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    Football, DND, D20 modern, any post apoc anything
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    Project manager
  1. I think the new system is fun, basic alien AI makes it a bit predictible on tactics to use. I am expecting to get quite a few planes shot down in the final version when they use more of the screen.
  2. I'll give that a try, sounds like good advice. Thanks. 3 fighters shot down with cannons and no crash sites yet... looks like 20 to 24 shots from the cannon destroy a fighter. ufos are at #157 - just got second ground mission- shot down a scout.
  3. I sure hope so, those smoke grenades were life savers!
  4. Ya I sure am. I think I have read here that the fighters don't spawn a crash site, the covairs don't seem to spawn sites either- is it just the 2 types of ufo's so far?
  5. Hello everyone, I have a quick question-- how do I cause ufo crashes? I have destroyed 58 ufos with only 1 crash site. More auto cannon and less missles? I actually don't mind this new system (once i figure it out) with different ships it should be kinda cool. Although after I have picked the thousanth lock in fallout or skyrim it does get a tad bit old, I hope the air combat doesn't end up that way. With all of the destoryed UFOs I have noticed the funding goes up considerably.
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