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Posts posted by Aufklarer

  1. Soviet weapons, I would love images for those. "Alt. Riflemen" "Alt. Sniper" "Alt. Machinegunner" "Alt Pistolera"

    ETC ETC.

    In my quest, and hunger for more role image, I am coming to need lots of them.

    Working on some more at the moment including some soviet weapons, I'm thinking AK, dragunov, scorpion, PKM etc any other specifics?

  2. Besides, since they're all the same "rank" in that they all have the same duties and pay, and the only reason they have "ranks" is to indicate who has more combat experience, and thus who can help/inspire the less experienced soldiers

    If this is the case, and that a rank only differentiates between an experienced soldier and non experienced soldier what's the point in such a rank structure featuring differing ranks? May as well have only 2 (nubcake xenonaut and combat hardened xenonaut).

    Rank should only be attainable when the correct number of subordinates are available to command. Nowhere in the world do we have teams made entirely of officers. Its so far off the mark its annoying. I really think it was a terrible design decision to deviate from the original game on this one, currently I'm fielding a team of high ranking soldiers and almost no lower ranks. I want a single officer commanding a team of lesser ranks like it would be, I play as close to realism as I can (for example using 2 people to man my sections heavy machine gun gunner/loader, as a gun group was in those days) and this is just retarded.

    As for your rank structure, it was a personal project of yours granted so I'm sure your over the moon with it. Me not so much I have to agree with the fact I think they are a little boring. That said I also believe that (que fluff) the xenonauts have been taken from all ranks and parts of armed forces across the world and that they should be designated a differing rank structure from those that exist currently. I'd make my own in line with my own views but until such a time comes when a mod is released to fix the ratio of each rank I'm not going to bother.


  3. this post is pretty useless for anyone other than walrusjones and those who think he's got a point!



    We dont want to contain anything

    you dont contain force; stuff you contain applies force.

    The other what...?

    The opposite of plasma is.. Uhm.. ???

    Maintainance of fusion reactor chambers actually is pretty ok - just swap the partial wallparts when they have taken too much damage (thats why the wall is built in this brick style)

    the problem with the high energy cost in a fusion chamber is cause of the plasma constantly accellerating (and way higher temperature than our supposed weapon).

    The faster it is, the bigger the containmentfield needs to be.

    That's why tokamaks only run for a short while, power down, and restart.

    Stellarators use the geometry of the field to slow down the plasma inside.

    With a weapon, we want to accelerate the plasma.

    The energy of the field focusing (not containing!) the plasma just needs to be high enough to overpower the (caused by the - compared to the reactor's small - heat) expansion of the gas.

    I don't really get this part...

    The problem always was and will be the plasma outside the weapon.

    Once it's been shot.

    Everything inside is taken care of by 'we got an infinite supply of energy lol' (aka alenium)

    i didnt say its impossible now - i said its impossible.

    Thats the beauty of nature's laws - once you know them, they are always true.

    As long as you do not pull something else into the electromagnetic <-> gravity equation, i will be right.

    Let me give you another exemple of why you cannot circumvent the graviton problem:

    One of my old physics questions in class was 'calculate all the forces between electron and proton'

    im a lazy bum so i looked up the numbers real quick and no idea about distance



    so fg*2,22896*10^45 = fe

    proton weighs 1,7 * 10 ^-27kg

    electron weighs 9,1 *10 ^-31 so we dont give a damn about it

    so our proton needs the gravitational force of the equivalent to about

    3,8*10^19 kg (a ton is 1*10^3 kg

    moon weighs in at 7,3*10^22

    this is a little wrong due to the fact that our gas is way further spread - but u should get the point.

    ( i also might have miscalculated somewhere, but the big picture stays true, even if its 10^5 kg... )

    i dont think you got what the problem is, nor do i think you have a good enough understanding of physics to argue

    pwnd! :)

  4. There are multiple role images to replace the current ones. See below.

    If anyone has an idea for a role they would like to see in this set either post below or PM me.

    Aufklarer's Soldier Role Images 2D

    Aufklarer's Soldier Role Images 3D

    2D Image Pack


    3D Image Pack



    Last Update 25/08/13

    - 3D Laser weapons added.

    - 2D Ballistics redone, although the focus will remain on the 3D pack from this point onwards.

    - Added colour bar to Laser weapons for those that need colour in their life.

  5. (what about a rocket or grenade role image?)


    I love these icons, Aufklarer. They're beautiful. The only problem for me is that the Heavy Support looks too much like a rifle; I know that's how a machine gun looks like, but you could go for something more bulky to make it more distinct.


  6. Yeah I'll add them to the mods forum soon, I'm actually waiting for a flight home from afghanistan at the moment for RnR so internet is pretty crap here.

    I also had another look at the file names and it was just me being a muppet, ill add plenty more icons like rocket launcher squad leader etc. If anyone has any requests ill make some up to the same style as the ones I already made.

  7. Yes I thought about them however the role of sniper for example is played out with a variety of weapons so it makes little difference what picture is used, as long as it represents sniping. Maybe something more generic like crosshairs would be more appropriate.

    There are CRASH extra and unused images (7 in total) to modify. I tried to add more but it dosnt work due to the coding. When you create a new role and choose an image (lets say i made an 8th for rocket launcher) and selected a rocket launcher icon I made, the game catagorises it as unused so it displays the image saved as unused instead. In the set I made above I think the medic symbol is designated as the unused image.

  8. I hated the garish red ones so much I made my own. Got to much time on my hands at the moment ;)


    From left to right, Rifleman, Heavy, Sniper, Assault, Unused, Commando, Extra (names refer to the image names that have been coded


    I'll zip em up and throw em in the mod's forum if people like em.

    Edited with new additions


    http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/6189-UI-Aufklarer-s-Soldier-Role-Images?p=73431#post73431' rel="external nofollow">

    Aufklarer's Soldier Role Images

  9. Although I agree with the idea, I do not think that the amount of TUs lost should be equal, since the soldiers do not start with the same amount of TUs. The wounded soldier would lose the same percentage of TUs the healer does, because the percentage is the actual time representation. Each soldier can do more/less things at a specified time range than the others and this is what TUs represent.

    I hope the idea will find its way in the game.

    This is the solution to something which is currently ludicrous at best, agree with all of this post.

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