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Lobster Man Commander

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Everything posted by Lobster Man Commander

  1. "Lobster Man laughs at your puny weapon!" But jokes aside, I would actually love to see some kind of alien weaponry that can take break our own guys out of cover! (if not added already). Specifically the combat shields... I don't know why. But every time I picture myself using the combat shields, I see an unbreakable roman testudo-formation with tier 3 pistols/tier 3 batons... And the aliens can't even begin find a hole in my indestructible wall. Although I must admit I haven't tested it out yet. But at least in theory. It seams like a plasmaproof tactic. Hope its not completely of topic -.-
  2. I was going to download V7.5 today. But will try to keep my pants on until this weekend and try V8 instead. Can't wait to see how far you've come in the game development. It's gonna be a blast! (quite literary).
  3. I have some ideas on this topic. My mindset is split into two parts: 1 mindset is: I want to feel scared and sort of powerless because there is a more or less "huge" battleship unloading a huge alien attack force of unknown composition and power right into my precious installation. That sense of fear would come from: "the general theme of the game", and the frightening thought of loosing all that invested time/money and experienced personnel, or at least having parts of the base UN-operable for some time after the attack (in the event of a successful defend) -with the costs associated. 2nd mindset: The Xenonaut base is our "hometurf" and should feel like it. I want to be able feel like I have the upper hand at least in some way. Maybe in intelligence -cameras, sensors/alarms. Or maybe in some sort of action -being able to alter the battlefield to my advantage, deploy robots/drones/defense either static or active. Or perhaps some sort of element of surprise that would demoralize or at least put the aliens off their A-game, without seriously unbalancing the game. This, even after I, as the player have acquired all weapon tech in the game. I think this difficulty balance is important in all aspects of the game, and the unquestionably hardest part is to find that balance. Fun can come in many ways, but being teabagged by aliens in one of my bases after thinking I have done more then enough to be able to at least stand a chance is often an OFF-putting factor, at least for me. And definitely leads to a "load-and re-load game" sort of thing for me.
  4. I think X-Com had the most natural "feel" to their take on it too. You have a much easier time picturing the highly educated scientists figuring out what the various artifacts are meant for; This is a rifle, that is a handgun, that over there is some sort of heavy cannon... And so on. So when you get back to base and opt to chose what tech to pick for research topic #1. The Scientists have already labeled the projects in a manner that explain their function. But overall its a tiny detail in the big picture. Its much more important that the artifacts/weaponry look good. And in my opinion it looks outstanding! -at least what I've seen so far
  5. <p><p>"Once past its virtually indestructible shell the creature is an amazing construction. Powerful muscles ripple around a titanium skeleton, a sophisticated targeting system with multi-band scanning ability is hooked directly into the creature's brain. Its multiple eyes are protected by harder than steel plastics and it is clear that when well deployed by their masters these creatures are all but unstoppable.</p></p>

    <p><p>Buried deep in its body are devices of unknown construction and function."</p></p>

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