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Everything posted by Irishguy117

  1. The save I had made right before that mission is not working either.
  2. It seems like it has something to do with that one staircase, it happens every time somebody comes down it for me.
  3. I think mine was working fine until I started using laser weapons and then they all disappeared.
  4. So forgive me if this has been posted before but this one really bothered me. I got a little fed up with the game crashing every other time I sent out interceptors so I had been ignoring the aliens for a while so I could see research the laser weapons and wolf armor. After a while a medium UFO(only know the size the intercept screen showed me) showed up with a green icon, landed on the ground and I couldn't resist, so I sent out my guys even before their shiny new weapons were finished. When I landed, at first I was really happy. For one thing, my special forces troops had finally sorted out forwards and backwards, and were all facing the correct direction. I got my first taste of how awesome the finished game will be when the third guy I sent out of the dropship made it all of three steps and then had an unfortunate disagreement with some plasma, indicating this batch of aliens had at least one functioning brain cell. I finished unloading my troops, got off a few potshots at the aliens and ended my turn. And then after maybe a solid minute 30 of "hidden movement" the game crashed on me. Know that you all understand my pain in excruciating detail, I'm gonna go see if it happens twice.
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