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Posts posted by Alienkiller
We will see what the Devs have as an replacement for that in the Backhand. I personaly like the Counter from UFO ET-Series, which are hidden and show up when you are ready for the final Strike.
In Xenonauts 2 there are more Endings planed, but couldn´t integrated yet. I hope we get minimum 4 Endings for the Game (like you have in Phoenix Point to choose):
1. Ending (Standard): Win the War
2. Ending (Standard): Loose the War
3. Ending (belongs on your Decissions ingame): Stalemate and Negotations with the Enemy
4. Ending (belongs on your Decissions ingame): Find an way with friendly Coexsistance
The Question is good DailyFrankPeter. You have in the Game the Standing and Kneeing-Mechanic, which don´t make an difference yet. The Accuracy don´t change.
The first thing is, that the Accuracy have to change with Kneeing first and much more with the Prone-Mechanic. That you don´t get hit so good from enemy Fire is with the Kneeing integrated already. The Prone Mechanic would give a lot more Safety, esp. against the predominant Alien Shooting-Weapons and other special predominant Specials some of the Alien-Races have.
The Sounds are not so easy to make better. But the Devs take our Suggestion in that serious and try their best to make them better.
That with the Prone-Mechanic-Question bring us to an other big Point, some People won´t understand:
What´s wrong to get Specialists from an Secret Organisation, to keep them alive as well as best trained. They are Special-Forces and no Standard-Soldiers, which can get burned like in WW 1 and 2 and similar Wars. We don´t play Hearts of Iron 4 where you can and have to do that.
Like several times said, it´s an Earth-Defense-Game against an predominant Alien-Invasion (like old X-Com-Series, new XCOM-Series, UFO-ET-Series, old UFO-After-Series, in an other Form Terra Invicta & Phoenix Point). You play an Secret Organisation with limited Ressources, which alone have to save Earth and fight other Organisations too (come in with X-COM 3: Apocalypse the first time).
The logical improvement which come from the X-COM-Series is no lying Position. That´s an big Gameplay-Improvement, otherwise such Gerne were already Death or an 08/15-Scrap. If People don´t like it, they are wrong in that Gerne.
So I agree with Raffiks-Statement and DailyFrankPeters Question for the experianced Specialists to hold them alive to %.
Don´t get nervous. Chris is reading our Suggestions and contact the other Devs. He isn´t deciding that alone about a lot of things that have to be intended.
Some Suggestions will be implented, others not. What makes Sense, bring more Gameplay-Fun without destroying the Game / Storyline, give the Game more Pepper or was thought from the Devs already (get tested and come back or can now integrated from the original planing [see Kickstarter] in Protoypes like Milestone 2+) get in.
The Problem is that the Game have to be done for Minumum, Medium and High-End-PCs as well as that Programming Games have here & there Limits. What Limits Xenonauts 2 have, we all don´t know yet. There is still a lot of Potential open [Keyword: Modders after the Base-Game is complete as well as Stable and Modding-Options can be worked on], and evtl. we get Special-Missions / Special-Events and similar too (like Planed and pre-tested in the Betas).
yeah, with the Cleaners and more Missions against them I confirm 100% with you. I like that 2nd Enemy, since it come in the Beta-Tests. The Car / Van-Option could be evtl. integrated as Special-Events for such Missions (like in Stellaris / new XCOM), but Ingame playable like you whish, it´s not doable.
The Idea with more interactions with sightet & landed UFOs sounds nice. That could bring in more interessting Missions too or starting Special-Mission-Events (like in Stellaris / new XCOM).
The existing Interceptors and Helicopters / Transports belong on real Facts with Range, Armement, Transport-Capacity etc. The Devs have done it correctly and make already an advanced "Skyhawk" from the so called "Banana-Transport-Helicopter". The same from the best old Interceptor with not to much electronics, the "MiG-25".
Evtl. with more Research & Development you can make the existing Interceptors from the Founders lighter, give them a little bit more Range, Speed, Durability, Electronic-Safety against EMP and similar against the Aliens. For your Angels you could make evtl. evtl. an Refit to make it lighter, give them a little bit more Range, Speed, Durability and similar to the exsiting cool Weapon- and Armour-Upgrades.
What the Missles and Torpedos belongs, you need them both, esp. when you encounter the first UFOs, which are very Dangerous after the Destroyer (f. e. Fighters, Abductors, Cruisers). There is no Change needable.
