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10 Good
  1. As requested. Happened to me as well, threw a flashbang to supress a sebi in a barn. What followed was a some 7x7 explosion taking out my 2 nearby squaddies, and 2 sebis, one in the farm, the other happened to flank me the turn before. This was only my first mission, all non combatants. Did not have any grenades thrown or primed that turn, unless the non combatant sebillians had. Was also an instant explosion on flashbang detonation.
  2. So that was interesting, flash banged a sebillian non combatant, and everything in 10 tiles blew up like a propane tank went off. 2 snipers and 2 sebillians were downed. nothing but a building, hay stacks, and those water tubs in the area.
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