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Posts posted by monoko

  1. Soldier loadout

    4X sniper

    4X shotgun

    1X machine gun

    1X carrying grenadier

    Every soldier carries flash/smoke/c4, I find that grenade is a lot better than rocket.Only 2 of my soldier carries first aid coz I almost never get shot.

    I always use smoke when heading to alien hotspots that's not visible yet then flashbang them or use c4 so they move right to my shotgun trap.

  2. If you are planning it that carefully how about just plan to kill the enemy without blowing up your own troops to do it?

    Use a grenade or C4 to blow them up from a safe distance.

    Maybe use a rocket launcher to hit them from even further back.

    The suicide belt should be a lot more powerful than c4, it just wouldn't be balanced to buff rockets/greades/c4.

    Civilians throwing molotov coctails, I can see that if the devs implement some kind of "militia" faction.

    As for suicide bombers... are you bloody serious? Firstly there's the association with terrorism, secondly this functionality has always been in the "X-Com genre", all the way back to UFO Defense days. Give a soldier a demolition charge, prime it, and tell him to run over to the nearest alien to get shot. He dies, charge goes off, alien is blown to pieces. Why would the devs waste time and money adding a piece of equipment to the game that makes the Xenonauts come off as crazed Jihadists ("oh, look at this, a game where you fight an occupation force using suicide belts, that's totally not a political message!") and doesn't add anything to the game?

    If anyone associates suicide bombing in a game with terrorism them they're clearly pushing a political correctness agenda.It's already possible to shoot and bomb civilians yet no one has screamed terrorist training simulator.A powerful explosive weapon without any kind of sacrifice is just imbalanced.

  3. well the core of desura is better than steam, you don't have to be connected to get to your games, and the desura games don't need a desura load up shell.

    steam has some great features, a better network, and a much stronger line up of games with better sales.

    origin is new, and used mass effect 3 as its catch to get started.

    impulse is old, and never really took off, but didn't fall into the same coding issues that steam did.

    in short if you want to be sure you can play the game you bought, go for desura. if you want neat community features, go for steam, unless you fear a monopoly taking over the game industry, then go for either origin. impulse is not quite steam or desura, but fills a niche somewhere in between.

    i personally remember the days when big studios bought out little studios, and the games were either innovative and half done, or well polished and simply a clone. the time when blizzard was king of quality, before WOW (not saying WOW is bad). as a result i fear a monopoly and so i like any decent competition for steam.

    I think that EA is pure evil and everyone should boycott their products.I like desura's interface and user friendly design but the games the carry are mostly horrible.

    Blizzard's games have been dropping in quality because the original devs of WoW, Diablo 2, starcraft already left and formed their own companies.They just ride their well knowsn IP and get massive preorder.

  4. Can't see the sucide belt working. Almost all the aliens have guns - exactly how close do you expect a solider to get?

    I can make aliens come right beside my shotgun guy 100% of the time in the latest desura build so I don't see how it'll be different with suicide belts unless they improve the AI.

    A group of suicide bombers hiding behind the tank and flash banging the aliens until they get close enough could work too.

  5. I think suicide belts are a bad idea. You just know there is some rightwing American preacher that is going to claim Xenonauts is a training simulator for jihaddist terrorists since you could potentially equip a suicide belt run up to a civie and explode. :(

    And quite frankly I'm just not interested in the mechanic. :P

    Molotov would be fun though. :)

    Sounds like good publicity for Xenonauts.

  6. The game loads but it doesn't progress but when i try the workaround by starting a new game before loading, it crash every single time.(only on certain save files)

    other game crashing bugs:

    -throwing a grenade or shooting a rocket at a planted c4

    -engaging 3X very small fighter planes or ships with escort, it seems that the game might spawn 2 of the minigame screen and the game crashes after 1 of them ends.

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