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Posts posted by thixotrop

  1. I can't stand Prometheus because a biologist couldn't imagine that a hissing snake like creature could be dangerous and thus should be touched!

    Or the mohawk geologist get lost in a tunnel system despite his fancy auto-mapping gadget.

    (And he was afraid to enter a room first and then entered it later to sleep over the storm...gaaah)

    Or the group of "professional specialist" in the beginning calling the two archaeologists "you two kids found something in a cave" and displaying their true professionalism...ah what stupid sh**.

    Or the auto-doc that cannot treat women, although it was installed for the boss-women in that ship (she said so)...gnnngngn.

    Or the woman with the stapled-shut stomach (severed muscles still) can run and jump and exercise pretty well only with some grunting directly after it....sigh.

    Or the android tipping some alien stuff in a drink to see what happens to one of the archaeologists ("some things start small") and when something actually happend to that guy and subsequent to the girl too, he just completely forgets about it.....*cry in pain*.

    Or the Engineer-alien who gets all berserk when the people talked to him, although his group left a lot of "come to us"- signs everywhere on our planet....damn illogical.

    Or....ok I stop here, before I eat up my table in rage.

    Yeah, I am still a huge Alien-fan, and was hoping for a good prequel to the alien-saga, but was totally disappointed about stupid dierector errors (or left-outs, as some more scenes might have saved something).


    I understand what you mean by this incorrectnesses that you see in the game, and that they are bugging you. But as kabil pretty good layed out is the indie-game aspect and the money thing to do this. Goldhawk either does not have a technology expert or he/she is busy with something more important to the game.

    The description already in the game is fulfilling its duty, to bring in some flavour and some background story. The tiny flaws (I know for you they are kind of major) require more work than necessary. I guess the 80-20-rule (or Pareto principle) applies her too: 80% of some planned work is done with 20% of the effort, and the last 20% of work will require 80% of effort.

    My feeling is the "work" for this more than 80% done. I can live with it.

    For me immersion is pretty good, technology is understandable and the historical setting works for me too.

    And last but not least: It is a game!

  2. Maybe not all here know so much about weapon technology.

    Although "Sidewinder" may be a known term for an air-to-air missle, for military-technology-enthusiats as well as for the majority (? - my guess here) of gamers, the real dimensions may be not.

    At least not for me, though I have played some games with it; simulations, tactical and strategical games and seen movies with it.

  3. So this might be a bug...

    ...or some change of files that were not correctly updated /erased.

    If you have updated your game via steam, it might be necessary to verify your game files.

    Or much better, delete the game in steam and then manually delete the files (of Xenonauts) on your harddisk too. They are typically in a path similar to this: C:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Xenonauts. Remember to move your save games somewhere else first.

    After that download the game again and try the save again.

    If it still exists with your save game, try it with a new game. Just one ground combat, to see if the possible bug doesn't travel with your save game.

  4. Für die Xenopedia ist wohl einigermaßen technisches Sprach-Wissen verlangt denke ich, so dass der deutsche Text hier auch Sinn ergibt. Selgald falls Du es möchtest, würde ich mich anbieten diese Texte zu übersetzen, nach und nach. Das Einfügen in Dateien überlasse ich dann Dir. :P

    Beruflich schreibe ich eine Menge technischer Berichte in englisch, so dass ich mich dafür fit fühle. Müsstest mir nur sagen wo ich die Texte finde. Dann übersetze ich mal einen und Du schaust, ob das passt oder totaler Unfug ist. Kann aber nicht versprechen, dass ich alles auf einen Schlag schaffe.

    Für mich selbst brauche ich eigentlich keine deutsche Version, aber je mehr Leute für Xenonauts desto besser.

  5. Or the stun batton is just extremely long, telescopic extension to the max and with lots and lots of joints.

    So you can sit in your Charlie, have some beverages and "battonize" your way to the UFO control room.

    The updated version will make this possible with the alien base control room, while you stay save in your home base.

    Logically, this will NOT work with the final mission, as the shear forces from surface to orbit are way to harsh. How could you ask that, silly.

  6. When the game mechanics aren't working as intended it's harsh to call tweaking them cheating ;)

    Whose intention then? This is an excuse for everything you like to change because it does not fit into your plan. :)

    For me this is cheating unless there is no other "legal" way around. But everybody has to decide that for himself.

    In my view, the "legal" way is to wait for the final release.

  7. @StellarRat: Yes I know, tried that, but I lost many soldiers before this. And I can't see to "experience-up" newbies before the ever increasing difiiculty of UFO waves would drown me. Already at this state I can't kill all of them. There is just not enough time.

    So I picked 16 from my 21 soldiers with the highest bravery already.

    Yea, V21, did not want to loose my progress :)

    @KevinHann: Yes I know this trick form the original game, but on the one side this is tediously stupid and repetitive work and will not help when in the front line where you need reactin fire. And on the other my soldiers just don't have the space in its equipment to store the weapon there. And if they drop it they run away without, I have to take them back and then they can't shoot anymore.

  8. Just finished...uhm...no....Just "ceased trying" to do Operation Endgame on V21.

    Hell what a punishing experience. Kobayashi Maru right from the start.

    Yes, this version is stil with the crazy psi powers to the aliens. Although I haven't had so much problems with it before. The occasional mind control yes, but my soldiers were always spread out to avoid friendly fire kills.

    But the final mission is truely insane (and this is on normal difficulty). Hope psi powers are really changed in the newer versions.

