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Posts posted by TornadoADV

  1. F17 is faster and better in dogfights than Mig31 :-s If something is "too quick" for F17 that would mean Mig31 is out of the picture too... Unless what you mean is using Mig31 to spam missiles on them beofre they get too close / escape.

    You use the Foxhound to pile drive the larger ships that can't dodge, said larger ships tend to be too fast for the Falcon to catch up to anyway.

  2. You're making the assumption that the rest of the world just bends over and takes it, hoping to their deity of choice that the Xenonauts come down from upon high to save them. I never really like that angle of XCOM. XCOM is the tip of the spear, no doubt, but that leaves the rest of the spear to be given some personality besides just throwing money at you monthly.

    It would make perfect sense that the Xenonauts commander (IE : You) can influence the rest of the world through what technology and recovered alien artifacts you sell to them. Perhaps eventually the friendly soldiers you meet in a crash site area have LASER weapons and better armor because of what you provided to the world. Perhaps funding nations can make requests for specific gear or technical knowledge in return for funding increase, a cadre of their veteran soldiers (You aren't the only fighting force resisting the aliens!) and down the line they can provide secondary support through geoscape interceptions and improved NPCs in tactical combat.

  3. I fully agree with you, Chris. Though I would suggest a rank cap of Corporal instead of Sergeant. Also, I would like if there was some way to make the Xenonauts more able to interact with the world at large. If we sell our tech and gear to the funding nations, they should logicially be able to pick up the slack in places we can't cover in person. Plus it would really help on harder difficulty levels, because in the end, Humanity is in this thing together. Also, it would be awesome to be under the gun to get to a crash site to recover vital tech and all your own interceptors are in the shop under repairs.

    Suddenly a flight of UFO fighters show up on the radar screen, making a beeline straight for your vunerable dropship, only for them vanish when almost within range because the nation who you had generously helped with knowledge and technology had seen the distress you were in and scrambled a CAP of some of their upgraded fighters to protect your dropship!

  4. And enter having to program the pain in the ass points on the map where the helicopter must fly to to refuel, and making a mechanic that will take some money when X distance that has been traveled overa non funding nation. And for what? For not wanting to deal with limittions of the 70's technology? Well tough.

    FYI, Chinooks could mid-air refuel from C-130s in the 1970s.

  5. I love the paratrooper idea, though I suggest the C-141 Starlifter. I could see restricting the Colussus from paratrooper operations, no way they are fitting through a hatch! (Or treat them like a vehicle in that regard and they have to dismount via rear ramp then side hatch.) Perhaps we can do something special with Buzzard and Sentinel suits where they can use some sort of supersonic high-tech dropship and then VTOL down to the ground for extremely quick situation response!

  6. Because:

    Standard: Launch a metal slug at high velocity via small explosion.

    Gauss: Launch a metal slug at high velocity via EM fields.

    They do use a more advanced method to propel the slug but they are basically a next generation of ballistics. Chris admitted there would be a rail gun later in the game but after a few posts still claimed that the 4th tier is still not out of the bag. Besides i once took a stroll across the game files, naively, thinking that all the advanced tech art is taken out of the game. And saw a missile which name implied a FAR more advanced technology(like by centuries more) than Gauss weaponry. I never went back into the spoilerific art assets again. One spoiler is too much ;_;


    Oh and even if it's kind of wrong, USE SPOILER TAGS! Jesus mofo Christ man! If you don't know how then ask around. I don't know how to use those too but i don't go DUMBLEDORE DIES all over the forums.

    Drama much? I ain't spoiling anything, it's all right there for everybody to see. The most advanced missile is the Hypervelocity variant (Speed speed speed!). As for those crazy advanced ones you saw, those were end game Torpedos, Fusion and Singularity (AKA : Nuke and Black Hole)

  7. Excuse me? Dropships and Hangers add a hefty fee in monthly costs in Xenonauts. Also, you made a huge leap from Radar base to needing protection. Radar Bases don't need protection as they don't attract alien attention. Only Interceptor bases need protection. And no game should EVER make the player feel helpless, I can't tell you how many times playing the alpha, I've had Alien bases and terror sites well outside my Chinook range, constantly draining my funding and swarms of every alien ship under the sun swamping my meager ability to counter act them, slaughtering thousands of civilians. So even if I expanded to a new base, driving me even further into the red, my Chinooks, even with escorts, would never make it to the site and back.

    As alpha testers it's also our JOB to ensure that the finished product is an enjoyable experience to play for everyone, not just for Grognards.

  8. I wonder how the AI for sending ships works in the first place? I seems to me that you should be able to maintain periods of air superiority if you shoot down all the incoming alien ships and they haven't got anymore ready to enter the atmosphere. I don't know about you guys, but I have no problem shooting down UFOs even over the ocean. I figure if it's not flying it's not causing trouble. In the old XCom Apocalypse it was possible to shoot down so many UFOs that they would stop sending them. At that point you're only choice was to attack the home base. I kind of like that idea.

    It is kinda annoying how they seemingly have an endless amount of Fighters, Heavy Fighters and Bombers, which can either kill/damage your interceptors or kill innocent civilians but don't leave any wreckage or material behind for you to use.

  9. That choice should be up to the play to defend their extra bases because those bases were their choice. I chose to expand my bases in XCOM to extend my radar range and to make it easier on my Firestorms. But if I needed to, I could always fall back onto my plasma cannon equipped Interceptors in my Main Base in the USA to pull legwork for cross globe interception. As far as base defenses go, I had troops at each base, but Skyrangers only at my main base and it worked great.

  10. I think it needs to be said that since our troop transports can now be shot down, that the later dropships will be faster, more agile and be able to carry their own weapon systems should be enough of an improvement. This whole, "You need to build more bases to cover all potentional spots" Adds horrible monthly cost bloat to the Xenonaut budget. The choice should be, "I want to build more bases so I can react quicker with less chance of getting shot down." not, "I HAVE to build this base, otherwise, I can't defend X/Y/Z and my funding suffers even more!"

    I found that XCOM addressed this point very well, Interceptors and Skyrangers had practically unlimited global range, but were either not armed or had comparatively low health compared to the later ships (and they were slow, which meant you had to intercept the target ASAP or get to that Terror site ASAP, you didn't get to choose where you fought or when.)

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