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Posts posted by mrstinkyweasle

  1. Something else I found which caught me out - I dropped a stun nade which obviously billowed smoke but this was early so I wasn't worried. I moved on and forgot about it. The game crashed so I thought back to that nade and reloaded from a point after I threw it. I checked out the area which was now under FOW as I had moved away and there was still some static smoke, presumably in the state my soldiers last saw it. Once one of my squad go there to take a look it disappeared and I could finish the mission.

    This is just in case anyone else has the same scenario

  2. Ah yeah, didn't figure some would have a problem with the direct XML link. I'll momentarily put all the files together and upload a zip with everything together - weapon and gas fixes.

    Here goes, unzip into assets folder:


    Includes global smoke dissipation changes (thanks Stinky), Medkit fix (thanks lightgemini) and the fix removing smoke/fire from all weapons except smoke and stun grenades.


    Just deployed this fix after manually doing some of the others from the thread. This fixed my issue with smoking UFO's from a crash site crashing the mission at the end. However, I now seem to have lost the damage numbers from shooting aliens which were originally appearing over their heads whenever they were hit. Anyone else had this?

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