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Posts posted by Alienkiller
You need such Missions that the Player don´t get sleepy. You have such hardcoded Missions in the new XCOM-Row, Phoenix Point etc.
I like them about the Fact, that you don´t get sleepy on the Monitor while playing. Dosen´t matter you are young, half-young or old.
To answer your Question: Yes after about 300 Days (10 Month) you get so much pressure from the Aliens, that you as player either have the decission to abort or make yourself an final attack in the last 60 Days. That the Communty on Steam etc. critisise already.
That´s the Founders / Betatesters, which test the Game already since several Years have noticed and give the Devs the advice to hear to the Communty. The Causal-Gamers, which brings earlyer or later the Money will buy it, if the Game change to the positive (give 360 Days more playtime). If it stays like it is, then the Causal-Gamers won´t buy it, which means the Years of Development & Testing is wasted time.
That´s the short explaining to that problematic.
An lighter Version of the Medikit is fully acceptable, like it´s in the UFO ET-Series.
But not an single Soldier only for that. If he / she dies the full Troop is lost like the Americans in the Normandie-Landing or Vitnam etc. Means this Special Games of an other Gerne aren´t an Standard Army-Game like the JA-Series, Commandos, Medal of Honor or what they all get called, which are normal Standard-Realistic Games either as Strategy or Shooters.
Such Sci-Fi-Games of the Strategy-Gerne / Shooter-Gerne (beginning with old X-COM) are not comparable with Stanard Army-Games, where you have an seperate Field-Doc, Mechanik etc. only for this, which couldn´t fight or if you get lucky only shoot with an Pistol.
That´s the big difference between realistic Standard-Games (JA-Series, Medal of Honor-Series, Commandos-Series etc., which bases on realistic Soldiers incl. Training / Civil Education) and this Special Gerne (X-COM-Series, new XCOM-Series, UFO-After-Series, UFO ET-Series, Phoenix Point, Dune and similar Fan-Projects).
Laser Weapons normaly don´t have an Recoil or only an very light Recoil about several big advantages to normal Weapons / advanced normal Weapons:
1. they don´t use springs (Standard-Pistols, Standard-Rifles etc.), gas Spring (upgraded Standard-Pistols, upgraded Standard-Rifles etc.) or accelerated magnets (like Coil-Guns in XCOM 2 or Xenonauts 2).
2. they aren´t using an Round-Clips (like 7,62 or 9 mm Ammo-Bullets) where the Round have an drall to hit the wrong target or the wrong Body-Part (like the Head instead the legs).
3. they are with the correct Technology much lighter then the Recoil-Base-Weapons, which means they are lighter to handle.
All which have done their perforce military Year or in some Countrys Years know what I mean. There the Technology give lighter to handle Weapons over the Years then the heavy Pistols, Rifles, AT-Weapons, mobile MGs etc. with a lot of reduction to the recoil. There the Recoil could reduced a little with the Up-to-Date Gas Spring-Weapons and evtl. again with the accelerated Magnet Weapons, where get researched already. But they won´t reduce the Recoil to an Engery-Weapon-Level.
If you all have played the old X-COM-Series, new XCOM-Series and UFO 1 ET with the Laser-Weapons or in UFO 1 ET more advanced light to handle Engery-Weapons know what I mean. There the Hit-Chance raised a lot about the big Advantages to Weapons with normal Bullets / Round-Clips.
I like the first Aid as it is. Where have played old X-COM or is playing new XCOM, Phoenix Point as well as the UFO ET-Series knows that improvements will come later on in the medium Mid-Game-Phase with Alien-Technology.
There Xeononauts 2 have overflown the rivials with the later Auto-Medikit for your Troopers.
In old X-COM you have only the Medikit.
In new XCOM and Phoenix Point you have the Medikit and Advanced Medikit. The Medkit is useable in new XCOM for Vehicle-Repairs too (the equal Research and Workshop-Upgrade get done).
In UFO ET-Series you have the Stimpack (light Wounds) and the Medkit as well as later Advanced Medkit. Evtl. you get very rare special Items there (only from special UFOs of an Swarm or special Leaders) like the Auto-Doc, which isn´t reaserachable and produceable.
What the Repair-Set for the MARS / ARES etc. belongs, that would be an intersting seperate special Kit for the Soldiers to bring on the Battlefield until you get something better with more advanced Alien-Technology like in the announced competitors.
