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Posts posted by a333

  1. I've got chance to try Distant worlds myself. As Kordanor said, it's not for everyone.

    Critics first: >4GB memory or prepare for constant crashes. Interface and graphics are very... uncommon. Some design desicions are questionable.

    But then you realize you've been playing for 5 hours straight, ships are many, managers are helpful, and graphics aren't that bad especially when you are dealing with battles.

    It's a large scale 4X, when you'll spend much more on the economy planning, strategical decisions and global oversight than micromanaging every ship in every battle. There are lot of interesting choices to do, but rather than "What cannons should this ship have" it's "Where i should build deep space scanning station to spy for one empire and avoid provoking the other" kind of choices.

    I haven't seen a global 4X game more detailed and thought-through. Still it'd be great to try before buying.

    Also, Dix, if the weird graphics don't bother you, i'd highly recommend AI War from Arcen Games. Very interesting idea, progressive difficulty, challenging gameplay, nice balance and lots of things to discover.

  2. If the release price will drop, i'll buy this definitely. It's a good team and i'm sure they won't screw up.

    Just as Max and probably many other people around these forums, i'm usually buying the early access to catch a ride on the development train. That whole process of the game getting better can be very involving and satisfactory, but you can only support a number of games that way.

  3. Oh my. I find your abundance of imagination disturbing.

    Is it wrong that the only thing i can think of now is the "teenage crosdresser ninja sebillians"?

    On a serious note, it would be good for an electrical caltrops to emit some humble cold light, though i couldn't find parameters controlling it in the weapons_gc.

  4. I believe GH used to have UFOs made with tiles completely, then switched to the prop models.

    Your solution fits in the middle, and actually could be a good idea.

    Also, logical train can go this way: hulls may be breached in the predefined areas -> it's a good idea to mark those areas visually -> cracks and structural damage will do -> make only crashlanded UFOs breachable.

  5. I've had like 7-8 games on my 386, and most of them was somewhat understandable (DuneII, NetWars, Xenon 2, Scorched earth, Prehistoric 2, oh memories), but when i've been really bored by everything else i kept trying to progress in Dizzy. That... nightmarish thing. I've never been able to figure it out.

    Just recently i've remembered about it and went to youtube to find some answers. Watched the entire playthrough. Still don't get it.

  6. The interface is only the simplest part I believe, but there are some fundamental issues...

    I've crawled through the lua one more time and pretty much sure it's the other way around.

    Codewise, it's not that hard to store list of dead soldiers with various data. Adding variables here and there, like recruit time, for example. It's not hard because you know exactly where in the code you should do it (when you press "hire soldier"), where to store it (in the soldier data), and what exactly to store ("game time"). Same with the reason of death, e.g. every time you reduce the health you store the reason somewhere, and take that reason after death. I'm not saying it's very simple, but it's way simpler than UI upgrade, cause right now it seems that lua is incapable of creating new windows. New buttons = yes, new screens = no. Overhauling this = pain.

  7. Since the new interface is all lua and stuff, i think if the info about this events could be stored somewhere (something like id-name-portraitcode-stats-missions...endmisssions-kills...endkills-diedfromwhat-diedfromwhom), then it would be possible to make new UI screen, map to the button somewhere in the barracks, and generate descriptions like these, i think.

    So, it comes down to

    1. Death data and functions to retrieve it from the scripts - up to generosity of developers

    2. lua UI code moddability, generating descriptions from the raw data. - up to someone who've had the experience with the lua and xenonauts UI modding in particular.

  8. I did?

    *checks the art cellars*

    Nope, i didn't. Although i certainly wanted to, but Max_Caine was like "No, we must hurry and finish our duty!" and the drone sketch idea was like "Go on without me.. avenge me.." and i've clenched my fists and said: "Damn right we will my friend".

    Yep. Pretty sure that's how it was.

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