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10 Good
  1. I have placed my pledge earlier yesterday and hope that they will pull it off. They seem to at least have the intention of translating the JA universe into modern 3D while keeping the turn based action intact. Using the UNITY game engine is a plus in my book. I guess that people are reluctant to support an effort that has nothing to show than plans and a few sketched photos and considering that we have no guarantee as to the quality of the end product pledging to their project is even more difficult. On the other hand what do us Turn based fans of the JA series can do? We could stick to the numerous mods developed by fans of the JA2 game with the greatest of all being the 1.13 patch. BUT lets face it even if the graphics don't count too much . . they still do some. In the era of 3D engines capable of delivering stunning animations we are stuck with 15 year old graphics that at today's monitors look at the least ugly. Who among us haven't dreamed of having Ivan's sprite wear the famous USSR hat, hold a Kalashnikov and be actually able to see it on the monitor? We could wait for another more “trusted” developer to come along. Yes and the donkeys will grow wings and fly. The people of FC have been entrusted to develop a Games Workshop Licensed title such as SPACE HULK. You may argue that maybe no one wanted to get involved in a slow paced turn based game and you could probably be right but think for a second. GW is very keen on protecting its universe as well as picky as hell on the quality of the products utilizing it, would they have entrusted it to someone who couldn't deliver? Even in the possibility of a triple A developer stepping forward to develop the game we all want to play what do you think it will happen. . . We will most likely end with a glorified simplification similar to modern UFO. Because 3A developers want to sell to the widest possible market and lets face it TB tactical games JA style are not a wide market. I strongly believe (and I am not in any way associated with the developers' team, I am just a 40 years old dad with precious little time who wants to relive the excitement of playing JA2 in the 2010s) that this is a great opportunity that us, the fans of JA series, should not let go unexploited, we never know when and if a next one will present itself. PS: Sorry for any mistakes but English is not my native language.
  2. I have played Laser squad, sabre squad, JA series, UFO afterlight series, silent storm series, XCOM series and fixaris consolized xcom. Tried extraterrestrials but never got into it. I love turn based tactical squad games. If I was to choose one out of the banch to keep me company on a deserted island that would definitely be JA2, although UFO defence would be a close second. The hours spent playing both could have easily earned me a second Masters degree. I only hope that xenonauts will be the deep and fulfilling experience that fixaris' clone was not
  3. <p><p>Welcome to the forums!</p></p>

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