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Everything posted by Kouki

  1. Yeah, the orbital bombardment timer is bugged right now, it also doesn't update when you finish one of the orbital station mission. We're working on getting it fixed as soon as we can (just squashing out more urgent bugs first!)
  2. Yeah drag and dropping mags seem to be bugged right now. Although can you reload by click on the mag icon on the bottom UI? We'll get this bug fixed, but at least there's still a way to reload for now.
  3. This shouldn't be the case anymore as it was fixed in one of the earlier patches, however if you're playing a campaign during a version when this bug existed and your soldier's stat got reduced, then it will persist throughout the entire campaign. If you're still encountering this problem in the current patch, I'll need to get a handle on a save file as suppression seems to work normally when I tested it on my end, thanks!
  4. This should work, let me know if it doesn't user_day_308_manual_save_1-1.json
  5. Thanks for the bug report. Like the other post, this is most likely caused by a bugged asset painted in the map, loading a before combat save should fix this issue.
  6. This is most likely due to a bugged asset used in the map that was fixed in between patches. I suggest trying to load the before combat mission as that should fix the problem
  7. Here you go, just fast forward a few days and a battleship should spawn. user_day_346_manual_save-1.json
  8. Nice catch. Do you still have a save for this by any chance? I think the first UFO you'll intercept will always be a probe so I'm rather curious if this happens everytime or if it's just a niche scenario (will also have to check with Chris as he could've changed how quantum teleportation is unlocked)
  9. Thanks for the report, the save is very much appreciated! We'll get this fixed asap
  10. Thanks for the report! Do you have a save file for this so I can give it a quick look?
  11. Thanks for the report! Unfortunately, I couldn't reproduce the crash on my end so will have to bring this up with the rest of the team before I can give any decent answer.
  12. Thanks for the bug report! Will have to bring this up with the rest of the team as I couldn't reproduce the crash on my end.
  13. Ground combat mission saves in 5.5 are not compatible with 5.6 due to the various fixes we've made with the maps (which basically breaks the save when it deserializes), if you can load back to a geoscape save (before combat autosave), it should work fine.
  14. This should be fixed in the 5.6 update released during the weekends btw, let us know if that is not the case and you're still encountering issues w/ transferring aircraft.
  15. Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, diese Fehlerberichte zu veröffentlichen. Dies ist ein bekanntes Problem und wir arbeiten daran, es so schnell wie möglich zu beheben.
  16. Yeah that is indeed the visual state bugging out on doors, we're working on getting that fixed as soon as we can!
  17. Thanks, we'll give this one a look. As for the research option, will have to ask Chris about it to make sure but I think the biter autopsy research just hasn't been implemented yet
  18. Thanks for the report, the next patch should include fixes for this bug and should be out before this week ends
  19. Was able to reproduce the buggy shroud reveal from your save, this will be very helpful, thanks a lot!
  20. Hey there, just checked in the save and it seems like you've done the engineering projects for all of the alien types, had to sift through all the finished research/engineering projects but below are the projects you've completed and I think it covers all alien types (I don't think biters have a corpse analysis project yet)
  21. Thanks for the save, unfortunately still couldn't reproduce it from this. But we'll try to give it a look and see what's going on
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