That´s cool Raffik and the way to the correct direction. That the Founders / Betatesters from Beginn on haven´t reached. I too find that the Game-Time is to short with 1 Gameplay-Year (360 Days).
If the Devs make the Game 720 Days (like UFO 1 ET Standard / Gold- and atm. Platinum-Version) which are 2 Gameplay-Years, then more Gamers will buy and play X2. Much better are about 900 Days, which are 2,5 Gameplay-Years to bring more Gamers to X2 (see UFO 2 ET: Battle for Mercury).
That means for X2 that the Cleaners can brought more in, you get more improvement on the Globe incl. other Parts of the Game and the Alien-Threat grow slower (like in the direct Rival UFO ET-Series), which menas more Game-Fun comes up for the Causal-Gamers.
The Founders / Beta-Testers have had a high Stress-Level already the last Years in the Beta-Phases / Experimental-Phases with the very small limited Gameplay-Year (360 Days), so an double of Days is the Mininum to bring it on an solid Level like the Competitors (old X-COM, new XCOM, UFO ET-Series, Phoenix Point etc.).
Grobobobo, very good consolidated. I played X1 too as nothing better was there to the new XCOM-Series and UFO 1 ET.
I have to agree in the most Points that X1 was on Normal to Hard for Causal-Gamers and in most Parts to unballanced. The Devs and Modders tried their best in that time. But as X1 comes out, it was outdated about the wrong Production-Tools and unflexibility of the Game. That the Devs have noticed very fast and begunn to make X2, which overflow X1 in all Parts since the Beta-Phases and later Experimental-Phases with the new Game-Design-Engine.
The Devs & Freelancers beginn to use the big Potential from the Game-Design-Engine with the Milestone-Parts already to outdate some of the direct rivals and esp. X1 completely.
I haven´t tested Milestone 2 in deep so far. The Rework from Milestone 1 and for Milestone 2 are a very good step forward, esp. the begun important noticed Parts (AI, Airforce, Globe, upgrade the Game on the new Programming-Update, integrate the Cleaners better and much more).
We will see what the next Milestones will bring in to fill the remaining big / medium / small Gaps and missing Content / Features as well as Rework, Refit and Upgrades the existing Content / Features.
But from what I could see the Devs and Freelancers know what is meant from the Founders, Betatesters and Community-Gamers what they mean to improve the Game to get it to the same level as their direct competitors.
In some Parts Xenonauts 2 overflow them already (like Vehicle-Upgrade, Soldier-Upgrades, Weapon-Upgrades and similar). But there is a lot more upward shift left for Xenonauts 2. The Devs have integrated an Part of it already in the Beta-Phases / Standard-Games.
Now they beginn to use the Unleash-Potential in the Milestone-Parts. They just have begunn and it will be interessting to see what comes back from the interessting Beta-Phases and complete new Contents / Features (like more Advancements and Refits for existing planes etc.), the Founders, Beta-Testers and Community-Gamers bring in as for this Games integrateable Suggestions, which don´t destroy the Game and the Concept of that Gerne, which bases on old X-COM, new XCOM, UFO ET and Phoenix Point.
Hi and welcome to the Forum.
Nice Idea in Theory. In your Explanation you bring in the Difficulty with the indivudual TU´s already in.
And an other difficulty comes in there too. In most Cases you wanna move an other Soldier first then the one in the "Next Soldier"-Row. Means you wanna set that Soldier to Wait-Postion, then move the others and at last this one. If you use the next Soldier-Button, the Soldier is Closed and won´t move this Turn anymore.
That you can only compensate with the exixisting individual-Movement-System in Xenonauts 2, UFO ET-Row and similar Games of that Gerne. If I remember me correctly, the new XCOM-Row and Phoenix-Point have the same Problem and couldn´t solve it.
The best is that you look in the Let´s Plays for them, then you see what I mean.
Nice, keep on the good work Devs. The new Content / Features from Milestone 2 looks very good so far and close the Gaps for Missions, Specials as well as missing Content / Features a little bit more. I will look into the new Version on Weekend.
