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Everything posted by amerelium

  1. Looks like false alarm - I had some old files still lingering in the game directory. Seems to be working after I mede sure EVERYTHING from previous version was gone...
  2. Well, I've downloaded and started up, but it crashes at first ground combat, so not looking good...
  3. How's the work going in terms of stability? There's currently about four dozen premises where a save game will be corrupted / game will crash..
  4. ...so, I've got two operational bases, and each time base nr two is attacked, the game crashes as tactical is loaded. Attackes against base one is fine, just base two. Is there away around this one?
  5. The preorder and premium preorder emblems that many here have under their names - are they generated automatically somehow, or do you add the picture manually?
  6. I just add the farm and industry maps linked on page 1 of that thread?
  7. Problem with large white areas on the screen is that the contrast bleeds out the details of the other artwork. Doesn't really matter in the long run of course, just a wee strange design choice in my wiew. Looking forward to the game (hell, I'll be ecstatic to get a beta ere new years)
  8. ...so we can raid crashed corvettes? - I seem to remember the game crashing with them as well; maybe I'm mistaken...
  9. Some feedback: Can we please have the black background windows back, or at least the option for it? All the white is kind of in your face. Is there a max capacity for each storage room? I still can't see it listed anywhere... Other than that: Looks great
  10. Is there any way of getting more alien alloys as the game progresses? There's no more scout UFOs around anymore, just heavy fighters, that are always destroyed, and the larger landing craft, corvettes and cruisers, and they're obviously not in yet, as the game always crash when you try to mission them. So now I cannot make any more armour or weaponry...
  11. True, most new big studio games are flashy, short and dumb. And most interesting titles come from small, independent developers (old Space Empires player here). Like this one. But once in awhile, they do deliver. Deus Ex, Human Revolution did. Whilst not as complex in is gameplay as the original, and hampared by being cross-platform, it is a study in how to design a clever game, from the ground up. It was developed for consoles, but done so in a way that it does not annoy me, which is rare. Big studios today do not understand that good design is what makes a game, not the wrapping. System Shock 2 is still the creepiest game around, because of meticulous level design, and brilliant use of darkness and sound. Deus Ex (original) is still the best, because of those great locations; the cathedral mission, the underwater base, Vandenberg base... UFO: Enemy Unknows is still the best because it does right all the things that XCOM does wrong. XCOM: Enemy Unknown is a half-assed attempt, wrapped in flashy graphics, best examplified by every UFO crash site in the game being a temperate forest. Xenonauts is promising, because it looks to be more complex. I WANT complex. Which is why, when the rest of the world plays Galactic Civilixations, I play Space Empires...
  12. What strikes me the most about XCOM: Enemy Unknown is this: How on EARTH did the manage to have so little content within a 14 GB installation?!? Now, the game has a certain appeal, it is pleasing in on the eyes, but it's got console written all over it. Too much flash and too little bang. I've finished the game in a couple of days, and won't run through it again, mostly because I'm sick and tired of the only two tilesets available. Other thoughts: Little soldier development - you level them up 5 times in no time, and that's it (plus psi). In the original, they all kept ketting better and better the longer they survived. Flanking - sure, cute idea, but then no bonus when shooting someone from behind?? NO HIDDEN MOVEMENT! In the originals, just standing around did not mean you were safe - the aliens would come looking for you. Here they just hang around until you trigger them. (except terror missons to some degree) Clunky interface and bloody annoying action camera. You can disable some of those, but not all. Little point in upgrading you base. You need some satellites, a bit more power and a couple of storyline facilities, but that's it. The rest takes care of itself. Pathetic tech tree. you research one more ship type in no time, that blows everything away without problems. And there are so few events taking place that any damage is repaired in good time. It's funny that nothing today can compare to a game that came out all those years ago, considering the hardware we now possess. Let's hope this one can deliver...
  13. I'd like to have an option to set the menus to various degrees of transparency, as they cover up all the artwork. Also, how about making the various menu windows scollable, so that they do not take up so much of the screen?
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