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Everything posted by 38Simulated

  1. I was specifically referring to the modding tools, not the game in general.
  2. @Chris Was there an update on this that i missed? Or is it still being worked on?
  3. Happy to get involved. Not done much with cross-platform GUI's unless we're talking Electron, but i've been a software developer for 20+ years so should hopefully be able to bring something to the party
  4. If you take a look at the code you'll see i already did I've attributed you in the code and the readme The actual code that loads the mods into X2 is essentially wholesale taken from your Github project
  5. I'm not sure its really possible at this stage (not without a lot of knowledge of Unity and 3d modelling) Its not like X1 where you could just copy some sprites from one folder to another. 99% of the assets for X2 are contained in Unity asset bundles. It is possible to alter the bundles and replace assets. However, the Xenonaut armour is going to be its own 3d model with its own texture and animations. I'd imagine you can't just switch the models as it's likely the local forces have their own 3d models with their own textures and animations. If the local forces and the Xenonaut starter armour share the same model then it might be possible to swap the textures but that would require finding the texture in the 370 odd asset bundles, extracting them, swapping them and then saving them back to the bundle.
  6. Might be a bit of an understatement The games built in Unity now so takes advantage of the way Unity does stuff. That means almost everything is stored in a Unity asset bundle which makes it harder to swap stuff about. Hopefully the mod tools that are being created will make that easier. I'm the mad lad that created the mod loader btw
  7. The mod tools sound awesome and I look forward to using them / contributing when they get released
  8. Hi all, To help me with Modding for Xenonauts 2 I've created a Mod Loader based on a forum post by asdfcyber (https://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/index.php?/topic/28131-first-v25-modding-impressions/#comment-192760) It uses mono.cecil to patch the Assembly-CSharp.dll and inject code that loads mods from a folder of your choosing. Essentially you run the Mod Loader exe and it'll inject the Mod Loader code if needed and then starts Xenonauts 2. It will then call a LoadMods method in the Xenonauts.XenonautsMain constructor. The repo also contains an example mod that shows how to override existing methods using Harmony (https://github.com/pardeike/Harmony) and how to format the mod so that the Mod Loader can detect it. The repo can be found here: https://github.com/38Simulated/XenonautsModding Not sure if there are that many people out there looking into modding the game, but I thought I'd post something just in case it was of any use to anyone.
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