Like said, the Interceptors have an limited range, dosen´t matter what you do. Therefore I make the Suggestion with the Outposts (little Bases with not big Buildup-Options), where such Interceptors are stationed. The Devs had an similar Plan for the Game [see Kickstarter-Plan from the Devs]. The Reality brought the Devs back down to Earth, so that some of that Ideas tried to get back in in the existing stable running Game.
Normaly you don´t need big 6 Bases about the Fact, that you can´t finance them, if you play without Cheating. 1 Main-Base and 5 smaller ones with limited Buildup-Options are enough. The smaller ones could be like in Phoenix Point, old X-COM: Apocalypse or like Chaos Concept is doing limited Buildings for the Secondary-Bases (Workshops, Hangars, Defenses, Radar / Scanners, Power-Stations and for Xenonauts 2 Storages and the Decission that the Secondary Base could be an Research or Production-Base).
Nice to hear Chris,
I looked in the new Milestone 2-Prototype too. The new Features / Contents and refited / reworked existing Features / Content in it [I don´t say them about the Surprise for the normal Game-Version later on] are great. That some older tested Features with big Rework / Upgrades from the Beta-Versions come back and more will come back are great too, which I could see in my Testplay and here in the Threat with the Pictures.
But the 1 important Announcement from the Milestone 2-Info about the Cleaners in the Gameplay I haven´t seen yet or I have them overseen (the Deathmatch-Mission after the Tutorial-Base-Defence-Mission).
All in all the Milestone 2-Prototype is an great Step in the correct Direction with a lot of Decision possibilitys, like it´s from beginning on (Kickstarter) planed, esp. to the End-Game. And a lot of the integrateable (Sense making) Whishes / Suggestions from us Beta-Testers as well Community come in. Hope to see more of that. Devs keep on the great Work.
Good to see that this Bug is fixed. Had it too in my Test with the Milestone 2 Prototype.
Hi Spolokh,
some of your Ideas get discussed in the Beta-Tests already several times (since the Betas come up several Years ago) and others come up after the Game get Early-Access ready.
1. Yeah, there I agree. There are different Options which get listed in an other Post already for more Bases (like in Phoenix Point to find over the Globe, X-Com Apocalypse). There we have made already different Suggestions to make an Ballance between Cost-Gap, useable Ressources and Reseach / Development. For the Main-Base, which is your Replacement-Base I give you right, there you should have an Buildup-Option for the small Place you have there (an old Nuce-Silo-Base or similar what your Women-Assistant say). But evtl. we get such an Refit first with an DLC.
2. Yeah, that´s an nice Idea. There I agree to 100%. That was the best on old X-Com and is come up again in Phoenix-Point with the Support-Boxes on the Battle-Field. Not only Xenonauts have that Problem, the UFO ET-Series have it too. I will check, when UFO 1 ET: Platinum come out, what the Devs there have done to solve it. If we get lucky, we get an good solution in the Base-Game for Xenonauts 2. If not it will be an DLC-Feature for it.
3. There is no need for Change. The Transport-Craft you have make the Limit. With R & D you will get more advanced Crafts to carry more Soldiers / Support-Vehicles later on (12 / 16 / 20 Soldiers maximum and 1 / 2 evtl. 3 Support-Vehicles [MARS / ARES] if I have it correctly in Mind). Played as an Beta-Tester with other Beta-Testers from the first Day the Game from beginning to the End and if you manage your Soldiers / Support-Vehicles correctly you win all battles.
But evtl. we get an surpisse here too with R & D-Upgrades for existing Transports. Same with Fighter-Crafts.
4. There are some Soldier-Stats which get tested, but not integrated yet about more worktime on them. The Idea to upgrade some others to Wounds sounds good, like it´s integreated to Rivals too. There the Devs work on for the Base-Game to bring it in.
5. On tactical Combat the Devs work with every Version. Esp. on the AI and UFOs. The Alien- / Leader-Catching are since it comes up not easy and don´t need an Change. Planing-Phase is for an DLC an nice Idea.
6. That´s an Discussion-Part which I and others from the first Day on explode. You can make Friendships like in XCOM 2 / XCOM Chimera, which make the Soldiers more effective. You have to think on the Cost-Gap you have. If you make Teams, you don´t have enough money for new Bases, new effective Weapons / Armor etc.
