the rocket launcher to avoid having 5 guns for 5 ammo types.
  4. Download link works fine, but i've put a secondary link here: http://goforthanddie.com/wp-content/uploads/Corp-Weapons-Expansion-v1.0.4.zip
  5. You also need to setup what unit animation files it uses when in combat under /assets/units/xenonaut. Inside there are each of the armor animation sets for each xenonaught armor. Then you create a folder called weapon.yourweaponname inside EACH armor folder and place a file soldier_spectre.xml soldier_spectre.xml contains data referencing what animation set the unit will use when equipped with that armor & weapon. If you need an example of one of these, check inside units/xenonaught/armour.basic/weapon.assaultshield.... What that XML does is reference the same animation set as the combatshield so that when you wear the assaultshield, the unit looks right. If you do not setup /units/ as stated above, your solider will be invisible in combat and unable to move when you try to use your custom weapon.
  6. v1.0.4 is up. + fixed bad code that was causing a crash with plasma weapons on geoscape equip screen + repaired /units/ data for all new weapons + cleaned up bad code in weapons_gc that was crashing combat + revised metalstorm weapons to spray more bullets, but with less damage + removed additional burst fire modes from all new guns, as code wasnt working, this fixed crashes.
  7. About 8 hours total, That was mostly spent across the last two days, and most of that time was learning the files and what goes where and editing and cropping weapon sprite files (that are not presently in the mod as I am awaiting the reply from the original artist). Fixing the /unit/ data files took about an hour which was mostly again figuring out the XMLs and some creative copy/paste. Next set of weapons will go a lot faster and have fewer issues, if any. Heh.
  8. Is this compatible with XNT or do we need a compat patch for that too? I wanna give it a try, but not at the expense of messing up my XNT and saves.
  9. ver 1.0.3 is up, now has all completed /units/ data setup for the new weapons.
  10. Doh! I knew i forgot something, lol! I'll get on that and post an update.
  11. Thanks for taking the time to review the code, really appreciated! Yeah, right now its just going to be the weapon GUI sprites that are new, I am simply reusing the equivalent "groundimages" and such from the base game weapons. Probaly looking at adding more stuff sooner or later, but for now this was my first real mod attempt aside from tinkering with gameconfig.xml, lol. What I really want to do next is add more armor sets, especially more shields. The combat shields are seriously underrated! Hopefully with unique outfits, but I dont expect to meddle with the sprite atlases for the in-game units anytime soon.
  12. I did have permission, but granted it was permission from the artist to use the assets in a different game mod, and a few years ago. So, I've re-requested from him to use the same assets in Xenonaughts and in the meantime I have removed the art from the mod and replaced it with temp art in v1.0.2. In any case, changing the art is simple, I'm more curious if the XMLs and such are bug-free. Also, I'm unable to remove the attachments from the posts through the forum's file manager. So for now those will have to linger.
  13. Corporation Weapons Expansion (CWE) for XNT 5.2+hotfix Discussion Thread Original Thread HERE Feel free to discuss. Also post bugs/suggestions here, This is only my 2nd attempt at modding Xenonaughts, so I expect there to be issues.
  14. Download link in OP, had to repack it, sorry. Be gentle, this is only my 2nd attempt to mod Xenonaughts, so I expect there's gonna be issues.
  15. This private R&D corporation was originally contracted to improve laser technology and after doing so, were discovered selling these new arms on the black market. All LasTek based designs are slightly better than standard Xenonaught laser weaponry. A newly founded Eurpoean company focusing on existing fission technology enhanced with recovered and modified alien tech. Their weapons are little more than a micro-sized Hadron collider that accelerate particles to near light-speed. A highly skilled and privately funded weapons developer. Little is known about the company other than the few weapons they do make are exceedingly expensive and only for sale to the ultra-rich. It is rumored some rich lunatic shot down a small UFO craft with one of these rifles and had it hauled to his private estate as some sort of hunting trophy. Considered little more than a sleazy attempt to get rich quick. Mars Manufacturing quickly setup ultra low-cost factories in China in hopes of churning out fast, cheap and low-grade versions of the standard Plasma designs discovered by Xenonaught researchers. Many blame the Chinese government of leaking the top-secret plans to them, but its still unclear how they got the specification plans. A new subsidiary of a major ammunition supplier for ballistic weapons focusing on weapons with ridiculous rates of fire and pouring lead down range. Make no mistake, their weapons are as lethal as anything the aliens have, just, well, not nearly as accurate.
  16. Corporation Weapons Expansion for XNT v5.2+hotfix (v1.0.4) Xenonaught Game Ver: 1.06 DOWNLOAD HERE v1.0.4 UPDATED V1.0.4 - 100% working and fully tested. Artwork added back in with permission. Discussion Thread for Bugs/Suggestions HERE +5 new laser weapons +13 new plasma weapons +8 new ballistic weapons +3 new MAG weapons All weapons are integrated into XNT v5.2 (including the hotfix). You will need XNT v5.2 first! Installation Download and install XNT v5.2 core pack Download and install XNT v5.2 hotfix Download and extract Corporation Weapons Expansion (CWE) into /assets/ Overwrite exisiting files as prompted How to unlock LasTek - Unlocked after researching "Advanced Lasers" Kas Corp - Unlocked after researching "Advanced Plasmas" Core Concepts - Unlocked after researching "Advanced MAGs" Mars Manufacturing - Unlocked after researching "Plasma Weaponry" Metal Storm - Unlocked after researching "Advanced MGs" Known Issues No weapons have roll-over texts showing their stats. This functions like the new weapons added in XNT. I'll need to fill out the strings.xml with all the data by hand at some point :< Weapons are balanced in-line of the current XNT v5.2 weapons, mostly tested. Disclaimer Thank you to Goldhawk Interactive for such a great game and doing a wonderful job. BIG thanks to the XNT team for their mod, information and templates that helped in modding more stuff. Feel free to use these files and modify as you wish, except artwork. Would LOVE it if the XNT team would include these in their base mod and/or maybe fix any errors I made
  17. Figured it out...I missed one entry on researches.xml on the far left that had it still linked to the old strings. Durrrrr...
  18. I've added copies of the 5 laser weapons and changed them all to "advanced laser"....etc. But I cant figure out how to change the research screens title/descriptions. See images below. I simply want to change "Laser Weaponry" to "Advanced Laser Weaponry" for my new research/items. Any ideas? I've tried adding entries into researches.xml and strings.xml....but Im lost.
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