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Posts posted by silencer

  1. With the vault-able windows, should maybe Predator Armour walk over it, just like normal wall cover? Also I've found some doors are being destroyed by predator armour (even when opened) and some doors simply open and soldier moves through like he was wearing normal armour. I don't know should you do something about it or leave it be like it is. But I find it strange no to be consistent.

  2. No it's something like. First alien encounter, he shoots, misses and the soldier gets suppressed immediately. On the other hand I sometimes fire at alien till he dies and doesn't get suppressed. Being out of visual range might be the cause, but those sudden burst of fire should even be more suppressing to unaware target. It's like "Woah, where did that came from?"

  3. Detecting base building mission. How you differentiate that this UFO is on base building mission rather than Terror mission ? I'm currently in February and I didn't have any alien base to get that base upgrade nor to get hyperwave decoder. So now my main UFOs are Cruisers and I would like to know if that UFO is on a base mission.


    Looks like I posted in wrong section. Please move to General discussion.

  4. Ok, I don't understand this silliness. Alien fires plasma rifle, misses on a tile where my soldier is located. He and his buddies are suppressed (after 1 shot). Alien fires 1 shot from precision plasma on my Predator soldier. He gets suppressed.

    Now my turn. I fire that deadly plasma caster. 5 shots hits for example Wraith Soldier - not suppressed. WTH!! Why is my gun that should be suppressing aliens not working, while aliens need 1 shot to suppress my soldiers. Why soldiers in Predator armour can be suppressed. If that armour should resemble human tank, he should not fear 1 tiny little plasma bolt.

  5. After doing a dozen of Cruiser missions I must say, that those side entrances are not that welcoming, it would be better to make the entrances at the edge of the wings where the curving begins. Those L-Shape holes + the cramped space in those corners makes maneuvering pretty terrible. For now I am mostly focusing on breaching through main door. It's more easier to perform assault from there. Checking the wings using doors is also quite better than blasting a hole. Other option is to make hole in the rear, that way you can create crossfire of the main area, but that would be too easy I guess.

  6. No. I've redownloaded and the same thing. Fresh misssion from Geoscape. That pillar has still 100% block chance.

    And about Harridans on the Cruiser. They are only spot-able from the front of the UFO. Multiple desert maps of yours are approaching UFO from the rear. There is no way to spot that bugger nor shoot at him from the rear. A Harridan with Plasma Cannon that is not spot-able upon approach is just Death Reaper. In fact any Harridan at this point is just Invincible God of War.

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