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Everything posted by Tyro3

  1. If you have research labs at more than one base do they combine there efforts toward each research item?
  2. ivra, what I am getting when I download the file is called attachment.php and I am unsure what to do with this. I tried opening it with Adobe and it said it was not a supported file or it was corrupt.
  3. I'm sorry ivra I guess I am just dense, but when I unzip the file I get xml files that look like they belong in the game, so I am obviously doing something wrong, I do not see an pdf file, forgive me for my ignorance I am just getting old.
  4. Thanks for the info, forgot about the button!
  5. So does this unzip into the game files and if so is it the main data files?
  6. when you are researching and it says excellent and you take a few scientists off the project and it still says excellent, does that mean you are still researching that item at the same rate or the more scientists the faster it is regardless of what it says? Also an odd thing, I decided to concentrate my research at 1st base so I got rid of my workshop that had 15 engineers, and now I can't fire them even though there is no place for them to work, I am still having to pay them every month, bummer!!
  7. What are we supposed to do with this file?
  8. How do you keep sites open for months? do you send a dropship and then recall it before it gets there? not sure I am following how you achieve this.
  9. I need a course in alien beings, my first play through and I'm digging the stun rods, then I come across one of my first corvettes and I am whacking this guy with a stun rod and nothing, so I bring another guy up and hit him three more times, uh oh, this is not going to turn out well, turns out he was an Andron, who knew? so any more surprises out there?
  10. suspected as much since I couldn't find anything to tell me what shape it was in, thanks for the reply.
  11. It says armor will degrade, is this a factor in the field and do I have to repair it back at the base, or does is there some sort of miracle healing while I am in the base?
  12. I just shot down my first corvette and encountered a flying disc with some sort of machine gun, my problem is I can target it with everything but my shotguns, is this normal? Never mind when I got up close and personal I killed it with a shotgun!!
  13. There is an FAQ on gamefaqs by dpelectric that is very informative, you should check it out.
  14. Hello to all, I am an old gamer (74) my kids got me into gaming years ago back in the good days of DOS when you had to fight to get enough memory to run some of the games. Then I ran across the old X-COM UFO DEFENSE and was hooked forever ( however long that will be ) and have been gaming blissfully for these many long years. I am really enjoying Xenonauts, first heard about this several years and thought it had gone the way of many others to the burial ground that many others have gone to. Kudos to Chris for sticking with it!!
  15. Thanks, the only problem I can see is the dropship not having enough fuel to reach 3 or 4 sites, plus if I have wounded onboard I would hate to send them back in and get them killed.
  16. How do I change the grenade that appears in the quick slot, it seems to equip the stun grenade by default, also sometimes I have to shoot down multiple ufos and I go to engage and on the return back to base the other ufos disappear, so I have been blowing those up so I could at least get something out of them, what is the time frame for this disappearance?
  17. I better start kicking arse in the research lab!!!
  18. Is the alien level up in quantity or type a function of time or in relation to your soldiers level and equipment?
  19. Can you heal more than once? I have everyone carry a med kit, and when someone gets injured I have tried to bring them as close to being completely healed as possible, but it seems I can only heal once, is there a cap on how much anyone can be healed or is it limited to one time?
  20. somebody posted a mod on Steam a few days ago and one of the options was an F5 quicksave, and I used it but had to reinstall the game and now I can't find it, it has disappeared from the steam forum, does anyone know anything about this? Never mind I found it.
  21. I guess I missed that in the manual!
  22. I finally played around with various things and put a guy inside the building and then I could see the second floor using the elevation changer, but had to select the guys who were on the second floor by number and change elevation back to ground level before I could bring them back down, pretty wonky!
  23. I searched this subject, but didn't find a good answer, I have an alien on the second floor and can't get to him, I can see him once in a while but can't shoot him, I have tried the bars that are supposed to change elevation but it doesn't work, I can click on the roof icon and it puts a roof on every building but the one the alien is in, is there something else I am not getting?
  24. Hmmm, that could be it I will try that to see if that is the problem.
  25. all of a sudden it works! will wonders never cease.
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