Short said: The Team-Thing with to much Soldiers only waste Ressources and Time which are more needed on other importent Parts / Vehicles / Equipment.
7. On the Medals the Developers work too. There will come Changes / Reworks for them with more advanced Versions (evtl. with Milestone 2-Advancements or Milestone 3).
8. Yeah, there I agree. Nothing more to add, you said everything there already.
9. The Weapons / Armors get more Reworks for Milestone 2+. Some Suggestions from the Community-Feedbacks are implemented to make the Advanced-Weapons (Laser etc.) more attractive. The Accelerated-Weapons are an Stop-Gap to the more advanced Weapons now.
10. The Soldier-Inventory get Reworks with Milestone 2+ too. Some of your Suggestions and Communty-Feedback are implemented. But the Belt isn´t back, maybe we will get it again later.
11. The Combat Vehicle is great. Most of us use it, about the Fact that it´s easy to replace instead of dead Soldiers with Combat-Experiance. And they are Cheaper in upkeep then to bring in a Pack of new Soldiers incl. upkeeping. You get an Drone-Variant of it later [ARES] and you can change the Weapons / Equipment there in the Base. Later you can use 2 different Equiped Support-Vehicles in the Missions.
Weima, the Devs have informed us in this Developer Update, that this won´t be posible, until the more important Parts of the Game are done (Bugfixes, Storyparts, Tutorial, Maps, Missions, Research & Devolpment, Translations etc.). I suggest you read it correctly again and not only overflow it.
That´s correct Dren608.
Carmody, if you wanna see more Conent, then you have to play the unstable Version. That´s the Version the Main-Beta-Testers from Day 1 and Freelancer-Beta-Testers since the last normal Beta-Versions are playing. I only warn to be hyped about the remaining Conent you will evtl. see about the Reasons the Devs have already announced for the public Early Accees-Version.
The Cleaner-Rifle you can only use for the Infantry (you see it on the Ammo-Mag on it´s side).
That it show up here now is very strange, esp. when that Bug didn´t show up in the Betas before the Milestone-Outcome.
I say it directly: The System is good as it is and for everyone since the last 3,5 Decades understandable (from the Veteran to the unaware Gamer). That´s why this System didn´t get changed since 3,5 Decades as it works perfect as an famous quote give us: "Never change a perfect running System."
That System get used for all Strategic-Games of different Gernes with the same Basic-Component (no 100% HP again if you don´t have Hospitals / a long Healing-Rest etc., with every hit the HPs reduce to evtl. RIP and you can only heal what is left); the big difference is that in more realistic Games the HPs are not limited to max. 75% HP Combat-Healing and for the Anti-Alien-Gerne are limited to maximum 75% Combat Healing.
You can spin it like you whish, you will ever get the same outcome. The Soldier get his Wounds healed, so that no Blood runs out until she / he didn´t get hit again. The big difference from Xenonauts 1 / 2 and JA-Row to all other Games is the following: The Soldiers can heal themselfs, which you can´t in old / new XCOM, Phoenix Point and the other Games which are to much to list.
Short said: In differnent Games you have the best Healing-System since the 1990s. An better one you won´t get, dosen´t matter what the Developers over the last 3 Decades have tried already and still try in such Gernes during Development!
Cman1983, that´s an great Idea, which makes the Maps in special Earas more interessting (Polar, Dessert, Jungle etc.).
In JA 3 you have that Element´s too with Hyanes or what the animals get called.
Raffik, that´s correct with the Laser-Weapon-Example. Humanity and esp. the Military-Part of it are working on Laser-Weapons and the usability of it since several Decades (the Anti-Atomic-Missle-Satellite-Shield and for Ships, Tanks etc.).
In Xenonauts 2 you get it with the R & D from Alien-Materials and the Pre-Work from the real R & D-Efforts of Human Military, which get announced in the Xenopedia.
Plasma Weapons are evtl. possible, but not before the Mid or End of 21st Century / Beginning 22nd Century, before you get Phase-Cannons and then Phasers. There Star Trek with the investigations (Weapon-Techs and similar) and foreboding (not the good things on Earth) isn´t wrong.
The correct Way in Weapon-Tech is: Standard, evtl. Accelerated (which is done in Xenonauts 2) / Ammo-Refit (like it´s done in UFO 2 ET: Battle for Mercury and hopfully UFO 1 ET-Refit), Laser (in both Games), Laser-Refit through Alien-Plasma-Weapons-Research (Xenonauts 2) / ????????? (UFO ET-Row), Gauss Cannon & Advancements (Xenonauts 2) / ??????? new Engery-Weapons (UFO-ET-Row) and then it belongs to the played Game, what Tech you get as best one.
