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Everything posted by tass

  1. Thanks Korval .. Good to know its working.. Just because I am curious .. what OS are you using ?
  2. The desura site has the standalone when you go the game page.. http://www.desura.com/games/xenonauts Look on the right side bar, about where comments begin Right now is the massive 2G standalone for 16.1 .. If you happened to have the v16 zip my patch would update that for you.. It should also work if you have the V16 Desura install as well.. should.. but not 100% certain
  3. Thats a new one.. What OS are you using? I've had a bunch say it works for them.. so likely to be a small thing. First off , what is giving the error ? Is it when you try to launch the V16_V161.exe or after it has launched and is trying to patch? I copy out of DropBox as I have random luck running files directly from there. After you have it locally copied and double-click it should launch, at which point you need to supply/browse to your V16 installation folder.
  4. Cross-post... Hello folks, I have a binary patch that will take you from V16 to V16.1 , and is only 45MB in size!. This is for Windows ONLY and is 100% not official or supported, but with those caveats Chris has no objections to my sharing. I have used this for my own system, both at home and at work (: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/px48nnlmrcqzzaj/0X8yhxdxvL Grab the V16_to_V161.exe binary , doubleclick and follow the prompts. There are MD5 checksums there as well for the paranoid. Hopefully this works for Windows folks, but i'll try to help as I can. Some folks have tried and said it works too
  5. I'm just glad to help ... and will happily build them as I can. I'm typing it all up for Chris & co so they can do it too... I'll take a ThankYou and named Character/Alien anyday
  6. Anyone have it NOT work? (: I like to assume my stuff works.. i'm crazy that way
  7. Hello folks, I have a binary patch that will take you from V16 to V16.1 , and is only 45MB in size!. This is for Windows ONLY and is 100% not official or supported, but with those caveats Chris has no objections to my sharing. I have used this for my own system, both at home and at work (: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/px48nnlmrcqzzaj/0X8yhxdxvL Grab the V16_to_V161.exe binary , doubleclick and follow the prompts. There are MD5 checksums there as well for the paranoid. Hopefully this works for Windows folks, but I'll try to help as I can.
  8. Hello folks, I have a binary patch that will take you from V16 to V16.1 , and is only 45MB in size!. This is for Windows ONLY and is 100% not official or supported, but with those caveats Chris has no objections to my sharing. I have used this for my own system, both at home and at work (: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/px48nnlmrcqzzaj/0X8yhxdxvL Grab the V16_to_V161.exe binary , doubleclick and follow the prompts. There are MD5 checksums there as well for the paranoid. Hopefully this works for Windows folks, but i'll try to help as I can.
  9. I need my coffee more and work less Meant Red.. *sigh* off to edit... thanks (and more coffee and/or sleep)
  10. As a previous developer/designer all I can do is offer some hope and back you up guys. To those of you "testing" this during the Alpha.. while I could rant, it would be pointless. Those that understand what it is about are supporting, those that don't will hopefully just leave. This is a great opportunity for all of us, and the GiR (Guys in Red!) are giving everyone a great chance to make this their game and ours... I'm sorry Goldhawk/GiR have to deal with this... try your best to shrug it off and just focus on your passion.. it usually pays off at the end (:
  11. Hey folks.. I've made a binary patch for V16 to V16.1 that seems to work. I just need a bit more testing, and I've mentioned it to Chris and Gio. So as long they don't object I'll send out a link later for people to try... just keep in mind it is NOT OFFICIAL at all... caveat emptor, etc etc But it is looking like 45M exe (sorry Windows only ) for going from 16 to 16.1 .. may even try to add last build of 15 in there..
  12. I'm playing with a binary patch tool from my previous life as a game-dev/design/infrastructure guy. If it goes well, I'll be sure to get some folks to test and more than happy to provide the tool and key to Chris and co.
  13. Thanks Chris. Hmm, may have to break out my patch maker when I get home .. Desura is blocked @work.. imagine that, they want us to work rather then play (:
  14. Is this another 1G+ file or just the needed changes?
  15. Awesome guess go back a few then... I have this happening with 2 transports each doing a single, tested F17 then jeep, jeep then F17.. even F17 and troops. But in all cases I had a save with the bird in the air... looks like thats a big no-no for now.
  16. So, I have a CTD when trying to send jeep and F17 to my second base. Instead of the popup about supplies arriving, I am getting the transport plane disappearing (as normal) and then the CTD when I try to access base. Newgame then load save is not working either
  17. Have the Map on level3 .. can't see beyond ground floor. Is kind of fun, rocks are blacktopped too.
  18. ScreenShots: Overlay issue at end of GC (playing at 1280x1024, in Window) I'll add research when I get there again (save files got corrupted.. my fault..) EDIT: added the research snip as well..
  19. I'll get one up in just a few for you .. along with my resolution .. Thanks.
  20. When hiring personnel the increase in wages is overlaid with current wages making it unreadable. I'm also assuming the lack of data for most research projects (#### is what is displayed when starting) is known? Also, when playing in windowed mode, you miss that last few lines of completed research as it goes off screen.
  21. So, if you have 22+ saves, this version crashes 100% of the time on Win7 after doing the New-Game, Load-Game workaround for time pause. I'll test when V16 is out.
  22. Is anyone else getting odd sounds during combat? A few times now, clicking on the VII tab for my jeep triggers a gun reload sound. And occasionally turning in place results in footsteps. Not all the time though.. not sure if this is known or not, or how best to supply bug reporting support...
  23. I'm in trouble .. this game killed 2 hours at work today .. and a better version comes out tomorrow? Awesome
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