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Everything posted by LynneJJW

  1. same. but, i cant cancel any constructions OR demolish any finished areas. these arnt sections that are in the middle of the base ether, theyre the furthest out, with nothing else connecting to it.
  2. That passive income would be needed a bit later, but it can be nerfed a bit. I still think contract good orders could work. YA! Thats good feedback for the game! argue some more! :/
  3. Just hit the wall again after the update. day... 448 and its been some 140 days without a UFO i win! lol So, from my look at the game 125 hours in now. I have some more to add other than another thread I made earlier. 1. Panic System. Panic system is great, easy to understand. BUT, it seems to rise a bit too fast on even Recruit. It could be fixed a bit, OR a suggestion; make the panic counter include decimal places as well. Have it so the UFO occurrence/anomaly/ect thats not a mission, points are dependent on how close the occurrence is to a city-point. With the lowest point maybe being 0.2 and the highest being 1.0. scaling per difficulty. On recruit, furthest is 0.2. on Vet it'd be like 1.2 as an example. Balance to whats needed. Also, the way to decrease panic is only operational. Only by taking down UFOs do I see it decrease. As of the 448th day, with 140 days of no UFOs, the panic is still atleast high in some regions. How about this... 1. New mechanic or side story ark (like Cleaners) (might be a bit late for this, or it can go through research or mechanic or something) Working to offer tech to regional militaries for their own military protection, this could boost that region's funding to you but it could require you to hand over a stock of weapons that only you can build. This would lower that regions panic by some %. But these CAN be finite choices or time sensitive. The side story ark part is just my idea of a region trying to make their own Xenonauts, illegally, with the weapons you gave that region. And like the Cleaners, youre gonna have to deal with them. (Call them XCOM, for the giggles) 2. Have a capped points for panic, and anything before the next cap-point will have the panic decrease to the last cap-point. for Recruit, it could be every 25%. So, if my panic is 49%, not yet 50% (my next cap point), then the panic in that region decreases by 1 each day or week (balance needed) till it rests back at 25%. Balance to whats needed. Its something like above or add more panic decreasing events. 2. Cleaners. I like them, I feel its a good addition, but kinda lack depth. These guys are kinda, unexplained. Itd be best to have them maybe as a 3rd party encounter in one of the other missions, rather than the first mission being that you bust into their Regional HQ to grab some flashdrives. They are also very tough, very accurate, and deal lot of damage. they have accelerator rifles. something I dont get till a little later, but they have them. At the first Clearers mission, I dont have these weapons yet or they are hard to build due to a lack of resources. Even in the easiest mode. In suggestion, itd be best if these guys were better scaled to events. The tackle of the Cleaners did nothing for me other than more opportunities to get money. It didnt lower panic or add on any new tech or paths to assist me. I dont see anything in the roadmap about them providing much else than money. suggestion to this would be to maybe add in psi resistance tech or something? 4. Ground Combat is clean. but... The penalties for blocked shots is too harsh. with a sniper rifle, shooting over a 3 foot box is -40%. this is when nether I nor the enemy is taking cover behind it. Same with things you should be able to shoot through without problem, like guard rails and fences. Suggest to redo the penalties of things depending on the vertical size of them rather than what they are. The chances of shooting things RIGHT infront of you that you dont want to hit is too high. If possible, a calculation of the first object from the character should fix this. Then throw in hit chance of the size of the object... so forth. Base Character accuracy % + weapon accuracy % - distance x% - object height % Burst fire is still kinda useless. I dont know how to fix this other than just increasing the general accuracy % of burst. The armor plating and some other items are kinda on the heavier side and needs some tweaks. Plates are 12. normal high end plates range from 5 to 10 depending on the material and composite. No idea for the sci-fi plates. balance accordingly? Weapon systems need to be a bit more unique rather than just a blatant improvement. Theres upgrades for laser weapons ammo. but its useless once you get Gauss weapons. How about... 1. Accelerated weapons are a bit heavier than starter weapons, do good damage as they do. Can damage and penetrate armor better. This can be the vertical upgrade weapon type. 2. Laser weapons should have a great accuracy and slightly lower TU pull. They do little to no damage to armor, but has good armor penetration. They should have a closer damage bonus. 