But one good Advice: Don´t make in some Points (like with unflexible Armours / Combat-Support-Vehicles and only light refitable Fighters) the same Mistake as the Devs from Chaos Concept (UFO ET-Row) are doing, esp. with the UFO 1 ET Gold-Version-Refit to Platinum. I suggest you look in UFO 1 ET: Platinum / UFO 2 ET: Battle for Mercury, then you see what I mean.
With the flexibility in Armour-Variants, Combat-Support-Vehicle-Modularity and Weapon-Upgradeabilitys, Weapon-Modularity and more differnt Missions / Special-Missions Xenonauts 2 have it´s advantage. If possible make the Fighters and Pilots more modular, with f. e. Changes in the Buildups with new Buildup-Refit-Techs and Flexibilitys (the begun Work on the Fighters with the Component-Weights etc. in Milestone 2 is an very good start).
As well as both Games have the unflexibility that Pilots (Xenonatus 2) as well as Support-Vehicle-Drivers (UFO ET-Row) are not learning as well as can´t change Vehicles.
Xenonauts 2 and the UFO ET-Row are Competitors, in some Points Xenonauts 2 is better (the announced Points), in other Points the UFO ET-Row with UFO 2 ET: BfM / UFO 1 ET: Platinum (more differnt Techs, an linked Storyline from UFO 2 ET [Earth] to UFO 1 ET [Esperanza] etc.). Atm. it´s an Head-to-Head-Running, because I play both, so I can say what is in both Game-Rows good or not so good.
Or you change it that Autopsys get done like in old X-Com / the UFO ET-Series. You research it manually, then this Problem is solved.
Yeah, I too played all Games of that Gerne I could get.
The first was the old X-Com-Row with the 4 Games in the Row (correctly Row: Enemy Unknown, Terror from the Deep, Interceptor and then Apocalypse). The Shooter (5th Game) was not good. I played it with Fun. Sadly the 3 new Games of that Gerne, which were in an big WIP-Stadium never saw the Worlds-Light with the surprisse, that all 3 were fully corretly linked in the Storyline of old X-Com [the missing Science-Ship the intergalictic Alien-War which get announced in Int / Apoc, the other directly were linked with the finish of Apocalypse and the 3rd I don´t know anymore).
The second Row I played was the UFO-After-Row (Aftermath, Aftershock, Afterlight), which come up in the 2k-Time and were not bad in the Storyline (similar to old X-Com with the Storylinelinks to all 3 Games). But it had a lot of Weaknesses too, which belongs to the Technology you had in the 1990s and the fully 2K-Timeline. The Weaknesses were similar the old X-Com-Row, but some cool Ideas were come in (like differnt Ammo-Types for the Rifles, Pistols and not only for the Rocket-Launcher as well as other heavy Weapons).
The third Row I played was the new XCOM-Row (Enemy Unknwon single & with the Enemy Within-DLC, XCOM 2 single & all DLCs, Chimera Squad). There you see the new doable improvements from the 2010+-Timeline. But it limits it´s Potential about the unflexibility in some Points, where all other Games of that Gerne have their big advantages. The new Tech-Improvments which get shown like Upgrades from Weapons, Support-Vehicle, Soldier-Specials and so on are not so much, because they are in the Beginning.
Then there were a lot of Fan-Projects, which are to much to list (UFO: Alien Invasion, Xenonauts 1, Open XCOM etc.). Some have nice Ideas for Improvements the older Games, others bring new Ideas for new Games or Games in Development to make them more interessting. All in all that Fan-Projects are good, but don´t come to the professional Games of that Gerne.
Only 3 Games of that Gerne combines old and new Stuff more or less:
The first is Phoenix Point. We know it all and it´s an direct Rival to the new XCOM-Series. It have different Endings, a lot of Decissions and you have to find your Bases, which are all over the World alotted. The cool Feature of the Game is that the Decissions you take have an big Influence to the Game as well as your time to save the remaining Humanty is less about the big wave of the mutagen-virus which is in the last big Mutagen-Nebula to change our World. The differnt 3 or 4 Organisations you meet and have to work with as well as the internal fighting between them gives the Game more Pepper. Short said: You have a lot to do from beginning on and it´s not easy to manage.