Like said, in Xenonauts 2 you can´t use alien-Weapons and if you can use them theoretically, your Soldiers will die before they can make the first shoot. Therefore you can Upgrade / Refit your existing Weapons, which can be used from Humans. And evtl. earlyer or later the Ammo too, like you can do it already with Explosives.
So don´t discuss about things, which you can´t change, think about things you can integrate (like upgradeable Ammo for existing Weapons and whatever the Engery-Magazine-Things for Energy-Weapons get called).
Of course you can change that, to integrate an Field-Doc or similar. But why the Devs and Main-Beta-Testers should do it? To exclude the ocassion / normal Gamers and only make it for Experts / Veterans. That´s not our Stile, we wanna have every Gamer in that Game. So the existing System is very good like it was in old X-COM and is in UFO ET. So every player have to use his Brain with following Infos:
- The Sani-Bag is already heavy and TU-Consuming.
- Not all Soldiers can carry it already (like the HMG, Grenadiers, Shields f.e.)
- And you can make an Medic Soldier already manually if you whish
Xeroxth, I have played X1 too as an Stopgap until new Games (XCOM 2, Phoenix Point, XCOM: Chimera Squad etc.) of that Gerne and an Predecessor (Xenonauts 2 incl. the first Beta-Years) come up. Since then it´s out of the HDD.
I´m not an Programmer and Graphic-Desinger for Games, but have played all older Games of that Gerne and know why the old X-Com-Row get no big Vehicles anymore after the first 2 Games. If the Devloper-Pros / Veterans from Firaxis (new XCOM-Row etc.), the Phoenix-Point-Devs (old X-Com-Row) and all others make 1x1 Vehicles in different Sizes, then it will have big Reasons. And I know what Chris mean, if you play the old X-COM: Enemy Unknown / TftD and in the 2010s Xeononauts 1 with the 3x3 or 4x4-Tanks as last try of that.
Raffik, UFOs will come more and evtl. some more cool Enemys, Transports, Fighter-Crafts. That´s in the To-Do-List from the Devs integrated.
What the Devs already announced is the Fact, that there won´t be movable 2x2 and 3x3 Vehicles / Enemys anymore in X2. They tried it and if it were possible, we would have it already in the Game. Therefore you have the MARS with Adjustments (later an ARES with Adjustments), the Aliens Robots and different 1x1 Size-Fyling-Tanks / Helpers.
As Static Vehicles (Tanks, Army-Scouts) it could be possible. Like in the City-Terror-Maps with the big limitations show us as unmovable improvement (Busses, Standard-Cars).
Dubblesculls, that´s an excellent detailed Tech-Tree you have done with your Gameplay so far. That´s what you get in the Beginning-Part (100 Days to 150 Days) and Midgame (from Day 150 on). In the Endgame-Part you get some more nice Techs, but that are not much anymore at the Moment.
But there should come more for the Beginn- and Midgame-Techs, there were a lot more tested, but flow sadly out of the Game (like Fighter-Advancements and similar). Let´s hope that´s not all for the Beginn- and Midgame we have seen as well as you get more cool Endgame-Techs in the more advanced Early Access later on, then all Beta-Testers could test out.
The Alien Weapons, if you read the Xenopedia correctly, have an imperative Security-System. They are only useable from the Aliens themselfs. Have you ever seen the Movie "Shoot Em Up" with Cleve Owen. There you see what an Security-System for Weapons are meant.
An other Weaponpart, like in new XCOM (XCOM Enemy Within) are the Human usable Weapons from the Cleaners. That Weapons you can use, if you whish. And from them you could make evtl. with R & D some cool Variations (like the UZI, MP or whatever) for your Xenonaut-Soldiers.
Like said, you can´t use the Alien-Weapons for 2 good Reasons:
1. The imperative Security-System. For that you have cutting of the Alien Hand / Hands. But then it´s not said that the Weapon work and if it theoretically would work on Field Conditions it will be very unhandy. That´s the worsest Situation an Soldier in Combat can have.
2. Like from the Chief-Sientist said you can test them in Laboratory-Parameters (which get done from the Scientists to Research the Alien-Weapons in all Parts) and find an Solution to Upgrade / Refit / Rework your own Weapons & Ammo.
