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Posts posted by odizzido

  1. Since the engine is 3D now, couldn't you just have it so that each shot has a cone of fire and all bullets will be randomly placed in that cone? Then chance to hit would simply be the percentage of the target that is exposed in that cone? I can see a problem where the cone is smaller than the target, but maybe some way could be worked out that the best place to put the cone would be used? Maybe quick shots could randomly place the cone, sorta aimed shots could find the best cone, and aimed shots could reduce the cone size and find the best place to put it?

  2. It's great that this is being looked at early. It can take time to get things right and now is exactly the time to be trying things out.


    I haven't looked at this in X2 yet myself, but it seems to me that the weapons need to have their reasons for existing.


    Rifle can be general. Not the best at one thing, but okay for everything

    Shotguns could be higher DPS weapons with shorter ranges like in most games, but perhaps they could instead (also?) have high single shot damage for good close up reaction fire? A double barrel pump action maybe? This would make them more unique.

    Sniper rifles could be more reliable, but lower DPS. Something where if your soldier has the time they will almost certainly hit their target.

    LMGs should probably be the highest DPS if every shot hits. Maybe with this it would be best to have a hip/shoulder fire mode with low accuracy, but you can set it up somewhere for a nice boost. Maybe also make it so that once set up you cannot fire beyond something like 120 degrees without lifting the gun again. This could make it an excellent weapon, but at the cost of having setup time and having to choose where to set up so that you don't screw yourself(you won't be able to reaction fire someone shooting from behind for example). Perhaps this would make it a good choice for covering a section of a map that your team is exposed to while they work on something else.


    Looking at what I wrote I think there is an issue though. The LMGs could potentially compete with shotguns for close combat since accuracy wouldn't be as big an issue. The shotguns could still have their high damage reaction shots but the LMGs would potentially outperform them when it's the player's turn. I am not sure how to solve this.



    Anyways those are my thoughts on what I would probably do initially to try things out if I were to do the guns.

  3. Quote

    As for the engine, the move to 3D instead of isometric 2D is absolutely needed. The one thing that frustrates me the most in X1 is the asymmetrical Line of Sight / Line of Fire. I hope there will be no such situations in X2 anymore where an enemy can shoot at me from some obscure spot while I can't even see him to shoot back.

    This so much. It's my number one problem with the original game.

  4. Why not just having the reserve TUs thing reserve enough to shoot+3 or whatever gives you enough TUs to turn to the edge of your vision?

    Or as long as you had enough time to use reaction fire without turning, still do it but lower accuracy? Like lets say your rifle takes 20TUs to shoot but you only have 19 after turning. Maybe use reaction fire anyways but only have a 20% chance to hit instead of 25%. And if you have 17 TUs left over drop it to 10%. Or whatever percent, the numbers can be played around with of course.

  5. Just want to say that if vet soldiers are so much better that you overpower enemies at the start then they are getting too good and should be nerfed. Vet soldiers should give you an advantage, but it shouldn't be night and day. At any point you should be able to load up a craft with rookies and still be okay. And by rookies I mean the elite soldiers you hire normally.

  6. I played the original xenonauts a lot and for the most part I would say it's excellent. I am really glad you're going 3d, not because of the graphics, but because it should allow you to have much better ballistics. The biggest problem I had with the original was when objects blocked or didn't block in ways that made sense. I think with only that problem solved this could be the best in the genre.


    So yeah, really looking forward to what you guys come out with :)

  7. Are you good with 2D art raven?


    Actually I took a quick look. Those alternate files are already in your game directory. All you would really need to do is replace the files in \assets\weapons\ballistic with the ones in \assets\weapons\ballistic\alternative.....do you know how to do that?

  8. It would be cool to have regional differences mean more...for example if you land in japan there would be more civilians but they would all be unarmed to represent the high population density and lack of guns in the country. If you land in the US pretty much everyone would be armed with machineguns. In countries like venezuela civilians could have rocket launchers.

    Also if you land in a military base there should be more than a couple soldiers, maybe one of those tanks could be active as well.

  9. Yeah...new x-com was dumbed down and had a few major issues which kept me from giving it more than one playthrough. I am just glad I borrowed it and didn't support the new direction. It did have very good presentation though.

    I haven't even looked at new xcom 2. If I don't have anyone to borrow it from I will probably end up picking it up for $3 on steam in four years but I am not really that interested.

  10. I can create the file in the original xenonaut and it works fine...k, going to see if I can add animations now.


    k so I replaced the file with soldier info. Everything animates properly except the attack animation but I know it works because I have another soldier right beside it using the same config file and the attack animation works.

    Is it possible vehicles are hard coded to not have an attack animation?

  11. I've taken a quick look at it so far....it seems like the game isn't even using the vehicle_spectre.xml in units\xenovehicles\VEHICLE.HUNTER\VV.MACHINEGUN. I tried replacing the file with one from another vehicle which should have changed the graphic to the new vehicle but it remained the same. Deleting the file altogether does nothing as well.

    So yeah, my initial thought is it has something to do with the game not using that file and nothing to do with the actual file itself. Unless it's named wrong?

  12. I don't know what you're doing exactly, but couldn't you just modify a vehicle_spectre from like units\xenovehicles\VEHICLE.STORM\VV.ARTILLARYGUN


    You can send me the files you're working on and I can take a look at it if you'd like. Or just upload what you have for 0.99 for me and I can see if I can get it working on my end.

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