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Everything posted by RawCode

  1. Flashbang grenades allow to stun allien units, this allow to research allien analisys before researching allien biology and stun weapons. This allow to skip this research branch partially.
  2. If you stun allien unit, xenonaut or civilian and then stunned unit die for any reason (bleeding, fire or direct impacts) body (loot item) will be duplicated. If you stand with xenonaut over body and open inventory you will see both dead and alive versions. This does not actually effect gameplay, but looks stupid especially on endmission info, this allow to get allien bodies without capturng any allien units.
  3. okay... magical aircraft is ok, it add depth to gameplay and improve gameplay greatly, game instantly turn much more better then original 90x version!
  4. allien units shoud have same vision range as xenonauts, they have much more powerfull weapons, that ever more powerfull at close range, forcing player to move units closer in order to spot target already make combat harder.
  5. Game already feature option to force all ground missions to run at night, why there is no such flag for day?
  6. "maps not done", "nostalgy", "in real life" and other nonsense argumens instrument of trolling and nothing more, currently discussion about current beta build. NOT BUILD THAT MAY SHIP AT DAY OF HL3 RELEASE!!111 Complex AI, 100500 patterns, 999 maps and other stuff not really needed to make game fun and challenging, just imagine situation: 1) You know where UFO is, directly from start, chinook pilot told you that it parked next to big red building on toleft side of map. 2) You know that over 13 allien units placed on random positions all over map, with plasma blasters for 100 damage and 90 accuracy each (you have psionic unit in party and he told you) 3) You know, if you touch UFO door (it will ring theft alarm and) all allien units will come to defend it at same time. 4) Will you risk taking UFO without cleaning map or you will explore map and take allien units one by one? this will make ground combat interesting, especially if "clues" about ufo location and allien units numbers can be incorrect. obviously you will evaluate your skill and allien power and will have many options, like taking building next to ufo, setting snipers and send redshirt for ufo door, or move all your units inside at one turn and hold ufo from inside, or something else. more options provided to player == better, current build provide no options.
  7. Dranak read carefully, potentional damage and damage used to distribute xp over xenonauts, but does not increase amount of XP gained, it predefined as X and nothing can change it, player can only distribute this XP over xenonauts (like killing everything by only one xenonaut) This allow powerleveling, but, player must risk a lot, especially inside UFO, since any interaction or ever presence of other xenonauts will sink XP.
  8. your feedback on outdated beta wont have any value, i just can't see any reason to play "old" beta. you really shoud not "think" for other people, your opinion is only your opinion.
  9. steamoverlay not functional for xenonauts (can't state that it dont work completely, but it defenly not working for me), srintscreen work fine both window and fullscreen.
  10. there is issue with all games, saviors of humanity still must pay merchants for new guns\swords\spells whatever, ever if final battle next door will decide fate of the world. enjoy "local reality"
  11. you were warned about exp builds, they for testing, not for playing.
  12. Mytheos this called "ability to choose how to play", if i want to max score i will hunt down allien units on map (for this reason game shoud provide more roaming units to make this action a bit more challenging) if i want to skip ground mission without reputation impact, i navigate to ufo and capture it. Decision how to play up to me, currently game force me to explore same maps and lose time on boring actions.
  13. ai share sight, if any allien spot location any allien can shot it, it can cause some alliens shoting from other side of map killing your units.
  14. lore states that every xenonaut craft made with allien tech to provide resistance versus allien weapons, just like lowgrade allenium used for free explosives and medkits, low grade alloys used for condors and foxtrots...
  15. ground missions are instant, they have no limit and take no global time. in other case ground combat will turn into mindless grinding with only desire to complete mission ASAP, ignoring everything else. most viable solution to double allien forces outside UFO and reveal only ufo location as sign, without into about type of ufo and its state, it can be explained like smoke or something similar. in such case player will have option - hunt alliens for guns or capture ufo ASAP
  16. actually funding nations already rearm, repair and refuel you crafts free of charge...
  17. stun grenades best option at this moment, 2-3 will KO any allien.
  18. Andeerz allien aircraft that always survive crash landing with some crew always alive and always resist xenonauts not ridiculos? realism not option for sci-fi game
  19. reaction fire shoud depend on AP cost, with 10 per shot it will be fair if reaction fire atleast two shots.
  20. there is no way to exploit in system i described, for combat X xenonauts will recieve Y xp, no matter what you do and how, amount of xp predefined.
  21. it will be good plan to build condors, since game lore clearly states that xenonaut aircraft improved to resists allien weapons.
  22. actually proper balance decision about shotgun to nerf it's damage back and set shot cost to 10-15 (like pistol) this will make shotgun very usefull for hit and run, basically two handed pistol with 2x damage and same range. shotguns developed for close combat, they shoud provide easy aim and max reaction, currently ballictic shotgun does ~50 damage at 20 TU, setting it to 25 at 10 will make thing a lot better
  23. xp shoud be gained from allien kills only, no running around, not pistol shots over entire map. For dealing with X alliens on Y UFO all patricipating xenonauts shoud recive Z xp each (ever if they stay still entire GC) and X*P xp distributed over xenonauts based on potentional damage dealt versus alliens. regeneration wont have any effect on this, xp granted on killing allien and distributed based of potentional damage dealt by all xenonauts who shot it. if xenonaut shot allien, no matter hit or not, potentional damage recorded. alliens killed by civilian forced and eachother without xenonaut interaction score shared XP, total amount of XP will be constant. xp shoud automatically improve stats based on weapon used, sniper will recieve more accuracy, shotgun more TU.
  24. inner doors on corvete can be blasted by normal sniper by 3 shots, but external doors not.
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