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Everything posted by theothersider

  1. played until december ..... cronical lack of founds... political disset after played some time i have some ideas to share(it's only my opinions)to make the game more funny,dynamic and realist 1)increase global founding(at least 1,5x)and lowering political decrease 2)a "bonus" for every abatement(ex 5k for a scout,7k for a small,8k fighter,10k corvettes etc)damn,the world's best airforces are unable to shoot down anything and the my little,underpaid,obsolete aircraft have destroyed 10s of ufo's a little of consideration... 3)introduce some special mission HIGHLY REWARDED(i think something like recovering an ultra advanced alien technology or something like that)payed 3-4-500k$ the possibilities are many to balancing a little..i'm an "old":) EU player and personally find strange(absurd?)to develop the game around a single fairly well developed base(i find ridiculous managing a planetary defence with a single living room and a dozen of soldiers of doubtful quality(fires like a band of boyscout)and two satellite bases good only for air superiority..the base's entire and multiple advancement should be encouraged not crippled,at the end i have laser weapons,armours,veichles and so on..only on paper,the my 10 tech's played poker and drink whiskey all the time because all my money(now just a few) go in keep expenses.and i have lost only 1 aircraft until now..
  2. Hey, don;t get me all fired up in the wrong thread A month further on (mid December) and money seems to be OK (ish) I have three bases, with 1 foxtrot and 2 condors to each. Not a penny spent elsewhere on armour or weapons though, and that's starting to bite a little. With lots of caution, ballistics seems to be holding on, but there is a reliance on Alenium grenades/ rockets as expected. I'm probably going to stop with this third base, check where I am with the tech and start arming the troops, but we'll see. This is the point..using all the cash of three monts only for building up an air force (little since for me a base need at least 2 foxtrot and three condor to be effective..not to say the ground forces)leaving apart all the field advancement(at the same time our mans go in battle without armor,laser weapons(even already discovered)and veichles aginst heavily armed alien forces is a bit frustrating..the game will be better balanced if beyond aircraft to control the skies the man go into battle with some better weapons..the game risk to becoming excessively boring..or worse,frustrating(more than now)for do that is needed a more generous founding(the actual founding is lower than a local boyscout community)
  3. of course it will be a single shot weapon..but not a heavy weapon,it was intended to be used by a GI..in the game i have intended a weapon usable in med-low range by generic soldiers in rapid cover movement..
  4. yeah!!! it still a beta!!and my soldiers say?? it's a nightmare!shoot from the all the f...d parts!! ok isn't a problem after all..but a revision for the financial balance is needed!alien precision also to recalculate..the human soldiers fires like a company of drunken conscripts..
  5. ok, i'm very calm,probably have used excessive exclamation points ,i have to play more for understand the new mechanichs.. i will try a new game and see.. thanks guys
  6. sorry for the apparently aggressive post but the new monetary system(ver 19.4),better than the stable version is still insufficient..ok ,cost are lowered,well but expecting that a dozen of underpaid mans save the world against an overwhelming alien force is...frustrating!!!!absolutely need(my personal opinion) to at least: 1)enhancing the monthly founding of at least 200k more than the actual... 2)ability to retake lost nations 3)the abatement of fighter and every ufos increase nation's rating?? in a my new game i have in 20 oct,8250$!!!2 condor,1foxtrot,14 mans,0 armour a 2nd base with a radar array and an hangar.. the world's founding trend in a costant drop(and all,apart uf USSR hate me),the only ufo's are fighters(high risk for no gain) can i do something in that conditions??? and more,the foxtrot are underpowered!!i prefer the older asset with 4 missiles..it granted a better results..
  7. yeah,the idea is not to tweak the game but increase realism..the granade launcher could be easily balanced..ex x2 granade range but 3/4 or 1/2 the damage of the granade(it fires the std 40mm granade)with a straight fire(not curved like mortar or howitzer) because the idea of equipping an entire squad with M79 mean the creation of a mobile artillery position..
  8. hi guys! i have a problem.. firstly i use the v19.3,i have tried to install the mod (AK-47 and MP5K Mini-Mod) but..how can do it?? thanks and forgive my ignorance..