It dosen´t make Sense to do an Copy & Paste from other Games (like old X-Com, UFO ET-Series or similar). In the UFO ET-Series you will get an big unhandy-discount.
Very good Ideas Raffik.
1. Point Radar-Towers: Nice Idea, that was suggested too several times. That could be upgraded to an small Outpost. The Outpost Idea was already implemented in much older Beta-Tests and were an interessting Content / Feature for the Geoscape.
2. Point UFO Dissasembly Yard: Yes, exactly that is an Idea too, which I have in Mind. Such an cool Geoscape-Content / Feature you have in the begunn, but never finished UFO: AI (Fan-Game). There they have an very cool new Protection at the beginning too, which overflow the Cevlar-Armour. It´s called something like Silk-Spider-Armor. The only difference is, that you can there either Dismantle the UFO or sell it.
3. Cleaner Base: Yes, an excellent Idea. That would make the Cleaner-Part more impressive and give yourself an Base I have in mind too.
4. SAM-Sites: Very excellent Idea, combined with the Point 1 Outposts it would give the Geoscape more pepper.
5. Alien-Moom-Base: An cool Upgrade for the Game. Let´s hope they can Integrate someting like that later on as DLC or as Base-Game-Content / Feature.
As Crowfounders and first Day-Beta-Testers we could play the final Mission after the big Problems to get there get solved after a very very very long Beta-Test-Time. Atm. It´s like in every Game of the Gerne with 2 Endings:
1. Ending (the good one): Go there, hit the Aliens in the Back and destroy their Command-Center with the Main-Brain / Computer or whatever they have in that Games.
2. Ending (the bad one): Try to defend the Earth to the Time Limiter and the Aliens will raise the Panic with an hardcoded implemented Orbital Bombardement on the big Citys or whatever similar in that Games.
Other Options like in Phoenix Point (with the 4 or 5 Factions you meat there and have to Choise then) aren´t implemented in Xenonauts 2 yet. There could be more too, but the Devs couldn´t integrate them in Xenonauts 2 during the big Alpha- and Beta-Development. The Idea with more differnt Endings (like in Phoenix Point or better then there similar to Terra Invicta) are still planed.
What Endings, we can only speculate. I personaly think there could be 2 with the big Nuclear-Nations (Win / Loss), 1 Patt-Situation (the 2 Nuclear-Powers combine their Arsenal with that of the Xenonauts) and / or something else with more cool Things we haven´t in Mind yet. With the 2 Standard-Endings there are about 5 / 6 more thinkable, 3 I have written already.
5 hours ago, happystrawberry1 said:
Piss off idiot.
That´s an second personal insult. Last Warning to neglet that on an Main-Founder and first Day-Beta-Tester, which know what is for the public playable and what not.
If the personal insults are going on, this will have big Consequences (f. e. an Forum-Exclussion). To avoid that, neglet the personal insults.
Happystrawberry1, the Game have an Endgame.
You normal Gamers don´t see it about several good reasons yet, evtl. it will come with Milestone 3 or 4 a bit nearer. The Devs and we Main-Supporters explained the Reasons already several times.
Short said: It´s nothing for the Public yet, until the big remaining Jobsites (Beginning / Midgame / AI / R & D / remaining overseen small, medium, heavy Bugfixes / etc.) the Public Gamers find and found with the Beta-Testers in the minimum Milestones 1, 2 and 3 aren´t done.
What the DLC belongs, there I give you right that it´s much to early. We aren´t finished with the Base-Game yet and the interssting Points the Devs show in the To-Do-List (Rework, Refit, Upgrade or whatever) on the Game-Starting-Screen have a lot Points open too for the Base-Game.
As an long-time-player (Beta-Tester from the first Hour) we had Tests with similar Parts a long time. Short said: It didn´t matter what we have done, it will kill the Gameplayfun, esp. with the Medkit-Part.
