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Posts posted by Alienkiller

  1. As an long-time Gamer of that Game (from the first Beta) the 1x Refits of Modules and similar to an upgraded Version with dead and living-Aliens and Alien-Tech are great. For more advanced Versions of the upgraded-Versions is clear that you need more of that Parts and captured Living Aliens for different Techs.

    Captured Living Aliens as extra Helpers to integrate Alien-Techs to Standard- / Upraded Human Techs sounds very interessting. That Idea was in the Game already, but flow out for several Reasons (but that wasn´t the Idea of the Testers). Let´s hope that such an great Idea comes in again, esp. after the most Community-Part whish that.

    What the announced Content / Features the Comrade belongs I aggree with that. After the first Gamers of the Community come in some older Ideas from us Beta-Testers / Developers to make Xenonauts 2 great come up again.



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  2. If they create complete new ones with the Soldier-Designer or wanna change the not hardcoded fictive-Soldiers they can implement / change what they want. That is meant.

    Existing personaly Soldiers which get done personaly in hard work from Founders / Beta-Testers / Developers (like the Soldier from Emily_F, Developer Chris other Developers etc.) are property. That are your own Chars in the Game and an Change to them from strangers are an private intervention. And that nobody wanna have, so they have to be hardcoded.



  3. The Text is correct. We longtime Beta-Testers can only agree with the Laser-Weapons and the Description of the Xenopedia. They give what they promisse and if the Tooltips describe that Special-Feature too.

    It´s an Feature of that Weapon-Type. Esp. for One-Hand-Using Soldiers (Shield-Soldiers) and for Soldiers with not good Shooting-Skills. At an high Shooting-Skill-Level you won´t get the Bonus anymore (70 or 80).

    That Special-Bonus the Accelerated-, Gauss-, Plasma- and other High-Tear-Weapons don´t give to your Soldiers. That´s the Special of that Weapon-Tier and with the later Upgrade you get second Specials too, what the others Weapons don´t give.

  4. Mag-Weapons comes in the Mid-Game somewehre (Mid-Mid-Game to End-Mid-Game). They are the big Guns in the normal Weapon-Tier as the next Step to the Accelerated Weapons. Sadly you can´t upgrade / refit the existing Accelerated Weapons to them later.

    You can play without Laser-Weapons, but it´s not adviseable. You can still use the Accelerated Weapons for the Infantry, Support-Vehicle, Fighters, Standard-Defences if you wish, but then don´t cry when you make your bloody lessons. ;)

    That´s only an good Advise from us Beta-Testers of the first Hour. You can use that Advice or make your own bloody lessons instead. Like said all Weapon-Techs have the existence-warrant at a special time.

  5. No I mean the direct counterpart to Xenonauts / Xenonauts 2 from Chaos Concept, which bases too on the origianal X-Com-Series, but integrate some cool Things from TV-Series of that Gerne too and come direct in 3D.

    It should be well known to the Gamers-World about the Fact that 2006 that small Company (Chaos Concpet) hit the Game-Landscape from the Secret like a Bomb, after the UFO-After-Series with the real-Time-Fights come to a Flop and the new XCOM-Series were still in the Game-Sausage-Pot.    

    The UFO ET-Row is to Xenonauts 2 the only direct comperative value. Here & There it have big differences (f. e. Storyline), but in the common Features they are similar. I play both Game-Rows so an direct comparison can be done.

    The Airfight f. e. is in the UFO ET-Row directly on the Geoscape (without an extra Window or Screen like in Xenonauts 2), which means that Part is directly linked to the Geoscape. Personaly I hoped there too, that an other Fight-System like in the old X-Com you mention would be integrated, but that didn´t happen. In Xenonauts 2 you have that extra Screen for the Airfight, which I like. If you have Steam I suggest you look at the Shopsite for UFO ET: Platinum (the big UFO 1 ET-Refit) and whatch the Vid, where the Airfight get shown too.

