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Everything posted by Hasdiel

  1. The way things are done right now with the specialists means that technologies come in bundles; you either have nothing, or everything. For exemple, I had several sebilian t2 ships runs, landing ships and cruisers mostly. But I couldn't find a weapon officer, so I had nothing new to research, and my labs were inactive. Then, I got one, and suddenly I had about 7 different weapon branches to make progress in and it was too much. "Would there be a way to have the new reseaches come in smaller amounts, but more regularily ?" is what I meant with something more streamlined. On the other hand, to be honest, I don't see how it would be possible: more specialists would just make the whole thing tedious, and I'm not sure there are other game elements that could be used with just modding. It would be cool, but I don't think it's really a possibility.
  2. Hello there! These are my thoughts on my playthrough of X-division I recently made with a friend, I hope it will help you getting another point of view on the game. It's kinda long so I'll spoiler the whole thing. I'm probably still forgetting a few things, but that's pretty much it. Once again, this is only my opinion, so it might be biased. I hope this will help! Chaussure.zip Chaussure.zip
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