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10 Good
  1. I really want to try out this new version, but with school starting soon I've been so damn busy . Happy to hear some of the crashes were fixed, and I like the 3 TU for crouch now. Will update if I have a chance to lay this experimental!
  2. I thought corners overlapping was supposed to be exploitable man, now I'm sad.
  3. That's what it sounds like the current system is doing...I'm just adding sense to it so that it's cruel and not cruel and unusual. Like I said, I don't want to see it in the game but I want to see forced missions even less.
  4. Personally I find alien bases and terror missions happening regardless of how many you stop is unusual and unfair. If I keep stopping the aliens, and if they REALLY wanted to do a terror mission, then they should keep sending more ships. And if I stopped those ships, well then they should send even more! I don't enjoy aliens randomly overwhelming me with dozens of ship once a week or so. However, if they kept trying to do terror missions in Europe (on a smaller scale with less ships invading) and I kept stopping them, I'd think the aliens would: Send a bigger wave (if that wave died they'd send an even BIGGER wave!) Start looking for my base. This could even add another (tiny) layer of depth to the strategy. You don't want to poke the aliens too hard or else they'll poke back so hard you might lose. Something along the lines of: It's month 3 and in the first wave of UFOs, you shot down all 4 (for example) corvettes over euro/middle east/USSR/north african airspace. So now the next wave in these areas is doubled, and there are 8 corvettes zooming around each with it's own mission. Now you make the mistake of shooting down all eight corvettes. A week later there's 12 corvettes flying around and 2 landing ships looking for your base. There might even be 3 terror missions. You shouldn't have gone and made them mad. I don't actually want this in the game all that much but to me it seems like a better alternative than 'hey we know you stopped ALL the aliens but they're still magically here somehow." Just my thoughts *Edit (now that I'm reading the thread)* The most stressful part of XCOM: EU was the god damn RNG and it's nonsense Maybe cheaper bases are in order? When you build a base, you have to build at least 6 hangars (maybe less after the geoscope patch but I doubt it), at least one living quarters, radar, defense systems, medical center, and that's just for the first two months. Then you need at least 2 production facilities which means another living quarters for more engineers (i find it impossible for one base to build enough planes/guns/armor to distribute across the globe, even with 3 to 4 production facilities. So each base has to supply itself, which is a-ok, but damn is it expensive, which brings me to my point...). Maybe bases should be cheaper? Or base maintenance costs should be cut? I find after I build a second base it is impossible to build another base because even in games where I've shotdown every UFO with both bases and made every country happy, I make a $50k profit from the counsel funding and that $300k I got from shooting down UFOs is going toward a corsair.
  5. I tried giving this version a try but I get a lot of crashes. It's not just night missions, the second scout I shot down would cause CTD even though I arrived during the day, random CTD in the menus, random CTD in combat. I can't remember the last time the game crashed this much I'm gonna completely delete everything and do a fresh install. It really feels like there was a hiccup in updating rather than the update because (in my personal inexperienced nontechnical opinion) the update doesn't seem to do anything...'crazy.'
  6. Oh wow that's ridiculously easy to do, thanks Jeon. I'll be able to mess around with the numbers to hopefully find something I like. I'm not arguing for realism, I personally would just like the game to drag on a little longer. Not everyone shares that view and it's changeable in the game files so I guess there's really no reason for a marathon mode like I suggested !
  7. Since this is where everyone seems to be posting thank yous... I've been following this game for about a year now, I've probably been registered on the forum for about 6 months. While I was never much of a poster until recently I have been doing a lot of reading and I have to say I love this whole development team. Thank you all for making such a fantastic game and putting so much effort into it. I understand making a game isn't easy, especially with an active community that is always telling you what is wrong and what is right. The developer from FTL threw a fit about it and said he'll never make a sequel because of his hate for the community, and I watched the wasteland 2 forums slowly dissolve as their developers became more distant and mean. I've never seen that here. Yes some people comment more than others and some stay distant entirely but at the end of the day the Goldhawk crew listens to its people and I love that. You've all done such a fantastic job and I'm very happy to have found this game. Finally, thank you Chris, our beloved leader ! You're incredibly passionate about Xenonauts and tight with the community, it's just so wonderful. You've restored some of my hope in video games and the video game industry and for that I am grateful.
