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  1. lol.....sorry. i type a wrong word, i mean i met a Praetor leader in alien fortress. And the mission is to capture the alien leader, and stun grenade didnt work well. The timeline is 13th Feb 1980. So....u mean if i capture Weapon commanders to get new weapon research ?? but...how do i recognize them ?= = i didnt capture them a lot....but i got some !! btw.....alien fortress keeping appear. god, is hard to defeat Andron, i just got a stock stun emp pistol im choosing normal difficulty. and Andron got a hub and terminal. Is that something go wrong with my game?= = i didnt encounter alien battleship yet......
  2. Now i encounter a mission to capture a alien leader, i saw 1 in alien base, and he is a predator leader, i can't use stun grenade to capture him...... im still using the Advanced Ballistic Weaponry, i find out that is hard to kill any kind of Andron, they are totally bullet proof. Do i need to capture the alien leader to research a new weaponry??
  3. Thx a lot Drages.. at leasts the alien get weapons now lol But is that normal that X-Pedia didnt show the new stuffs details ? such as the AWACS, new weapons .....
  4. hi, im the newcomer of Xcom. Im very interested in your mod, it looks perfectly added lots of stuff in the game, looks cool. Can this mod work with khall more portrait mod or LORE+? In fact, im playing v0.98.2.7, i played already few real hours, and i found out lot of enemy didnt with a guns. And the X-Pedia is still looks the old one..... How do i know the mod is working or not ? OR is that the mod priority is wrong?
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