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Everything posted by Хан&#110

  1. The save is only Hotfix 4. Hotfix 5 was released while i was still playing, so i never installed it.
  2. Here's the save. The save is in the middle of the base attack mission, so i'm not sure if that'll change anything. Another thing to note, even though i've been taking down, raiding and #panzerschreking landing cruisers and corvettes, I still haven't been able to research passed ballistics. Not too bad, i've been doing fine with the default guns. These Androns be borked.sav These Androns be borked.sav
  3. Well. I managed to get the Marauder before I could produce parts to make the Foxtrot. The Marauder doesn't need parts to build, so that's nice. EDIT: Actually, i've found a problem. Fighting a base of androns and a few hover scouts. The Androns haven't fired a single shot, they only walk away. The hover drones attack, though.
  4. I'm about a month into the game, and I haven't been able to manufacture a foxtrot due to lacking parts like engines. How do I aquire these parts, they're not showing up in the workshop, or do they come from somewhere else?
  5. So, uh. I've equipped two people with a flamethrower, and they're showing up without a sprite ingame.
  6. Oh, sorry. I misread, then. I thought it could be Vanilla 1.09 OR CE 0.31. My mistake, thanks anyhow!
  7. Morning. So uh, first post. I'm having problems starting the mod, i've extracted it (And hotfixed it) to assets/mods, but I can't find out how to enable it. Do you just have it selected in Modding Tools? If that's the case, when I start the game it's still vanilla. Am I just doing something stupid? EDIT: I fixed it by switching to Community Edition. So, problem solved. Was there any reason it wasn't working with vanilla? - The random guy with a Russian name
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