  8. I just read in the V21.1 balance patch thread that the game is set to be around 6 months game time in length, since we start in September I guess that means we can end it roughly in march, and I'm sure like the original we won't have to end it, we can just keep on fighting aliens. For me personally that's too quick. So I'd like to suggest something from the new "X-Com" (I use that term loosely), and that is Marathon mode. I never used it and to my understanding it's a bugged feature but it supposedly extends the game length by three times. Now that's way too long and making research take three times longer just doesn't sound like fun. However there could be a few balances in place: the invasion now takes a year, research time is the same but more advanced ships with more advanced researchables don't come until later (corvettes appearing in January instead of November/December). I'm fine with the game setting as it is and I'm sure I could probably mod the change I want (probably) but 6 months seems way too quick for me!
  9. Min-maxers will always min-max just like save scummers will always save scum, very true. If the point here is 'please don't try to balance the game so people can't min/max' then I agree entirely. While balance is very important, to me fun > balance. I attacked supply runs to alien bases in the original. I wouldn't always do the ground missions, but in my head it felt more...real. Of course I'm going to try to disrupt my enemies supply lines. I like this idea actually. In fact could this maybe be a balance for out of reach terror bombings, or funding loss due to relations changing? In the first two months you're almost guaranteed to lose funding relations. Now imagine in the second month you step your game up and are able to shoot down every UFO that comes into your territory. You'll still lose funding from nations you're not covering but if you do enough ground missions you can cancel the loss, even maybe make a slight profit. No please a squad wipe consisting of a commander, major, and couple of lieutenants is already heart breaking enough. Better yet get absolutely nothing (maybe slight relationship loss) and after combat failure the sight is destroyed by airstrike, for which you get no money because you failed the ground mission. And my main reason for quoting you are these two points right here. I support this! I'm fine with UFOs coming in waves, but do the scouts on scouting missions and landing ships on base supply missions only come out during these waves? If so I think that should be changed. Scouting and resupply missions (maybe others I can't think of right now) should be able to happen at any point in time.
  10. I use only gas grenades and rockets for capture, the stun baton is for fun. Like I'm breaching the second story of a ship: send in rookies to take reaction fire and die, send in vets to beat alien captain and surviving crew into pulp!
  11. Eh jeez Kraex I don't wanna read all that. I tried and got to 'the foxtrot is an upgrade that can't shoot down small UFOs' and stopped there since the foxtrot is obviously designed to take on large targets, not small maneuverable craft. When I used to play x-com, I liked to add a bit of my imagination to the game. I'd set up three-four regular bases around the planet but also one in Antarctic that I used as a research station (lots of labs and scientists, few soldiers, no transport craft, two fighter craft for defense), and one in South Africa that would serve as my manufactory; creating weapons, armor, and planes for x-com around the world. It was a totally wasteful strategy, I used lots of unnecessary money and time to get those set up but I still had a blast doing it. I just hope when xenonauts is finished it too will have some sort of flexibility where I can go off and do my own thing. (Though for the original I think it's less 'flexibility' and more shoddy game mechanics coming together in such a way that you could pretty much do anything and still win)
  12. It isn't going anywhere and that actually makes a good point: why does it take like 4 hours to bomb a city? I feel like the majority of a bombing run is in getting to the target (which aliens can totally avoid by just dropping right onto the city rather than have a bomber fly across the planet). The bombing itself would have to be like 20 minutes maximum, if that. Such circumstances would actually be so extreme that only the nearest planes could respond of the city hoped to be saved! But that's all too realistic. Well actually when it comes to aliens and the fantastic realism is whatever you make it, until actual aliens invade and we have something to really base things off of.
  13. I avoid trying to catch landed UFOs early, because ten times out of ten right before the Charlie gets there they take off and destroy it. That's been happening to me since I got this game about a year ago and I chalk it up to my awful luck. However with the Shrike I don't have any problems catching landed UFOs, as long as they're near the Shrike's base. If I act fast enough I can usually get to the landed ship before it leaves. I've also seen a lot of UFO 'hopping' where one lands and takes off about 4 times, each time landing somewhere new. @StellarRat I disagree with you about the bombers. The alien ships are appearing all over the planet and you can't always stop it, and people will be mad at you for not stopping it because I assume they expect you as the commander to do something. Maybe the relationship hit should be smaller? The rationalization being: Your job is to stop these aliens and stop them from hurting people, and you didn't do that. You couldn't get there for whatever reason and we respect that but are reducing funding due to the fact people still died.
  14. Do I remember correctly that laser shots could kill a cryssalid in one shot? Also I did a seb medium base and a few of my soldiers got turned, I noticed this time around they didn't move right after. Reinstalling the game so I could cleanly play v21 experimental seemed to have done the trick maybe.
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