3. Gauss weapons are great at accuracy, not as great as laser, and require slightly higher TU to run as it needs to charge capacitors. does heavy damage to armor and great penetration. But the power to fire these things is too high so it would need a reload every shot. Later upgrade can expand it to how laser weapons have their base ammo caps. -This is to better give each weapon type a better balance feel or purpose and advantage that it could have even in late or end game. 5. New Dropships Needed In honesty, the dropship currently, feels OP as is, too much fuel (range) for the first dropship. Maybe a UH-60 variant or something russian, like a Mi-8 variant. even a AW101 Merlin could work as a starter dropship. The point is dealing with your own little radar space first, maybe reach out to other points within the region, not having a full 24,901mile range around the planet. But if youre also playing the game strategically enough, you could put your 2nd base in the area the furthest from where the first base, and then that makes the operational range of the SkyHawk obsolete. An X-1 is needed . The X-2 can come a bit later. Another thing that would help provide a little more reason to go after the X-3, would be to give the X-3 self defense armament to deal with interceptors (at the least 1) In reality, the AH-64 and other gunships have full AIM-9X AA missiles on their wingtips to deal with enemy jets. or FIM-92 Stingers to deal with enemy Helicopters. The A-10, a ground focused only plane, carries the same AIM-9s for self defense against enemy jets. 6. General pricing is... i hope its a placeholder. Simply that the general pricing of alot of things is too much. 50,000 for the gauss rifle, 50k for a electro rifle, 250k for the MARS, 350,000 for a jet? And their upkeep? 5k per MARS, 80,000 per jet, 100K per dropship, x1 soldier is 10k, 25k per engineer/scientist, 100k per hangar, 400k per radar. 10k per alloy and 20k per alenium. and 100k per exosuit. Pricing of everything needs to be looked at. Each firearm in its own category is the same price. the price of a Gauss handgun is the same price to make as a Gauss Sniper Rifle. I dont think anyone wants a massive list of my thoughts on recalculating the prices. At my wall I am at now, as I can sit back and just accumulate money. I built all 6 bases and filled them. My monthly expense report is $10 MILLION. ~$3M for base upkeep. ~3M for aircraft upkeep. ~3M for personnel. Im only getting $15k per region + what my idle science and workshops are making. Im always zapped to $0 as im only able to make some ~$5M at by end of the month. and this is only the 25% point till the endgame. So far, these are some thoughts and suggestions for making the game feel a bit better or more logical or more in depth. I look forward to the endgame!
  4. I thought the game took place from the 60s or the 70s. so some things wouldnt work. though, the use of russian aircraft should be able.
  5. So, 100 hours in and hitting the wall. I'll be giving my advise and suggestions about the game so far! Starting off, I loved Xenonauts 1 as it held that simplicity of classic Fallout games with an in depth calculation and effect system to stats. 1. Panic system. It felt a bit difficult to cover other parts of the planet that were having anomalies or abduction reports. not actual missions. And these were adding to the panic level that effects the funding. ... in suggestion, the further away these UFO anomalies and sightings are from a City landmark, the lesser the panic. This will better effect late game when theres upwards of 3+ UFO groups on the map at the same time. 2. Cleaners. These guys are kinda, unexplained. Itd be best to have them maybe as a 3rd party encounter in one of the other missions, rather than the first mission being that you bust into their Regional HQ to grab some flashdrives. They are also very tough, very accurate, and deal lot of damage. they have accelerator rifles. something i dont get till a little later, but they all have them. At the first Clearers mission, i dont have these weapons yet or they are hard to build due to a lack of resources. Even in the easiest mode. In suggestion, itd be best if these guys were better scaled to events. 3. Air combat. I hear is being refined still. 4. Ground Combat. The penalties for blocked shots is too harsh. with a sniper rifle, shooting over a 3 foot box is -40%. this is when nether I nor the enemy is taking cover behind it. Same with guard rails. Point blank is overly harsh. I hear that its being looked into. Bring back overwatch point usage. Before in Xeno 1 it made the remaining of your TU yellow indicating that those points are reserved for overwatch. The chances of shooting things RIGHT infront of you that you dont want to hit is too high. This is more that theres too many thing blocking shots when they shouldnt be. Burst fire is just about useless as the % is not per bullet in the burst but the entire attack. Shields feel to be very underwhelming as I used to basically run shields for cover back in Xeno 1. 5. Prep system/Base/assets. I like the prep system carry over from Xeno 1, but I feel that some things are too heavy. Steel Ballistic plates are between 5 and 10lbs irl. As for the Deploy aircraft, id addon that there should be better different tiers of deploy aircraft. You have the ability to deploy as many as the aircraft can load, rather than having that extra space. I suggest the FIRST deployment aircraft to be something like a UH-1. The UH-1D can carry 10 troops and will deploy out the sides. the UH-60 can carry 12. Theres the CH-46, 47, and 53 to pick from when increasing tier, deploy the back and sides. So forth. just a bit of extra depth before hitting the sci-fi stuff This is really all I have in mind and I look forward to what the endgame of the development will bring! ========Edit addition 6. General pricing. So, the general pricing of everything seems to be placeholder I'm guessing. a Radar Array being 400,000 the 2nd jet aircraft being 500,000, MARS costs 250,000. Some armors costing upwards of 25,000, as the stun gun costs 20,000, the laser turret defense upgrade costing 250,000. Alot of these things dont feel quite right. Specially not with the funding provided.
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