The second is the UFO-ET-Row. There we had the Original-Game (UFO ET from 2006) and the light Rework (UFO ET Gold from 2009 / 2010) as well as the Pre-Story-Part (UFO 2 ET: Battle for Mercury, where you only can play the Basegame atm with a lot of Gaps open). The Gold-Version get a big Refit about different Reasons to run on modern Mashines with the Integration from the newest Possibiltys, which get tested in UFO 2 ET-Base-Game already.
It´s an Hybrid from old X-Com and new XCOM from the first Game on, before the new XCOM Row come out. It´s Development isn´t finished yet (esp. for UFO 2 ET, but the UFO 1 ET Platium-Refit will show at this Weekend, what is possible to an 2 Decade old Game (from the Planing to fully Playable) with the newest Game-Tech-Improvements.
The third Game is Xenonauts 2. I agree, there is a lot of Potential there and will be used with the more advanced Versions from the Milestone 2+-Steps. The Suggestions from the Comrade are very good and some of them are planed for an evtl. DLC (like Space-Ships for the Space-Travel). Others will come in the Base-Game (like Pilot- and Interceptor-Upgrades / Changes to bring our important Suggestions there). Some of the Ideas, which will improve the Base-Game "Xenonauts 2" come from the Beta-Testers already and it´s very good that the Communty bring them again as important in Reminder.
Splitting would be OK when you have a lot more Researches like in Hoi 4, Stellaris, UFO ET-Series or similar Games of different Directions.
In Xenonauts 2 it makes atm. no Sense, there the R & D-Projects are to less to make an splitting. Only if the Timeline get longer (not integrated yet) and more R & D (what get tested in Milestone 2-Prototype until it get recalled for Bugfix-Reworks) and special Combacks on the Geoscape (like Outpots, UFO Recoverys etc.) comes in, then it makes Sense to Splitt the R & D about new Features / Content or more interesting other Content.
Interessting it will be, what differences we will get in the Platinum-Version of UFO ET (9 Days remaining) and the big Gapfillers for UFO 2 ET (unknown when they comes out) to Xenonauts 2 in that and other Parts. The R & D-Part of the UFO ET-Series is like the old X-Com Part, but with some big differences.
Where Xenonauts 2 have an big advantage to it´s Rival-Series is in the Production-Line and Upgrades-Line about the Storages and the Resources you need. What the Research-Parts belongs, so we have to wait what Milestone 2, 3, 4+ will bring in.
Scarlett58, there I can fully agree. And it will be very interssting, what the Devs have to report in the September Dev Diray. The Milestone 2 Prototype could be tested already and some of the improvements flow in the 1.33 Stable-Version for Milestone 1.
Trasherke, yeah now I know what you mean. Tested it out yesterday evening.
The Problem is like other Game-Devs say in Interviews, Talks and Podcasts the following: You can´t switch to other Game-Engines when an Product is in big Alpha-, Beta or Early Access-Stadium. Then you have to End the Product incl. all Add-Ons / DLCs with that Game-Engine.
Complete new Projects are not the Problem. If they aren´t begunn or still in an beginning minimum Stadium can without Problems changed to an other Game-Engine like Unreal, Clausewitz, Quake or similar.
In an GameStar-Talk (Youtube) 2 German Game-Devloper-Chiefs explained exactly that Problem, that begunn Projects with Unity can´t be changed to an other Game-Engine. They have to be finished. As well as Unity don´t hear to the Game-Developers anymore what they need and what not.
I can´t say how much Experiance Goldhawk have with Unity, but Dev Studios which use it longer combined it with their Programming-Contents / Programming-Features will bring out new Games with an worser Quality, if they have to change to an other Game-Engine. That the 2 German Game-Developer-Chiefs don´t say giddy.
Means that the Unity-Game-Engine-Company only have 2 Options, to get from an dickhead-Company back to the Trust-Company they were:
1. To reduce their demands to an acceptable level [the EU-Gouvernment have about the data privacy protection & other Parts there an strong importance; there so many Tech-Gigiant like Microsoft, Twitter & Co. were get pluk] and something similar the Unity-Game-Engine-Company will get the same fate
2. To make themselfs an 180° Degree and say sorry, that wasn´t thought-out and give the Game-Developers / Modders what they need
Yeah, that´s an big Problem. I don´t know how the Devs from Goldhawk are thinking about that Unity-Drama.
