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Everything posted by Xenomorph

  1. If you take that nr5 off the roof to the road , he will disappear. Second time it happened on this mission, with different soldiers. Never happened before, but it seems to be related with taking them off rooftops. Screenie: There's 2 aliens in the building up ahead, they will see and shoot poor Barbara. If you save and reload, the soldier will render properly, but ending the turn won't. Save: 2013-06-24_20.49.17.sav
  2. Not a game breaker, really. You get Teleporters right when you're about to dive in a pool of isht, just like other important techs, ex. personal shields. Very much like human ingenuity and curiosity: "whatever the dudes are using, were gonna fetch one, open it up, see what it does and use it against them. Yeh fu** we will!!". You go through rough spots, get some good stuff, then the aliens come out with some new tricks to ruin your day. It never gets boring, really assaulting UFO can be some of the most chaotic experiences in any strategy game, in a good way. Trust me, you'll be saying fu** and holy sh** a lot. You should give it a try, there's a ton of flavor for a game that looks so simplistic on paper, and the basic x-com play style is all there.
  3. I'm quite sure there is a list on the dev side Sharing it does have it's pros and cons, but maybe it would help people that got into playing recently, and come here for answers. Stating the most common bugs could put some minds at ease, instead of leading them to think Xenonauts is a pos... that would not be cool
  4. That. They all look the same when they're dead, just a glob of slimy goop
  5. Like in apocalypse, teleporters would be a "i win" button" not too far fetched though, could be researched from the harridans, if their teleport thing is changed to be something portable that we can study and use. A nice idea for a mod.
  6. Dude, that's one of the most hilarious illustrations i've ever seen I can't f**** stop laughing
  7. Terror sites don't spawn from nowhere, a UFO actually flies and lands there, starting the terror mission, that's why you see it there It's intentional, if i'm not wrong, so you have the 2 options to chose from.
  8. Doors may be disabled by shooting at them just enough. Can be used to your advantage, specially on alien bases, if you want to make sure you won't be flanked by them lizards/harridans. Shoot them some more and they'll be destroyed. But there's a bug going on where props will respawn after loading a save, so doors might get back.
  9. Weather effects would be INCREDIBLE to have. Maybe you should drop a post on the suggestions forum, i don't recall seeing anything like it there.
  10. Sorry for posting out of context, but a sticky with the list of current reported bugs could prevent a lot of the same
  11. I also get this frequently, i'll see if i can grab a save when it does.
  12. If you got anything from EVERY UFO you shoot down, at some point it would become overwhelming. Keeping it simple is the right choice, and it makes balancing finances a lot easier. Small UFO are just stones in our shoes. Remove them and carry on.
  13. Funny. I've never gotten past march in any of my 5ish build/experimental playthroughs, but i NEVER had my base assaulted. Well, i surely don't let them UFO get close enough. I've been getting a lot of terror missions, though, most of the time they happen simultaneously with a UFO crash, and i have to choose-if i choose the terror mission, unless i do it on the way back from the terror site (unless it's really close - i've been having some, not just on the other side of the planet YAY!) chances are it will disappear while i go back to base, rearm, and fly there. Is this supposed to be happening, Aaron? I could guess it's a push to have us have more then one transport ready, at a certain point in the game. It's coo, tho, more $$$
  14. While there is a lot of truth in this, the Condor does become obsolete very quick, but not the Corsair. The difference in speed and range may not be that much , but it matters, and the difference in HP may give them a chance to survive a fight in case something goes wrong. If you have a couple (don't really need more), you can employ them in some imaginative ways: -They're good to deal with Solo fighters/heavy fighters. Bring the 2, when you get into combat split them up, and use the one that has been ignored to kill the fighter, by targeting it from the side close, so the UFO roll will not avoid the missile. You can kill 2 using missiles and 2 more using cannons, in one sortie, as long as they have enough fuel. -If you have a lot of air superiority UFO squads in you AO (2 fighters+1 bomber), like i do, use the Corsair to lure them closer to your base, so you won't spend as much fuel when you use the Mig to kill them. -Use them to draw UFO away from your transport flight path to a mission or terror site. Basically, Corsairs are mops and worms, and clearer skies=profit. They do fill a role We just have to wait for some more balancing to make them more attractive replacing the Condors. They sure are quite expensive for the current economic balance and take a long time to repair, so just use them wisely and there will be no downtime but to refuel. --------------------------------------------------------------- Though it is a little tight, i've been managing with 2 Corsairs and 3 Mig over my main AO, by using the tactics above, and judging by the numbers of UFO air superiority missions, i may not doing so bad. This gave me room to build the VTOL transport (can't remember the name), have all pro and rookie soldiers equipped in Buzzard and plasma guns, with some Wolf armor to spare for base missions, and get a 3rd base up and running more-or-less.