    Both Concepts have Strengh and Weaknesses, so we testet out some new Ideas of other Airfight-Concepts. Including Turn-Based-Variants in the Beta-Test-Years until we had to made an Decission. Sadly none of the new Airfight-Concepts could convince the Crowfounders / Beta-Testers / Devs and asked Community. Esp. the turn based Variants all get unaniumous rejected about the Reasons they play like an boring Chess-Game. And an similar System like used and involed in new XCOM EU / EW we haven´t discussed about very good reasons.

    The remaining 2 Concepts were to use and rework the old X1 Airfight-System or make an complete Geoscape-Fighting-System like the UFO ET-Row is using. The Decission were to use an working Airfight-System with many Reworks to get the Game playable and moving forward with the other big jobsite-Parts. Without that Out-Testing of new Airforce-Battles we could be much farer in other Parts (Xenopedia / Geoscape / Bases / other Airforce-Parts etc. in Reworks, Refits, Upgrades and new Features / Contents).

    You see, we had such an Idea already and tested it out. But it´s not integrateable without destroying Xenonauts 2 or in not worst Case make Xenonauts 2 boring in that Part linked Parts to the Airfight.


    What the Aircraft-Upgrades belongs, they are an must have. If you use Laser-Lances, so be warned. They are good weapons, but the fire-rate is low. It´s similar to the UFOs-Fire-Rate. The Advantage are Long-Range, very good Hit and Durability as well as enough Ammo to fight several Enemys.


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  6. A lot, about the fact, that we Founders and the Developers created their own Soldiers (Copyright-Safety) and wanna be asked first, before someone is making an 08/15-Scrap-Change to them, if that Soldiers aren´t hardcoded implemented. If not we get very angry and that nobody whish.

  7. MartinSGill, yeah the Aircombat is atm not that we all wanna have. So we tested out several Alternatives for it. Sadly no one of the Alternatives in the Beta-Years weren´t an Option for the existing concept. 

    The only Alternative-Concept would be to use that of UFO ET directly on the World Map, but that would be then 08/15 Copy & Paste. If you have an better Concept for the Airfight, without destroying the choisable single, double or squad-Fights, then we have an fully Ear (Main-Beta-Testers, Devs and Publisher).

  8. @cman1983 The first Alien-Base will show up after you done the Data-Collection and better sweep out the 2 or 3 smaller Outposts first. After that you can beat your direct Rival on Earth. Then you can more conenctrate on the Alien-Invasion.

    What the Endgame belongs, that won´t show up. You can play about 70 / 70% of Xenonauts 2. That the Devs / Publisher and Beta-Testers have decided. We could have don it like big Companys (an unplayable Game) or decide for the Safety-Variant (Beginn- and Midgame-Playablility). We decided for the 2nd Option.


  9. The Devs announced Extra Missions, like you announce (and some of them we have already in the beginning-Phase / Midgame-Phase), but didn´t have time to implement more of them. There are a lot of bigger Jobsites to close (Xeonopedia, Translations, End-Game-Phase etc.) before they can think of that.

  10. The Player can decide what he / she wanna use. But Accelerated Weapons are only a Stopgap with some small Reworks to Standard-Weapons, that you all have to remember.

    Lasers and Upgraded Lasers have like the Comrade said longer Range, better Accuracy, are lighter and give the first big Upgrade-Abilitys to Support-Vehicles / Fighter-Crafts, Defenses and your Troops.

    The Stopgap-Upgrade from your Standard-Weapons (Accelerated) is not bad for the Beginning and makes your existing Fighter-Cannons as well as Infantry Weapons a little bit more Dangerus. The big but is, that you can´t use better Armours (after the first Amour-Upgrade) then about the heavy Weight of the Ammo and Weapons itself.

    So my best Experiance is to make an Mix from Accelerated and Laser-Weaponary / Upgraded Laser-Weaponary for the Infantry-Units, belongs how good you wanna save your experianced Soldiers with Protection. If you wanna everytime low experianced Solders as Reserve then use only Accelerated, if you wanna safe your experianced Soldiers, which are near to the Frontline (Heavy / Rifle f. e.) later on use better Armour and Lasers instead.