    My "best trial" for amusing here:

    • 16 soldiers at the door. Dread all over, sure.
    • Open door, Sebillians and Androns, a lot. Downed one, ALL other miss. Damn. Close door.
    • Alien turn, 3 soldiers MCed shooting at comrades, killing 2 hurting 3. Reaction fire of other killing 1, hurting 2 more.
    • My turn. Great, 3 dead 5 wounded with only one alien down! Damn. But lucky my singularity cannon guy did not get MCed who uses it now to kill 4 aliens at once. The rest of the suppressed folks try to get out into the corridor behind cover. End turn.
    • Again MC of 2...more dead...the rest is like above.

    Yeah actually I could never even reach the initial side rooms on my own. Only MCed soldiers got there to be killed in next round.

    And this is then my best trial why?

    Easy, one soldier survived to see the Reapers appear and turning him into one of him. Yay! Reapers are really nice, they don't dislike or even hate you for being different, they just make you one of them, join their group and have fun too.

    But hey, only stubborn people would prefer to be better dead than alien, huh?

    *cough* irony OFF *cough*

    Despite the tainted final mission I must say the game was very enjoyable, smaller bugs, graphical erros, missing things and some imbalances aside.

    And I really want to play again with the final (final) version. And after that again using a lot of Mods. :)

    (Although not the Michael-Bay-edition-mods from TacticalDragon (XNT) and Mikhail Ragulin (Magnum-nauts), just not my style, though impressive work guys.:P)

  9. The base defense role was not mine. I have read it somewhere in this forums sometime ago and since then using it. You can have more than one of that roles to help you.

    I understand that you would like to "tag" a soldier for a specific role, so that when he/she is available again you can refit him/her with the correct equipment. I did that too in the beginning but changed my playstyle, so that I always search for soldiers that fit into the role I need, e.g. rocketeer with strength, sniper with precision, assault with reflexes and so on.

    With the "tag system" you will always rely on some specific soldier to play that special role. When this one dies the role is vacant and no fit other soldier in reach. Not great. Changing soldiers in different roles let them gain experience points in more than one stat, so they are more reliable. Although not all soldiers can do anything (*), so this is no viable way to gain "omni-potent" soldiers (no pun intended here).

    I cannot find the thread anymore, but I am quite certain there was this argument, but I can be wrong here too.

    Maybe your problem with upper levels is related to this here.

    (*) Just a side story: I had a new female soldier having slightly good reflexes and precision so I made her a sniper. She couldn't hit a tractor when practically sitting in it, so annoying. She earned kills only by throwing grenades. I made here an assult to see if that helped, but no luck, couldn't hit a wall stuck in the broom closet. Again only grenades worked for kills, although she was quite weak and couldn't throw far. My last trial was to give her shield, pistol and some grenades and after a couple of battles she really could aim with that pistol. Nearly every shot she made hit and often was the last hope in a group. I upgraded to plasma pistols just for her. She made it to Colonel as a Shield-wearer. Before that I hated shields. She couldn't do another role then, I tried it was horrible, but shield was her thing. Therefore I tagged her mentally with shield.

    Unfortunately she died with 3 others in an UFO as a stupid suicidal Alien threw a grenade blasting the UFO engine.

  10. Sentinel and Predator armor have their own breathing devices. The soldiers can stand inside gas without any problems, altough they react with a "ugh" and stop moving as if they are affected. Little anoying but not more.

    (At least this is in V21. I am waiting for the next stable release.)

  11. I also think the vehicles should get retrieved from battle field.

    It does not have to be free though.

    Depending on the damage state there should be an option to either rebuild or wreck.

    With damage state I mean the four states that I have seen so far (I am still in V21):

    1 - Damaged only in HP, so still operative. Auto-repaired in base.

    2 - Damaged badly so that wheels and top are off and hull is scorched, not operative anymore and treated like a fallen soldier in ground combat. Auto-repaired in base. (Only have seen this with Hunter so far.)

    3 - Heavily damaged, hull wrinkled. Total loss.

    4 - Total annihilation, vehicle vanished completely so that soldiers can cross the position. Total loss.

    As long as my observations were not screwed by bugs (!) I think state 1 and 2 are reaaly reasonable. State 2 and 3 should have the mentioned option to handle costs versus time to be operational again.

    Regardless of all above, I also think the vehicles are not sturdy enough, 1-2 shots easily destroy them. Yeah, Hyperion too.

    EDIT: Just remembered; Scimitar and Hyperion will show the Hunter wreck in state 2 and 3. At least in V21, I don't know if that has changed.

  12. For soldiers that stay in base, due to being wounded or left behind for others to go to combat, it really helps to make a sort of "base defense" role with a certain equipment. You can also have more than one base role. That way you will always have the good stuff available for the "away team" and changing equipment is much faster.

    When you give a soldier a role (e.g. rifle man) it will be equipped with the saved armor layout, the missing item will simply not be equipped and the slot is empty. So I think an empty slot equals your proposed red cross.

    However, I agree that armor and weapon management is a bit tedious, but I don't think it is game braking.

    The glance-around-a-corner was discussed before in quite some extent and accompanied with grenades to throw around the corner. (I would have liked that). It was not implemented due to game balance and game engine limitations.

    I have never had problems with soldiers in and some around the house (though I am still playing on V21). In terror missions I almost ever have 2-3 soldiers in one house, mostly two snipers on second level. The others are next to the walls around the house and there was never a problem with walking around .

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