1. What the announced Moduls belongs:
a) Dedection Module: Interessting Idea to make the Shield-Carriers / Shotgunners more interessting as Scouts or similar.
b) Stealth Module: That you don´t need, you get an Stealth Suit later on, but Advancements to that Suit would be nice
b) Targeting Module: That you have at the Beginning; that´s upgradeable and there the Idea from interrogated Aliens are very interresting
c) Medical Module: That you will get later on with R & D; therefore and after that Module comes out Medikits / advanced Medikits are essential if you don´t wanna lose the Game in the first days (Fact: In all of that Games since old X-COM-Series over UFO Aftermath-Series, new X-COM and Phoenix Point which play in the timeline of about 1990 to 2080 you don´t have such an Technology and if you get lucky you will get it from the Aliens later to upgrade your Troops; the same is in Xenonauts 2 in the same Timeline, which correctly let you beginn as underdog and with R & D you will get more advancements)
The other Idea with Researching such Moduls, Upgrading / Modernising existing Moduls with advanced Alien-Tech through Alien-Prisoniers-Interrogations (Engineer, Chief, Soldier etc.) / dead Aliens (like it´s now and get better) we had in mind too, but couldn´t bring it in fully. That System we could bring in belongs in Parts of that.
2. Mantids / Sectons and the Strengh of them:
Yeah, it´s not fully ballanced yet, there I have to agree. On that the Devs are working. But we Beta-Testers can confirm the Strengh of that Alien-Abilitys more or less. I had such Situations with the Alien-Bonuses already. And mostly with the weakest Armour / Suit without or very less cover. You only saw the shoot and after 2 Hits you had an dead Soldier. My Suggestion: Don´t underestimate the Sectons / Mantids.
3. More Alien Auxiliers:
I know what you mean. It´s not so easy to find an ballance in that. The same Problem still have old X-Com and other newer Competitors of that Gerne. Either that Missions were to hard or completly unplayable with the existing Aliens in Betatests for Xenonauts 2. We tried it in Beta-Tests like you announced with an LMG for the Aliens and similar, but it wasn´t good so far. Evtl. that can be adjusted in the more Development, when everything else is more stable and done.
What the more Auxillerie-Aliens (Robots, Drones etc.) and the Alien-Teamwork belongs, there I can agree. They bring in more fire in the Game and aren´t so easy to beat then. In some Cases like Terror-Maps or Special Maps the Teamwork from all Aliens is good, in normal Maps it need more Adjustment. An similar Discussion we Testers had already with the Devs. The Developers are aware of that an work on it.
The Chryssalids instead is good to be reduced drastically, with to much from them on the Map you had only the complete loosing Option. And we had in Tests with a lot of them in one Map, so it get decided to reduce them, otherwise you would have only an Earth with Chryssalids.
4. Cleaners:
Yeah, fully right. That we Beta-Testers have announced too and give that Feedback to the Devs. That the Cleaners are integrated as an big Refit against Xenonauts 1 belongs to us Founders / Beta-Testers to bring in more Content / Features. The first Step is done and we all hope that there comes more like you announced already. The Cleaner-Part is still to less. We will see what comes in more of that in the Early Access State and later on to give them more Potential. The Intro and Tutorial brings them in already and explains them as an big threat to the Alien-Patrouls.
Yeah, the Civilians are in the atm Waypoint-Form a little bit stupid. On the one Hand we all wanna have such Games best realistic (Standard-Civilian Panic etc.) on the other Hand you wanna save them in such Terror- / Catching- etc. Missions. That´s no easy to sovle about 2 important reasons:
1. Standard-Civilians aren´t trained like Police / Military / Special-Troops to pear down Panic. That´s the running around with their time units. That´s the Main-Point for about 80% of them. Have you spoken fully normal to someone which is in Panic?! Do it and then we can talk again.
2. Otherwise the not paniced Standard-Civilians wanna see what´s there about human curiosity and for armed Civilians help the Police / Military / Special-Troops against the Unkown for the about remainin 20%. Have you spoken fully normal to someone of them?! You can do what you want and the Curiosity-Persons do anyway ignore the orders to catch an view to the unkown for satisfy their curiosity.
You see only with an 24 Hour Narcosic-sledge you can distract them from getting moving the incorrect direction or doing stupid Things.
I have an Solution, but that doesn´t appeals everyone. To avoid the 2 announced Points make an similar Standard-NPC-Rescue like in XCOM / XCOM 2 to Terror-Missions / Catched & Rescued-Missions and similar after you are in the near of the Civilians.
[V 2.02 Combat] Being able to walk on destroyed containers
in Xenonauts-2 Bug Reports
Yeah, that´s defenetly an Bug and shouldn´t possible. In the Versions I have tested (Betas and the so called Unstable-Versions) I couldn´t do that.