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Everything posted by KateMicucci

  1. Switching a single-handed item, such as a medkit, from the right hand to the left hand costs 12 TU's, even though nothing is in the other hand. Switching items between hands should be free.
  2. That makes sense to me. I also wonder why the laser carbine is a shotgun, rather than than a burst-only SMG type.
  3. I'm confused about why you think the MG is "really good". Sniper rifles and rocket launchers are both better at killing, and better at penetrating cover.
  4. It seems that: 1. Soldiers who receive HP increases are marked as injured, even if they took no injuries during the battle 2. A soldier who is not killed in one shot will receive an HP increase, which will cause the soldier to be marked as wounded instead of dead.
  5. I disagree that heavy weapons are too easy to set up. The amount of garbage around the maps makes finding good positions for them difficult. Anyway, making heavy weapons harder to set up would slow down the game, which isn't cool. Rockets are powerful but take a turn to set up, a turn to fire, and then a turn to reload. MG's I don't use at all because despite being heavy weapons they can't hit anything and they can't reliably suppress. Sniper rifles are the problem case. They totally outshine assault rifles. If a slight decrease in the assault rifle and MG's range is paired with a significant boost to burst fire, that will be a good change. Accuracy should be increased, and TU's decreased to 30, maybe even 25 on the MG.
  6. -Jackal armor should be reduced to 4 or 5kg of weight. Wolf is pretty expensive and time consuming to make, so I disagree that it needs a nerf. -Burst fire needs to be buffed. Every time I use a burst instead of snap shots I regret my stupid decision as the bullets go flying everywhere but near the target. -Agreed that the scatter laser needs more ammo. Maybe even remove the "recoil", if only because the line about spinning barrels simulating recoil is a little silly. -The Corsair needs more than just a 3rd missile or a 2nd cannon. It costs three times as much as a Condor and requires significant research. Money never becomes available enough that corsairs are affordable. A 2nd cannon would be fine if that's paired with a reduction in price/research. -Ariel bombardment needs to be pushed back until later months, when the player has a realistic chance of being able to respond to it if he's done a good job on getting global air coverage. Ariel bombardments in New Zealand and the north pole are lame. Then electroshock should be made to explode instantly. This has been suggested before. Right now I don't have any use at all for flashbangs. Suppression in general is unreliable, while smoke, frags, and weapons that give reflex bonuses are not. That wouldn't be cool at all.
  7. Awesome, with the C4 bug fixed I can start playing again.
  8. https://www.dropbox.com/s/mmk94e8c6ie3wgg/2014-01-24_00.17.51.sav Shoot the power core with the tank. There is an alien standing next to it, inside the fog of war. The explosion will cause the alien to die and the game to crash. Also, most of my soldiers have C4. Throw it at aliens and the game will crash if an alien is killed by the explosion.
  9. In my game I get a crash every time an alien is killed by C4 or the explosion from the power core. https://www.dropbox.com/s/mmk94e8c6ie3wgg/2014-01-24_00.17.51.sav Shoot the power core with the tank. There is an alien standing next to it, inside the fog of war. The explosion will cause the alien to die and the game to crash. Also, most of my soldiers have C4. Throw it at aliens and the game will crash if an alien is killed by the explosion.
  10. The issue is not difficulty, the problem is making the player lose regions through no fault of their own.
  11. This sounds more frustrating than fun. The player shouldn't be punished for doing well.
  12. Driving a tank over some types of destructible objects, such as logs and the fences in alien bases, is also causing CTDs, but not every time.
  13. I would like to be alerted, somehow, when my fighters are refueled and rearmed and there are still UFOs within range. Right now I'm opening up the interception screen every few seconds to check.
  14. I've gotten 2 CTDs from using C4 in an alien base assault mission, on the turns it was supposed to detonate. The first time it was thrown on top of the power core and the second time an alien was standing on it. Edit: another C4 crash. Too bad, I was doing really well on that one. Edit 2: shooting the power core with a pulse laser also causes a CTD. Edit 3: any damage to the power core seems to cause a crash. Edit 4: killing an alien during a base attack with C4 also causes a crash. Edit 5: it seems to be not just base attacks. Killing any alien with the explosion from C4 or the power core causes a CTD. Have lasers still not been updated with the new cover values yet? It would be nice to be able to see the stats of newly researched weapons (i.e. lasers) in the loadout screen, even when there are 0 in stock. Presently we can only see the weapon stats when there is at least 1 in storage. I still feel that burst fire is far too inaccurate and Jackal armor is 4-5kg too heavy.
  15. What the heck is "Resilience"? HP? Please change it back because the new term is unclear.
  16. What's wrong with the background art of the scientists loading up recovered technology that's already in the game?
  17. Agreed. Smoke is pretty cheesy right now. It can be used as a "get out of death free" card or to charge with C4 at no risk as you described.
  18. I haven't had anybody die on the chopper. Sebelians are acting strange though. They seem to have two modes- passive and useless, and aggressive murder machines. I've completed two terror missions against Sebelians without losing any of my soldiers because they were stuck in passive behavior and at least half of them never managed to take a shot at me. Then there have been base defense and UFO recovery missions where they're in aggressive mode and completely slaughter the xenonauts even though they are outnumbered.
  19. I am building Foxtrots. I only have condors to kill fighters. Yeah, that's my point. IIRC it was never necessary to have more than 2 fighters per base in the OG. The huge fleets that seem to be normal here is pushing focus too much towards air combat. Winning on the ground rather than in the air should be the main challenge of the game- but that's a different issue. Right. Unless you already have foreknowledge of what the waves are going to look like, you don't know how to plan for them, and by the time bigger UFOs show up its too late to do anything about them if you haven't got your air fleets organized the right way.
  20. The balance between having a couple of bases with tons of fighters vs. having several bases with a pair needs to be looked at. At first it seems like a good idea to quickly build bases to cover as many continents as possible with just a radar and 1-2 hangars, then maybe missile batteries and a living quarters when base assaults start happening. However it quickly becomes obvious that this is a losing strategy, as even with upgraded weapons 2 fighters have trouble taking out a medium UFO with escorts. If several UFOs spawn at once in the same region that pushes the need even more towards having several wings per base. The corsair is 3x the cost of a condor but has the same firepower, making that upgrade useless if you just don't have enough missiles to bring down a big UFO. Maybe it would be good to make UFOs easier for small groups to take down, but there are too many of them for just a few planes to get them all?
  21. Having the briefing screen is preferable to just being dropped straight into the mission. It looks nice and sets a tone. What's the point in removing it?
  22. The presently existing screens look better. The success/failure backgrounds add a lot to the game's creepy atmosphere. If a soldier dies I also prefer to look at the large portraits of them, rather than these small ones. Their deaths (and stat progression) seem trivialized without the 2nd dedicated tab.
  23. Terror missions as they are flavored now don't really make sense. There are two absurd possibilities One, the local military can't be bothered to send some of their own tanks and helicopters to deal with 15 attacking aliens, and send only 2-3 wimps with ARs. Two, the terror mission consists of much more than just 15 aliens, and we are only seeing a small part of the map. If that is the case, 8 Xenonauts isn't going to make any difference anyway. Nations also, counterproductively, nuke their own cities. This doesn't prevent loss of life, and doesn't make sense. Suggested change: The Xenonaut's objective in a terror mission is a targeted strike against the enemy commander(s). Once the commander is killed, the rest of the aliens in the city become passive and easy for local forces to mop up. Xenonaut failure to kill the enemy commander means that the aliens are able to overwhelm local forces and raze the city.
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