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  1. @sfarrelly Thank you for quick fixing. Here there are some my impressions about the game (it is my IMHO). I played 0.99.3 on normal without any other patches/hotfixes and didn't install any other mods (like easy airgame). In general the mod is great. It has many new improvements in comparison with 0.98, and I have strong feeling that 1.0 will be even better. - Due to high numbers of alien specialists it is difficult to follow who you already have captured. This can lead to situations where you miss some vital research to succeed in the game. - To get a core of the ship you should capture it twice (one for research the second for disassembling). Taking into account the number of different ships for each phase (which differ only in their crew and color) – it can become boring. - In X-pedia there should be more headings, otherwise it may be difficult to find something through many items (e.g. through dozens captured aliens). - Due to many items it is difficult to find something in the Storeroom. - Maybe it is only in my game but alien bases appear too often. Virtually every week I have an ufo trying to build a new base. Also they grow rather fast. - Aliens big vehicles/mechs are cool but often they stuck somewhere or move very awkwardly. Though I think this is the problem of the game rather than the mod. - Terror missions (both aerial and terrestrial) can follow one by one. - IMHO AI in some aspects was better in 0.98. The reason is that now aliens are so aggressive that they often even don't try to fire from the distance but first go face to face to my units. Even reapers don't hide and move in the open. - The presence of many civilians is more interesting. But terror missions with reapers in few turns transform the game from “xenonauns” to something like “walking dead”. - As in 0.98 there are many reseaches and it is difficult to say which one will lead to better aircraft/armor/weapon. So the current solution is to research everything. - Sometimes new weapon types in research go one by one (e.g. in one month it is possible to get all weapons of one type from MK-1 to MK-3). Maybe it is better to make MK-1 for p1, MK-2 for p2, etc. - Airgame is more interesting but is very punishing. It would be nice to have something like a tutorial where different aspects of different weapons will be shown/described. Also to intercept big ships you often need more than 1 fleet with high probability of losing some of ships. Maybe it is worth to create new buildings like small angars (1 tile instead of 2) in the base for some small ships to make more fleets. - IMHO new phases should begin slower (for example first 1-2 month only a couple of new ships from next phase) so that players could research new techs and manufacture new ships/weapons. - I think that closed ufo doors make it easier to catch ufo since there are no backfire (ideally they should be closed only for xenonauts and not aliens). This maybe OK for big ships but not for small ones. - In most big ships there are no aliens except in the cabin (e.g. cruiser - all clear but 12 aliens in the cabin). Though in p4 on some ships there are a few aliens in the first floor. Battleships have teleports to go outside the ship without breaking doors. I have a suspicion that all aliens leave the ship through these teleports to attack my troops. - Endgame is not properly finished. - As was already noted there is more money, alien alloys, alenium then you could spend.
  2. Hi drages, Thank you especially for this mod (I have played it since 0.98). I will send you a save after some time. Also I will post later some other my impressions. I noticed that the end is “still under construction”
  3. Hi, thank you for continuing making this mod. I managed to finish it and want to post some issues/bugs I have found (for 0.99.3). By the way, it has good quality for the beta. Minor issues: - There was a map where tank can't exit chinok due to the presence of a kiosk. - Sebillian terror operator corpses are red but while alive they are green. - Alien Ballistic cannon (p1) is named as ### in the research screen. - There is no research for reaper Alpha (and some other aliens like hariddan officer) – it is just executed. So you don't know should you capture them or not. - Enchanted shield in X-pedia is written as Enhanced. - If a plane is under construction (e.g. corsar) it is named in base view as foxtrot. - Mag/Rail machineguns can't be equipped on Saviour/Hyperion. - Hyperion on the battlefield looks like a tank and not like in the vehicles screen on the base. - It seems that info about HP of alien ships or Aircraft weapons in X-pedia is not correct. - Heavy smoke grenades appears without researching advanced smoke grenades first. - Some elements demand different components (like xenomorphs, andrones, etc.) some don't. E.g. Sentelin armor demands only alien alloys and Ripper - demands alien components. The same with aircraft weapons – some demand alien weapons (which are in short supply) some only demands alloys and alenium (which are in abundance). - The clothes of the crew in the base changes before “base upgrade” is researched. - Bomber carrier - caesans with reapers (reapers should be with sebs?) (according to quantum cryptology center). - Can't disassemble base cores. - Alien dark rifle/cannon/pistol dsb etc. in Manufacture are in Basics section. - It seems that there are no upgrades for base missile defence. Serious bugs. - It seems that there is no research after capturing high ranking aliens (e.g. caesan tactical commander, sebillian professor, caesan head engineer, caesan fleet commander, sebillian weapon commander). Since there is already no low ranking specialists it is impossible to get researches for previously missed aliens. - (As I see this is already fixed.) Praetor's attack/counterattack (on alien bases) often freezes the game. Praetors in big ships and the final boss don't have such problems. - Some dsb manufactures (e.g. incineration cannon/heavy) in p4 cause crash.
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