  9. hi guys would be great in the game the M79 granade launcher(it was widely used during the vietnam war)it's in line with the time and not too heavy in an effective action,it could throw granade (stun or smoke furthermore) at higher ranges and with more accuracy.. what do you think??
  10. mah..bisogna vedere il contesto..si potrebbe usare un generico "salto" o "balzo"
  11. scusate se sono innopportuno in questo tred ma come funzionano i mod?li usate o giocate con la versione base?ce ne sono di interessante sopratutto per avere qualche mappa in più o le armi soviet(da tiratore io stesso sono un fan di sks e ak47.. )purtroppo ne ho provato uno e mi ha sbomballato tutto e ho dovuto reinstallare..suggerimenti? thanks
  12. hi guys,i play with the V18 and after some hs of playing and in memory of the old EC i have found some guess to expose.. 1)possibility to recover and sell alien weapons/dead aliens?it might help the founding.. 2)balance the founding..the my main problem is that..with the current money i barely build and keep a 2nd base..not to say the equipment for my soldiers..i fight the alien elite forces armed with plasma cannons and hvy plasma with a pair of lasers and a courple of jackals armour because all my moneys go in keep expenses,impossible to build veichles and some other things that make the game more deep and less frustrating.. 3)in alien bases the enemy see me through walls and gates and fires dozens of hits everywhere..destroying everything even other aliens!!the alins never go down of ammo?i think is a bug.. 4)absolutely needs missions to retake lost countries!i feel strange seeing a superpower like USSR or USA leave me alone only after 2 months..and the drop of founding is too fast.. 5)make the reapers a little faster?it would be interesting and a bit scaring 6)more maps and randomness of them?and possible soviet weapons without modding the game?i have try a mod for soviet weapons and maps and the game crashes..i have to reinstalling a back up.. for the rest the game is good a bit of balance and is perfect..thanks the developers!
  13. Salve raga se volete qualcosa la faccio io non garantisco sui tempi in quanto sono all'estero per lavoro fino a domani e la settimana prossima sono in ferie (sempre all'estero e senza internet )se mi dite come farlo un oretta la trovo..
  14. salve raga scusate se non c'entra molto ma voi usate la versione 18 o la 19 sperimentale?ne vale la pena?
  15. I have played for 3 months until dec 79(veteran difficulty) and i have some impressions to expose.. 1)pistols?pointless?why can i use a pistol when additional clips(for a standard weapon)weight less?and in undoubtedly more useful? 2)cash..for me the cash earned from the nation's founding is really too low..damn i have shooted down 10's of ufo's and build 2 bases(USSR,USA)and almost all have cutted down the foundings.. at the first of the month,after paid the unkeep and maintenance i have only 52k...and retake the nations after leaves the contribute to the fight with a mission specified or something like.. 3)the flashbang granades can confuse the enemy or drop their weapons force to retrat or consume their TU's?i find that quite useless at the time.. 4)smoke granades more effective because for now the chilling precision of the aliens is quite frustrating.. 5)implement from the beginnings soviet weapons without moddings for increased deepness of the game? 6)can exist flamethrowers?it would be great in assaulting ufo's and in close combat fights like the farm roads and buildings 7)armoured cars for me is only a better target for the alien's heavy plasma..if special abilities like throwing smoke or flares are implemented the utility of such expensive vehicle would greatly enhanced 8)less the cost of TU's for throwing flares and fix a max per soldier?implementing nightvision googles?or a massive airdrop of flares in the fight's area? 9)diminish the maintenance costs? 10)implementing chemical and incendiary granades\rockets? 11)the precision and sight range of the aliens is really chilling..i have lost many soldiers to shots fired from sideral distances greatly over any possible sight range..especially in night missions or even through deep smoke curtails.. 12)the aliens thrown granades? this is only a my personal feelings..the game after all is quite balanced but some questions would help to make a more funny and realistic game.. thanks
