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Pherret Of Doom

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Everything posted by Pherret Of Doom

  1. Rescue mission sounds awesome! You could even have it setup where maybe the surviving squad members evac the wounded and gear they can to a suitable extraction point, radio for a pickup. give them a place to hole up while the aliens search for them. you have to come in clear the aliens and pickup your remaining team. that way there are no new tiles to render, you could possibly use the AI routines that the indigenous forces are going to use, up until the point you get your retrival team to the survivors.
  2. I may just have a weak spot for shotguns as I played far too much Doom as a child. I would love to see something that would extend the in game life of the "boomstick" either way its come along way since i last checked it out. keep up the good work! todd
  3. Hi, just signed up for the forums. I was curious about the possibility of different types of of shotgun shells being included, like slugs, buckshot, white phosphorus, flechettes. love the progress that has been made on the alpha, keep up the good work! Todd
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