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Everything posted by Kasferatu

  1. Apologies if this bug has already been raised, I had a brief search but couldn't find it. I had some Laser Battery's being built. When I researched the tech for Plasma Battery's, they appeared instantly finished. Not a big deal but was a bit of a surprise to see! I've attached a save file if you want to recreate the bug battery bug.sav battery bug.sav
  2. I'm becoming slightly concerned (perhaps unnecessarily) that there is an underlying danger here in how long these big ship missions will take, especially if they become 2 parters. I loved the hell out of the original X-Com games, but there were 2 things that I really didn't like. The first was missions that lasted too long because the maps were too large with too many tiny places for aliens to hide (I'm looking at you ship terror mission). I think Chris has done a great thing by adding the alternative mission objective to avoid these, and I hope they will exist even on the two parters. However the second thing was that stage at the late game where you had all the items you needed to research, but were just waiting for however long it took to research and manufacture the final stuff. In this time you ended up with quite a few large UFO's flying around that you then had to clear out when you downed them. This became incredibly tedious after a while. In Apocalypse you could at least destroy the ship entirely on the overworld map which I thought was a good solution. I guess what I'm getting at with this is that if the large UFO missions are going to be really long slogs, they either need to be really varied, or somehow skippable (this problem has arisen in the new X-Com game, with reviewers asking for the ability to auto-resolve battles). I totally understand that we won't be able to make our own breaches in the UFOs for technical reasons, but if thereis no variety in how we can tackle the large UFOs each time I think it could get dull. Because of this I'm getting more convinced by the idea ducttape had, or just a 1 part mission inside the UFO. If there are two part missions, how do you see the positioning setup of the second stage going? I always found it irrating in Apocalypse where your squad would just start randomly across the map. At least there though you could arrange people in squads that would appear together. I'd also be interested to see if people have ideas of how to keep those final missions interesting.
  3. I agree with the idea of having the smallest ships present but not enterable, the medium ships being enterable as normal and the large ships being two parter (though would still like an 'air-lock' if technically feasible). I don't think the consistency will be a big problem as the pre-mission text can say that its a two part jobby of securing the area around the big ship then doing whatever inside it.
  4. I think this is kind of what I was getting at too. It would be good to have the breach as part of the first mission, and then have the transition at some point in the UFO. I arbitrarily picked the elevator, but an airlock or other such thing would work too.
  5. I always thought it was pretty neat in X-Com Apocalypse that the more powerful explosions would destroy all the equipment on the ground near by (even causing explosion cascades) so I think this would be a great feature.
  6. I have to say I agree with StellarRat, I would prefer to have single level UFOs only rather than have two-part missions. Certainly it would be very strange to have a two-part where the second part is a fighter or similar small craft. For me, the entrance to the craft was one of the big parts of the mission and it would be a shame to lose that. Heck, if there was a two-part split I'd rather it was something like when you enter the elevator to the other floors rather than when you reach the door to the ship. At least you'd then have the infiltration of the lower area as part of the main map. Probably not very technically feasible though
  7. I would definitely like to see the additional tileset, and military terror missions sound good too. For me, anything that adds to the variety of the missions and maps is a big plus, as that is where we will spend most of our time.
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