But many Develpers worldwide will for new Projects mid and long-term use an other Gameplay-Creation-Module if that Drama goes on and Unity can enforce their demands. The Problem is not only that this Demands attaks the protecton of data privacy in the EU and the liberty from Developers / Modders which have to use the same Gameplay-Creation-Module for exactly that Game [Modders later then earlyer].
The only useable Gamplay-Creation-Engines of similar Quality are Unreal [the 2nd big one with Unity] and Clausewitz [Paradox Interactive]. With a lot of time the Developers have to create an Up-to-Date-Creation-Version of Open Source-Engines [like the Quake-Gameplay-Engine and similar]. Other Alternatives as Gamer I don´t see for Devs / Modders which work on the same Game earlyer or later in the mid and long term.
Hi Raffik,
thanks for your good thoughts about Integration some older Parts from the Predecessor. The Devs have some cool Things about that in Mind which they wanna and try to bring in again. Like you know an Copy & Paste is impossible, so they have to make new Models for it to integrate it in Xenonauts 2.
Some Refited / Reworked older Parts of the Alpha- and Beta-Tests from Xenonauts 2 get in for the Milestone 2 Prototype again for your Specialists to Upgrade and Change some of the the stable Milestone 1 System-Parts. There will come in for sure in Milestone 3 etc. more already tested and functionable upgraded, reworked or changed Features / Contents back to give the Game more Pepper.
Like said in other Threats 3x3 Vehicles and similar big Things are not possible for Xenonauts 2 as well as for other good Reasons not integrated as well as not modable.
Now to the Game-Engine as well as Modding itself:
The used Gamplay-Engine "Unity" have to be used from Modders for Modding Xenonauts 2 too. About the News from the Unity-Gameplay-Engine-Company and what they have planed many Developers & Modders will overthink to use it further mid- and long-term. All Developers & Modders were surprissed by that, which use Unity. The Devs & Modders incl. Goldhawk can´t switch to an new Gameplay-Engine anymore about the Reason that the complete WIP-Games incl. DLCs belongs on it.
The same count for Xeonauts 2 incl. all DLCs. The big Changes which get planed from the Unity-Company not only affects the Devs alone. Sadly it effects us Gamers and esp. Modders too which have older & newer Games with the Unity-Game-Engine. Means if you wanna Mod Xenonauts 2 you have to use necessarily Unity. The Question about the worth to integrate Modding for Xenonauts 2 is comming up about that surprise News again, esp. from the 3 demands from the Chiefs of the Unity-Engine-Company to the Publishers / Developers.
21 hours ago, Pietje666 said:
SoftwareSimian meant he wanted to load his v2.02 savegame but prototype branch was reverted to v1.33b
At least that's how i read it
Yeah, the 2.x-Version can only be played with the described Prototype-Announcement. All other chooseable normal playable Versions [stable / unstable / older] are in the 1.2.x / 1.3.x-Versions. That the Comrade maybe have forgotten.
Yeah, the Unity-Engine-Issue is well known. The big runs in the Mind from the Chiefs there get an big Shitstorm from the Gamers, Developers and Game-Magazines already. And one thing is clear: the Gamers don´t pay the more costs and the EU will file a lawsuit agains Unity about protection of data privacy.
Unity have only 1 Options to avoid that: to make an 180° degree and cancel that runs in the Mind from te Chiefs there. If not it will be six feet under.
Tresherke, I wanna try to explain the Versions:
The stable Version is the Version for normal Gamers, which belongs on the best outtested stable Game-Version. That´s was in the Beta-Branch 1 to 2 fully Versions to the latest Beta, now it´s 1 Version (Upgrade / Patch) to the unstable Version.
The unstable Version was the prevoius Beta-Version, which only can play Founders as Main-Beta-Testers and from later on after several years additional Beta-Testers. The unstable and stable Versions base on the latest stable Base-Game-Version, which is "Milestone 1" about the last Beta-Test-Years to make it Stable the fully Early-Game and half of the Mid-Game-Process.
The Devs still make Bugfixes for Milestone 1 to give the playerbase there an stable playing Platform with everything the Game have atm. included.
Milestone 2 is the new big Beta-Prototype-Version with more Improvements, Refits, Reworks, Upgrades etc. to the existing "Milestone 1, which get build up over Years". That new Beta-Version can only be played, if you are willing to risk for going back to an Prototype-Stadium and leave the Comfort-Zone from the stable "Milestone 1".