    But like said, the Player have the Choise in that. I can only give the Experiance of several Years from Beta-Testing.

    If there will come Reworks / Upgrades / Changes to the Standard- / Accelerated- and Gauss-Weapons with Ammo and similar, then evtl. an new Testing between the both Weapon-Types have to be done. But like it´s look now, you have to decide between light Armour and Accelerated Weapons or better Armour and Laser-Weapons to hold your Soldiers alive.

  11. That won´t be possible about the Copyright from the Crowfounders / Betatesters and Developers, which created the Soldiers as a Portrait from them. And that´s Fact. If you wan´t an Soldier for yourself you can do it later on. All others ingame are Copyright-Secured and Hardcoded.

  12. Nope Laser-Weapons aren´t useles. They seem so for someone which is new to Xenonauts 2. But they have their big Advantages against Accelerated Weapons. If you read the differences correctly and test them out, you will see it.

    The Disadvantage of the normal Laser-Weapons are their low amount of Ammo against Standard-Weapons / Upgraded Standard Weapons. There I give you right, but the big Advantatges against Standard-Weapons are unbeatable, esp. in the End-Beginning-Phase and Mid-Gamephase as well as for Reserve-Xenonauts with bad Shooting-Skills or similar later on. And with the Laser-Upgrade you get a very big Surprisse. ;) :cool: 

  13. Very good that the Community bring in that Discussion again. We Beta-Testers had similar thougths too since we could test this Upgarde-Feature for normal Human-Weapons the first time.

    I give you right, that the Alien-Weapons have an better Acceleration and the Ammo have an bigger Destruction to that of the Human Equivalent. But like the Description says, we can´t use them about an special Security-System which can´t be avoided. You only have the Chance to dismantle that Weapons for Ressources or to sell them for money, but therfore make an usage of the Ammo instead to upgrade your Standard-Ammunition.

  14. As Founder and Main-Beta-Tester from the first Day on the last Years we know what the Game can get in and what not. And 3x3 Vehicles aren´t possible without destroying Xenonuats 2 completly. Why the Aliens use Robots and 1x1 Drones in differnt Sizes? Not for fun.

    If you read the Monthly Dev-Dirays, Suggestions from the last Years and Ingame-Archives correctly, you all would know it too. The Devs explained it too several times, that it´s not possible about differnt important Programming- / Graphic Reprenstation-Reasons to make an Up-to-Date-Game of that Gerne.

    The same Reasons of Limitations the Modders will have too. Therefore the Modders will have other possibilitys to Refresh the Xenonauts 2-Basegame, like they did with the Predecessor Xenonauts 1.

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  15. Yep, good Eye. It´s not an Bug, it´s an Feature for the Early-Access.

    To explain it would take long. Short said we Main-Beta-Testers and the Devs had the Option to bring an unfished End-Game-Part or the already playable Beginn- and Midgame-Part of the Game to the Public for the Early-Access-Start, about the Fact, that the Publisher give an fix Early-Access-Date for the Public. So we had to decide either to bring an not ballanced End-Game or to concentrate on the the already playable Parts.

    Short said: We decided for the second Option (gapfilling, ballancing, remaining Bugfixing etc.) from the already playable 70 to 75% Game-Parts [Beginning and Midgame].

  16. Yeah, it get discussed in the Beta-Tests several times already and Good thanks still discussed in the Early-Access. In the beginning Beta-Stage there were cool Upgrades for the Fighters we Beta-Testers could test out, but sadly the cool Upgrades get canceld for unknown reasons. 

    We have a lot of Ideas to Upgrade, Rework and Refit the Planes and Transports to hold them Up-to-Date. With that the Devs could overrun the Upgrade-System from the UFO-ET-Series and Phoenix Point like they do with the MARS-Modular-Upgrades / Soldier-Modular-Upgrades already.

    But sadly that isn´t implemented or reintegrated yet in Xenonauts 2 for Fighters / Transports.

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