  16. per KIA non sò.. nei miei studi di storia militare contemporanea (e da tiratore io stesso) ho sempre visto usare quel termine anche in Italia e in tutti i paesi nato... si potrebbe lasciare anche così o mettere C.I.A(caduto in azione).. Armour penetrating terrei perforante ballistic...si decisamente meglio lasciare i nomi delle armi(anche perche le altre sono plasma,laser ecc) shotgun,fucile a pompa è meglio(vista pure la sua immagine..) Accuracy.direi precisione che è più di riferimento per un arma Citation for Bravery/Courage/Valour = Distinzione per Audacia/Coraggio/Valore - anche si..gli anglosassoni trattano come bravery il coraggio individuale del soldato e lo sprezzo del pericolo e il valour come azione eroica o abilità di comando..è un pò complicato da spiegare..terrei il tuo per noi latini xo.. Crux Solaris = Crux Solaris (medaglia) SI Crimson Heart = Crimson Heart (medaglia) SI Order of Gallantry/Merit/Terra = Ordine di Coraggio/Merito/Terra....ho qualche dubbio..mi pare sia una ripetizione delle altre..peserò a qualcosa.. Saviour Medal = Medaglia del Salvatore..sarebbe da fare qualcosa di più..fico.. tipo difensore dell'umanità o medaglia del vendicatore..non centa molto ma e più ganzo :)no? Armour Mitigation-riduzione danni?resistenza?più semplice,generico e comodo da usare come termine? Plasma Caster = Plasma Caster (tipo il BFG 9000 di Doom mi p[are di capire )TENIAMO BFG9000!!!! anche proiettore al plasma o perche no?..devastatore al plasma...rende bene l idea no? Precision Laser/Plasma/ecc = Fucile di Precisione Laser/al Plasma/ecc--si o anche fucile al plasma da tiratore scelto ecc.. Scatter Laser--diffusore laser?folgoratore?
  17. it's an idea..but i fell the flares too costly in term of TUS.. it would be nice and useful if the cost in action points are halved,and for balancing the reduction the nr of flares fixed or added in the inventory,like a normal granade..i fell strange seeing a soldier with 10000000000000000000000 of flares into the backpack rocket would be a nice surplus...but phosphorous rocket would be nicer and useful since rockets rarely makes fire...
  18. thanks but i have done 2 terror mission in USA and two request of help from the local forces(USA)and a shouted down and cleaned a ufo in Cuba..but the USA have broken the ties with the organization and left me alone in that area..if i perform missions and build other bases in that area the north americans will returns into the alliance or the region is forever lost?
  19. Hi guys I'm new in this forum and sorry if my english is a little simple but it isn't my first language.. first i have to do a great greet for the developers of this awesome game. second i have a pair of questions.. i have played with the steam version(veteran) and i have locate the my first base in USSR,fine,after the first 2 months(in that time i have build a base in USA,shooted down at least 30's minor UFO and a 8's corvettes,killed dozens of aliens and developed many research very useful for the fight and the subsequent survival of the entire human race:) ) the USA abandoned the cause and cut down the foundings,ALL other nations have severely cutted down the budget and all, apart of USSR and europe have bad relation with me! i can understand a bit of hesitation and a gradual loss of prestige/money if my forces completely avoid missions and general inactivity but i have do,with 3 airplanes,a dozen of man and a miserable cash reserve MORE then the entire world's air forces and armies!!! and when a nation leave the fight\founding is lost forever or is possible a return?lesser severe found cutting and relations would be better and more realistic?the xenonauts are the best soldiers of the world after all...
  20. I find the night mission quite funny..it's realistic that a mission into the dark were a bit..hazardous..but in the late 70's the nightvision googles were widely used..(i remember some special ops in Vietnam and the six days war,and the german used the first them for the first time at the end of ww2..)i feel realistic that a ultra elite organization like the xenonauts have some of them in their array...
  21. a me pare bene.. Raid aereo su flotta mercantile Raid aereo su cittadina/città raid aereo alieno mi sembra troppo specifico,in quanto penso sia scontato che siano gli alieni ad attaccare un installazione civile o militare..
  22. dato che appare sulla mappa si potrebbe mettere anche come -attacco aereo a x(città,flotta ecc..) -raid aereo a x bombardamento o mitragliamento mi sembrano un pò forzosi..
  23. ok perfetto!quando il momento arriverà mi terrò disponibile..complimenti per l'ottimo lavoro
  24. Salve ragazzi!!sono nuovo al forum..se vi serve una mano con le traduzioni sono disponibile,ho una certa pratica con l'inglese,non molto tempo causa lavoro ma la disponibilità la metto..
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