It´s mentioned in the Patch-Notes that Milestone 2 is an new Prototype. All other Patches are for Milestone 1 stable / unstable, which get announced too. The difference is to read the Pachtnotes / Dev Dirays correctly and not only overflow them.
Now to your Points:
Panic: Yeah, that´s an big Problem, we have and had in the Betas since Xenonauts 2 is playable. The first 50% of Players find it to hard, the other 50% find it to easy. To find an middleway for both Playergroups esp. Ingame in that isn´t easy and there were a lot tested and experimented already from the Devs and her Beta-Test-Helpers. The best compromise what could be done is that Panic get already adjusted to the Difficulty Settings / Ironman-Setting as fix Point and in the Gameplay for the biggest Challange at the End [like it´s in new XCOM / Phoenix Point / UFO ET-Series].
For the adjusted Panic-System in Milestone 2 you have to find new Ways to increase / decrease Panic. It´s an very good Indicator-System to see what´s going on. But an Solution for the Ingame-Part there is not easy and a lot get tested out to increase / decrease Panic. Evtl. such cool tested Features / Contents come back [like special Operations from the Enemys to increase the Escalation between NATO and East-Block-Pact, enemy Agents which make Propanda to incerase Panic as well as as reduction Panic use special trained Agents, help the Founders with Outpots etc.].
Some of that Contents / Features were tested in the Beta-Versions already and give some more Geoscape Action too (like fight together with Founder Aircrafts against UFOs which attacking an Outpost and similar).
Founding: Haven´t played the Milestone 2 much, but the Founding is an very important Feature / Contnent. No Building, Workshop, Laboratory etc. works with Money. You have to pay your Soldiers, Researchers, Workers etc. as well as have your Upkeep-Costs. That the Panic-System get Changed to bring in new Content / Features as well Reworks & Upgrades for the existing Panic-System and the Founding-System have to be adjusted for that to get the correct ballance again is clear after reading the Feedbacks from the Players which can make an comparision between Milestone 1 and 2.
I personaly find it interessting in all Games of that Gerne, that reduced Panic increases the Founding and increased Panic reduces the Founding. Additonal the Upkeep-Costs for Personal and Buildings, which have to be included in that Calculation too.
It will be very interessting to see what have done in the Panic- & Founding-System from the Refit of UFO 1 ET "Battle for Esperanza", when it comes out in about 1,5 Weeks.
Mission Order: Yeah, the Cleaners are very cool. More of such Enemys or Special Missions would be very cool. That I like in the new XCOM-Series and Phoenix Point, where you get more Allies and Enemys later on, which give you more Missions / Specials to choose from.
Sadly such Allies / Enemys and Specials get missing in the Xenonauts-Series as well as UFO ET-Series. The Allies could be other Alien-Races which are not influenced from your Enemys and more Enemys could be after the Cleaner-Thread Mercenary-Teams which get orderd from Alien-Influenced-Industry-Boses to fight your Xenonauts.
Your Idea with the different Ranks & Specialisations from the Aliens / Cleaners get were already integrated in Beta-Versions and seem to be in an Refit / Rework. I liked them very too in the Tests, but that have to be integrated in the Interrogations and R & D-Part as well as evtl. in the Storyline too. It would give the Game an great Boost, there I agree to 1.000.000 %.
Tech Tree / Item Upgrades: For Milestone 1 I give you right. There that Part going to fast and your Workshops couldn´t produce the new researched Items / Upgrades for Planes, Vehicles and Specialists. With the Milestone 2 you have more cool R & D-Content / Features and a lot ther got straightend. As well as the Feedback from us Beta-Testers / Prototype-Testers get in at least now.
The Tech Tree and Item- etc. Upgrades isn´t finshed yet and there will come a lot more Refits / Reworks / Changes etc. to them. The Milestone 2 in this regard with the Parts we can test out with the Feedback from beginning on Beta-Testers and other additional invited Testers from the Community is only the first Step.
Where I give you right, is that the Game-Fun is with only 360 Days to short, there I agree with your Statement to raise it minimum to 720 Days (like UFO 1 ET and other Games of the Gerne are doing it) or better raise the Game-Fun to 2,5 Years (900 Days). Atm. it´s only an run through Xenonauts 2 to see if the Game is acceptalbe for the Public. But to give the Public an great Game the Ingame-Time have to be raised to 2 or 2,5 Years. But for the R & D-Part as well as buildup Part on the Geoscape [Bases / Outposts incl. Buildings-Upgrades] the 1 Year limit is to short.