  15. I should have thought of that... unfortunately i don't have a save, but i'm quite sure i can recreate the issue, and i'll post a save.
  16. Unfortunately no, i don't have a save. But on the few occasions i can get a UFO grounded, seems to happen always. I'll see if i can catch another later today, if so i'll post a save before the mission and right before it ends.
  17. You're right, it's not. It's a good example of how simplifying things can make them better.
  18. It just happened again, in the same location, after landing in place from across the wall.
  19. When using the Buzzard, kneeling caused the sprites to appear "garbled", apparently not loading in the correct order, until the movement was complete. Happened a couple times, in different missions.
  20. After successfully completing a ground mission, the crash site is still there (x2), but inactive. Save game attached 2013-06-23_18.06.42.sav
  21. The playthrough of the current build has been quite enjoyable, and i'd like to share some thoughts, based on gameplay until December. The Geoscape is not as bad or unbalanced as it seemed, at all. Aaron pulled out some nice stuff out of his bag of tricks UFO spawn seems to be more balanced, with a bit of everything happening in waves, and not as much of just UFO air superiority for a whole month(s) . Seems like in every wave there's a UFO that can be shot down for a mission, along with air superiority (bomber+fighters, 3x fighters) and solo fliers. As for air combat, i have to admit it's better then it ever was. The missile/torpedo range/speed tweaks allow for other tactical approaches, and i haven't had as many problems with losing or getting planes severely damaged, allowing for more ans faster sorties, and a more effective AO air control. But... UFO squad compositions are basically the same, so have to be how they're approached - for any 3x3, the mig is the king right now. The condor and the Corsair look obvious as the choice for chasing stragglers or solo UFO, but the Condor will require some use of the afterburner to catch up with fighters and heavy fighters. None of these seem to be good alternatives for anything else, the Condor is fragile, and the Corsair has astronomically high repairs times (at 94% and 30h left), too risky to be used on missions where it will take damage, for now. Still, not knowing what we're fighting before getting there seems a bit artificial (but surely opinions diverge a lot there). December/January seems to be when air combat escalates, depending some on luck (i guess), and it would make sense to have means allowing for a better ID of UFO/UFO squads, something more then just very small/small/medium, etc. Maybe using a cheaper and unarmed/unarmored variation of the Condor (thus faster) as a scout? Sounds a bit rough, but not unrealistic. I wouldn't mind using a hangar slot for that, at all. And... Cannons - i hope cannons will get some work. I didn't check if there was any change in damage to compensate for the reduction to 50 rounds (avoiding messing with the files and be tempted to cheat...), but still, 50 is too low of a number. Starting air combat - i'd LOVE to have the option to start air combat with planes at minimum speed. It's the first thing i always do (maybe i'm not the only one?), and it gets repetitive. Leading UFO - it's something else i always do (hopefully not alone in this as well ) manually setting course "that way" towards the UFO, not just click and let it do it's thing, it leads to unnecessary maneuvering. Having the option to set planes to head straight to the UFO (instead of where it's going to be) would be great - something like one click for normal chase, 2 clicks for object chase.
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