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10 Good
  1. Still no luck with getting V14 from Desura as a standalone - and it breaks on updating via Desura. Patiently waiting.
  2. God.. careful what you wish for with the berserker soldiers. X-com law dictates it'll always be the man packing the HE autocannon to go nuts - usually in your landing craft...
  3. Genuinely, you know what's upsetting? I paid for the game immediately, first chance I could - and I don't get any of the cool kickstarter goodies because I chucked money at the project early. I mean, playing the alpha has been reward enough, I'm just disappointed. Any chance we can get our hands on a XN t-shirt too?
  4. I asked PC gamer to cover Xenonauts in their podcast. they obliged. http://mos.futurenet.com/video/pcgamer/podcast/PCGamerPodcastNo62.mp3 Should be about 1:22:35. Not a big mention, and they seem vague on the details, but you take what you can get eh?
  5. How can I get my premium pre-order badge? I shy away from posting on the forums, but I've had a preorder for the game since the start. Can't wait for the next, fairly playable build... although I will miss attacking the glassy shed of evil.
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