Soldier Module System: There the Meanings are differtent too. The new System which we have in Milestone 1 at the End was come up from the revert system you can test in Milestone 2 again. With that older System the from beginning on Beta-Testers made together with the Devs the stable Milestone 1. But only 1 System isn´t good, it could be devided in 2 Systems like the Devs have in Mind:
1. Suit- / Vest- / Armor: there the old System with the changeable Coursers for either Plates, Gas Mask or something similar are great. That brings more space in the Backback again.
2. Weapon- / Special-Modules: there the new System is good, because to integrate an 3rd System with the Arrows for the Suits / Vests / Armours will be to much for the existing System. Therefore I think the Belt have to come back for more Space for the Soldier again to get Ammonation / Grenades on the belt back and therefore get for an second Special or Weapon Module more Space in the Backback.
When the automated Module is then as an last Advancement for the Medicine boxes there, I could befriend with that System and it would be an big posthob for the direct Rival "UFO ET-Series" which have an Live-Support-System in the Armours, but not an automated healing System for the Soldiers later on, which could be an great advancement to the upgraded medicine boxes.
Nope, about reading the Infos first. So I knowed that the Milestone 1-Saves won´t work there about big Refits / Reworks / Upgrades & Changes in Milestone 2.
But I did an similar Failure in Hoi 4 long time ago, which had the Outcome to install everything from it completely new. You see we all aren´t perfect, me included.
Pietje666, to make a big Difference to the 08/15-Endings (which have still 99% of the Games) with either you win complete or you loose everything is not constructive anymore.
The Devs from old X-Com in Apocalypse made an Prototype-Testing to get in more Allies to fight the Enemy. But in the 1990s you didn´t have such Possibilitys like today and have normal Standard 2 Endings (either win complete or loose complete).
New XCOM-Series with the 3 other Organisations and the Storyline advanced the Allies-Possibilitys as an correct big Step, but you still have the 2 normal Endings (either win complete or loose complete).
The best Combination of both (Decissions / Endings) which lead to the minimum 4 different Endings give Phoenix Point the first Place. You have 3 or 4 Organisations, where you have to choose 1 later in the Game to work together to form the Ending.
If you get such or similar Decissions to create other Endings in Xenonauts 2, you get a lot more Gamefun. Atm. it´s only the Option to win or to loose. To get more Game-Endings give Xenonauts 2 more Pepper. Like said, the 2 named Standard 08/15-Endings get borring since 1,5 Decades.
Such Decissions to get more Game-Endings were already planed for Xenonauts 2. My Thoughts are only Examples, how it could look.
Xenonauts 2 is a much easier title than Xenonauts 1.
in Xenonauts-2 General Discussion
Posted · Edited by Alienkiller
Belongs on the Games you have played already in that Gerne or similar Gernes. 1/3 of the Gamers say Xenonauts 2 is hard, 1/3 of the Gamers say Xenonauts 2 is easy and the last 1/3 find it good ballanced.
But we all don´t have to forget that the Game isn´t finsished with Refits, Reworks, Gapfillings, Bugfixes etc. Means that we only know what is testable in Playing as well as read what the Devs can bring in for the existing Version and working on for the next Milestones.
When the Game get in the final Phase (and that won´t be in short or medium time, when you look in the To-Do-List you can see in the Main-Menue), then we will realy see how easy or hard it will be.
We all or the most of us have only the comparission from old X-COM-Row, Xeonauts 1 & UFO 1 Extraterestials or the newer Games of that Gerne (new XCOM-Row, Phoenix Point, UFO ET-Series incl. UFO 1 ET-Rework) on easy to hard Difficultys and Hardcore-Hook or special Hardcore-Difficulty-Setting as best examples.
I have looked an very interesstering special Interview from German Game-Magazines: There get explained what the Difficulty Settings mean and why about 75 to 80% of the Gamers use the middle Difficulty "in our Case Commander or how it get called in the Middle". After whatching this explenation it´s lighter to understood the very easy to with the Hook or special Settings Hell-Difficultys.