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Posts posted by Kouki

  1. On 1/4/2025 at 8:11 PM, Von_Emmy said:
    • Description:
      It is possible to cap a Harvester despite enemies in Command Room.
    • What Happened: 
      After killing all enemies on all other floors, at the start of the next turn (if i remember correctly) a message appeared, telling me something like "capping in two turns", despite of some remaining enemies in the upper floor where the Command Room is.
    • Further information:
      • There is an inaccessible third floor inbetween the second (where this "capping" message started to appear) and the last (4th) floor (where the command room is and the remaining enemies are).

        If I remember correctly, then the same thing could happen (i.e. capping despite remaining enemies in UFO) and there would also be such a inbetween floor (like shown on the ScreenShot above) on the Battleship Type of UFOs. Either that or it was the Cruiser Type.
      • This save file user_day_271_bug_har_cap_despite_enemies_in_cmndroom-128.json should be from when I made this ScreenShot, right before I took the chance to wipe the remaining last floor.
      • As for a "before_combat" save file - it's no longer available, but I have this save file user_day_270_cs29_har_farm_rdy-126.json from right before attempting that Crash Site.
      • Campaign started at 5.2.0 Steam Version on fresh reinstall, then continually updated and currently at 5.5.0.
      • For my computer's technical specs and such please check this Attachement which is from this BugReport.

    Thanks for the bug report! Yeah, this seems to be an issue exclusive to the harvester, we'll get it fixed

  2. On 1/4/2025 at 10:42 PM, Xeferah said:

    If you lose an aircraft it will be replaced in 10 days. However, the first time you select that aircraft to be replaced, it lists the costs as 30K (instead of 200K). The moment you select a different aircraft, this value is gone and it will cost 200K again. I have not found a way to get the cost of 30K back, except reloading the game from directly after the combat that lost me my aircraft. See screenshot.

    This is only a visual bug, the actual cost is still 200K, even though the game says 30K. See second screenshot. Save file added.auto_strategy_after_intercept-116.json



    Thanks for the bug report, the save was very much helpful. We'll look into it and get it fixed

  3. 4 hours ago, svidangel said:

    Unsure if actual bug, but do robotic entities not count towards xenonaut control of a craft? I received a notification that Xenonauts needed to control the craft for 2 more turns to win, then went off to explore since it was my first Harvester... and promptly found an enemy (servitor drone). See save.

    user_control_of_ship-31.json 4.32 MB · 0 downloads

    Thanks, we'll give this a look


    4 hours ago, svidangel said:

    Side note, in the same mission I lost a xenonaut, then had a servitor explode basically on top of their corpse gibbing the body into a blood stain... and they managed to survive. I recall reading somewhere that body destruction shouldn't allow a survival chance... but I appreciate the oversight :P

    As for this other bug, this is a known issue and will get fixed, glad to hear the these bugs can help every now and then though :)

    • Like 1
  4. On 1/2/2025 at 4:02 PM, svidangel said:

    On terror missions civilians in otherwise no danger will path straight into and through poison clouds (not ones that were dropped on them) and die. It's a little frustrating since I don't think we have a way to get rid of the poison smoke.

    Thanks for the report! Yeah I don't think we have the AI set to evade harmful terrain effects yet (I think they won't evade fire either), improving the AI is one of the things we have planned out and hopefully we get to to work on it as soon as the more urgent bugs are out of the way

    • Like 1
  5. On 1/2/2025 at 3:22 PM, pwd said:

    I lost 2-3 Ares in a successful terror site mission. I rebuilt the wreckages. Now I am short an Ares. Are you not guaranteed to recover a wreckage, or can it be completely destroyed?

    If this is a bug, then I don't know whether it was that the wreckage was not recovered or if it was something up with engineering later.

    Thanks for the report! Do you still have the save file for it? We'd like to take a look into it so we can figure out what's going on.

  6. On 1/1/2025 at 1:32 PM, Shigawire said:

    Description: Loading into a Harvester UFO battle crashes (i.e. never loads to 100%, forcing me to ALT+F4)

    What happened: I shot down a Harvester UFO, and sent troops to the site. The battle loads to 90% but never goes to allow "begin battle" forcing me to Alt-F4.
    Saves attached: just after shoot-down, and prior to battle.

    bug_report_2025-01-01-06h27_wn_5.5.0_unhandled_exception.zip 4.44 MB · 0 downloads auto_strategy_before_combat-161.json 891.15 kB · 0 downloads auto_strategy_after_intercept-160.json 925.66 kB · 0 downloads

    Thanks, we'll give this a look and get it fixed

  7. On 12/30/2024 at 3:20 AM, Von_Emmy said:
      • Description:
        Loading my very first Battleship Ground Combat in the Tropical Biome is repeadingly getting stuck at 90% - I'm unable to play this mission.
      • What Happened:
        Loaded the game into the prepared Save "save^user_day_323_cs36_bat_tropical_rdy_created_2024-12-29-04h51-161", skipped time a little to avoid nighttime operation and flew to the crashsite...
        On my second attempt I loaded the game into "save^auto_strategy_before_combat_created_2024-12-29-19h07-215" -> same outcome
      • Further information:
        • Campaign started at 5.2.0 Steam Version on fresh reinstall, currently at 5.5.0
        • I'll skip this Battleship and try an other

    bug_report_2024-12-29-19h16_wn_5.5.0_unhandled_exception.zip 6.15 MB · 0 downloads

    That's strange, tried loading your save and was able to load in to the tropical map normally. Were you able to load into the battleship mission if it was on a separate biome (farm, etc.)

  8. On 12/30/2024 at 3:59 AM, MIkiondra said:

    So, I was playing terror mission and I ended turn, so enemies played.

    But, for some reason,  when  I was creating account here, it crashed. 

    I dont know if it is due to enemies play, or because I havent played.

    bug_report_2024-12-29-20h46_gc_5.5.0_unhandled_exception.zip 5.8 MB · 0 downloads

    Thanks for the bug report! This crash is most likely caused by the enemy turn on the terror mission, rather than having the game on the background. We're looking into getting that bug fixed asap!

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