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10 Good
  1. No, it was the first time I saw a caesan in a ship of other race. There were three of them - weapon officer, engineer and a guard. Possibly more as corpses after the UFO crashed. I've reloaded the save and rushed to the ship, everybody was still there
  2. I only have the auto-save at the start of the battle, not the actual encounter (at the time I thought it was just the way nod worked since it did seem to mix races more like Harridians with Sebilians etc) [ATTACH]6271[/ATTACH] 2.sav 2.sav
  3. Thank you, it workes as you said. I've captured a Caesan officer (who was somehow on a Sebillian cruiser) and after some research third tier has unlocked. I even got a minigun that I produced two months ago.
  4. drages, I'm terribly sorry I've made a typo. It wasn't alloy machinegun, it was alenium. However the problem still stands. I may have missed the plasma weaponry due to missing a certain specialist (I also have never researched Shrike for example). My savefile is attached [ATTACH]6270[/ATTACH] 1.sav 1.sav
  5. Hello. I've been playing this mod for some time and I find it extremely fun. My only gripe so far is the huge amount of aliens on the ships, which paired with the slower game progression results in gameplay consisting of one or two exciting encounters where you test the new weapons or encounter stronger aliens who provide challenge, followed by half a dosen of lengthy routine mop-ups where you just want to strip the saucer of its parts for your planes. But that's a minor problem for me and probably was intended this way. I've also run into what seems to be a bug. I've produced an alloy multi-barreled minigun but can't find it in the soldier equip screen. I suspect that it belongs to a third weapon tier (high?) for which I don't have a button. I've started with ver. 0.98 hotfix 5, now I'm on 0.98.1 and CE 0.32 HF-2. Can the problem be caused by updating? Can it be solved without a restart? I've spent quite some time on this session and would be sad if it had to end
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